A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 222 Black's Trace

To be honest, Felix doesn't know whether Luna has a talent for divination. This little girl has always been very special, but the main point of his attention is: "You still go to the Forbidden Forest often?"

Luna was stunned for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about how to solve this problem. Felix also wanted to hear how she would argue, but then Luna froze in a trance.

Felix snapped his fingers in front of her, and Luna said dreamily, "Firenze is a good man."

Felix wasn't sure whether her words answered his previous question, but he roughly understood what she meant: the centaur named Firenze would protect her.

He said tentatively: "Maybe I can get to know your centaur friend? I happened to be going to the Forbidden Forest on the weekend to release a small animal..."

"Oh, I'm not sure, Firenze said his companions are traditional, and from what I understand, they have a bad temper," Luna said. "I can talk to him first."


Two days later, Hogwarts was overcast and rainy, and the black clouds were so low that it was hard to breathe. The temperature dropped to rock bottom, and Madam Pomfrey reminded the little wizards more than once to put on thick clothes.

"It doesn't need her to remind me at all. I mean, we're not fools." Ron pointed to the weather outside. The light rain was pouring down outside the window, hitting the shed of the second greenhouse.

Harry flicked the pods feebly. "Wood will like it. He thinks our first game is likely to catch up with a rainy day. He can't wait to add this part of the training to it... It's a chance for him."

Mrs. Sprout clapped her hands, attracting the attention of the little wizards, and she reminded: "Pay attention to your methods, be gentle, or they will retaliate against you severely."

But she said it was too late, Seamus Finnigan's movements were very rough, because he was repeating his experience in the rune class with Neville, "You see, as soon as I touched that fiery red magic symbol, it Just give a strong reaction, I guess... ouch!"

The pod in front of him burst open, shooting seven or eight hard beans from it, all hitting him in the face, one of which accidentally injured Neville, and he moaned along with it.

Mrs. Sprout came quickly, and she glanced at the scene. "Don't follow the instructions and ignore the teacher's words! I should have deducted points for you, Mr. Finnigan." She took Seamus and Neville away. At the corner, "Just apply a little ointment. To be honest, if you are so careless when you squeeze the pus of the balbo tuber, you will definitely suffer..."

A flash of lightning flashed suddenly, illuminating the somewhat dim castle. Felix retracted his wand and turned to write and draw on the parchment. In a glass container next to him, a fist-sized eight-eyed spider said angrily: "You're not trustworthy, wizard!"

Felix said: "I promised you to let you go back before Halloween. I didn't say which day. And... you really don't consider my advice? I can let you be my assistant."

"What assistant? Like the little girl?" said the eight-eyed spider, which had seen Hermione, and the little witch was very interested in him until Felix showed her his true size.

Under normal conditions, the eight-eyed giant spider is the size of a small carriage, with hard black hair all over its body, a small and ugly head, and a pair of large claws that always make a "clicking" sound anytime and anywhere.

"Ah, almost, but you have to continue to cooperate with my research." Felix said.

The eight-eyed spider thought for a moment, and then shouted angrily. Felix thought it was noisy and put a silencer on the glass container.

"Finally got the detailed test data. The rest of the work is to carry out some repeated tests on other creatures, compare the results, and know what to do." Felix put away a thick stack of parchment.

Every ancient magic he currently masters, he will do it again. Flitwick recognized this caution.

That night, the light rain turned into a torrential rain, and the pea-sized raindrops knocked on the window edge of the castle. While half asleep, Felix heard a low beeping alarm.

He sat up abruptly, his wand in his hand instantly. Waiting quietly for a few seconds, no one was there, but he quickly thought of something, quickly came out of the bedroom, and pushed open the office window——

The rain was swept into the room by the strong wind, it was pitch black outside the window, and the alarm sound became clear all of a sudden.

"It's a pocket looking glass at the gate of the castle, here comes Sirius Black!"

He turned over and jumped out of the window. A faint light flashed in the ring, and a flying broom suddenly appeared. In the next second, he rode the broom through the layers of rain as thick as a curtain and disappeared in front of the office.

When he appeared at the gate of the castle, there was no one here, except for a spot above the gate, which was constantly flashing with golden light, accompanied by a loud buzzing sound.

Felix pointed his wand at himself, and a large mist of water emanated from him, making him look like a boiling kettle. At this moment, Dumbledore appeared. He was wearing a gray-blue pajamas without glasses, and a fiery red phoenix was lying on his shoulders.

"Hello, Fox." Felix greeted.

Fox groaned.

A tabby cat appeared in the distance, turning into a panting Professor McGonagall as he ran.

"Have you found anything, Felix?" said Dumbledore in a deep voice.

"Obviously, I'm late." Felix pointed to the broom in his hand. Of the three, he was the closest to the castle gate. "Already arrived at the fastest speed, but the rain has helped him a lot."

"Is it Sirius Black?" Professor McGonagall asked anxiously.

"Obviously..." Felix waved his wand, stopping the beeping.

"We should search the castle, Dumbledore," Professor McGonagall said solemnly. "Felius Flitwick, Severus Snape, Argus Filch..." she muttered. With one name after another, three silver-white cats flew out of her wand and flew away in different directions.

Dumbledore watched quietly as Professor McGonagall's Patronus disappeared. He leaned down to observe the ground at the gate of the castle, his fingers touched the cold marble, and then he nimbly walked into the castle and asked about the row of portraits closest to the gate.

"Did any outsiders break in?"

"No, we didn't find anything," said the character in the portrait, "Of course we can be deceived, Mr. Principal."

Dumbledore nodded, but said nothing.

"Is it possible that Black is hiding in the castle, Albus?" said Professor McGonagall worriedly.

"It's unlikely," Dumbledore said softly. "Felix was coming so fast that he couldn't take it easy to clean up his tracks. It's very possible that he just appeared from a distance and set off the alarm. But our most Get ready, Fox—"

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