Later, Dobby returns to report the results to Felix—

"Mr. Hepp, the woman surnamed Skeeter has agreed, and, in the process, the silver-white bird on my head..."

"I see, Dobby, this is the test I mentioned to you, and it worked better than I thought."


In the evening, Felix walked into the auditorium happily.

‘Well, which academy table did you choose today? ' he thought, thinking divergently, which is one of his pleasures, always hearing a lot of new things at meals, 'Just Ravenclaw, the kittens have been keeping a low profile lately. ’

Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the Slytherin players walking into the auditorium with brooms laughing and talking, knowing that the Quidditch season was about to begin.

Felix took aim at a small group of Ravenclaw students and was about to sit next to them, the fat, freckled boy discussing loudly and enthusiastically.

"—recently learned kabbah, yes, a webbed aquatic creature—like a monkey with scales—Professor Lupin is pretty good—"

Felix subconsciously glanced at the teacher's seat, and as expected, he saw a slightly tired figure.

"Professor Lupin?" Felix changed direction and sat next to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, greeting him kindly.

"Professor Hepp," Lupin responded equally gently, "excuse my cold." He fiddled with the scarf around his neck.

"October is indeed flu season, and I remember last year as well." Felix smiled and added some pastrami and potatoes to his plate. "Mrs. Pomfrey has been busy lately."

Lupin showed a look of recollection, "She is indeed a responsible school doctor. She helped me a lot when I was in school."

Felix was obviously confused. He thought that Lupin was referring to the fight with the students of Slytherin House during his school days. Snape must be involved here, so he kept his mouth shut and turned to other topics.

"You should have received your dueling class schedule, Professor Lupin?"

"Miss Granger handed it to me last week." Lupin said thoughtfully, "I saw the content of the Extraction Charm, which can be used against Grindylo..."

Felix asked, "Those green water ghosts with horns? I remember there were some in Black Lake, but they should have been tamed by mermen."

"Indeed," Lupin reached for a distant dish of sauce, "it's more convenient for my teaching, oh, thanks—" he said.

"You're welcome," Felix pushed the sauce to him, their arms touching.

He lowered his eyes, and the strange feeling reappeared. From the first time they met and shook hands, he felt that the hair on Lupin's hands was very lush and much harder than normal.

Lupin, unaware, continued: "Grindillo's fingers are very strong, but fragile, and the trick to getting rid of them is that they can't catch themselves."

"The strongest is also the weakest?" Felix said with interest: "Somewhat similar to Professor Flitwick's point of view, he also believes that wizards are the strongest when attacking, but they also expose their weaknesses. So when casting spells, try to be as quick and concise as possible, and leave room for…”

Lupin said with a smile: "Professor Flitwick is really experienced, and his fighting championship is very valuable."

"Speaking of which..." Felix said slowly, "Flitwick also wanted to enter the Ministry of Magic when he was young, but was rejected because of his bloodline."

Lupin stopped and listened quietly.

"... Of course, the reason cannot be so straightforward, but everyone knows the virtues of the Ministry of Magic. Professor Lupin, what do you think of the discrimination in the Ministry of Magic?"

Lupin smiled and said: "This kind of argument is not new. As early as when I was in school, there have been people who criticized the Ministry of Magic for being rigid and inactive, but after more than ten years, it has not changed much."

"Perhaps it's time for a change at the Ministry of Magic?"

"It's hard," Lupin pondered, "unless there is a bold minister. As for Fudge, he's a politician and a cowardly coward," he said bluntly, "living on a daily basis. It has exhausted all his courage."

Felix was surprised by his attitude towards Fudge. He didn't know where this resentment came from. You must know that Fudge's mild tone is still very marketable.

At the very least, the wizarding populace is less likely to have a minister who intervenes too much in their lives—except during wars.

Then the two talked about Sirius Black.

"Miss Granger once asked me a question that I couldn't answer," Felix said. "What she asked was why Blake had been in Azkaban for more than ten years and suddenly chose to Jailbreak. You know, if you get caught, there's a good chance that a Dementor's kiss will be waiting for him."

"Professor Lupin, you should know him very well, do you have any guesses?"

Lupin frowned, Felix's words pierced his long-standing hidden confusion, and some unrealistic fantasy in his heart was stirring again, and this thought made him chew the past happy times repeatedly in the dead of night, But it also made his tired heart scarred.

'Lupin, Lupin, what are you expecting! Years of wandering life have completely confused your mind? ’

But on the surface, he just said indifferently: "Since Blake betrayed, I can't understand his thoughts anymore."

"It's a pity," Felix said softly, "Harry and the others also asked me about Blake's secrets, and they were worried that they would meet Blake one day."

Lupin couldn't help repeating his point: "Hogwarts is safe."


Back in the office, Felix pondered the conversation with Lupin, and on a piece of parchment he wrote 'Remus Lupin' and then 'Sirius Black', between the two names Connect a line, put a question mark, and then fall into thinking.

He knew very little about Blake, and nothing more practical than the huge contrast between his teenage years and his adulthood.

And Lupin... Felix always felt awkward.

Dumbledore trusts him, and he has seen him in the memory fragments of Frank and Alice, which shows that Lupin is a member of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​almost certain;

But Snape made no secret of his malice towards him. From Felix's point of view, the reason why Snape refrained from chanting the curse was because of the existence of Dumbledore.

Felix checked the records of the year, and Snape had the most conflicts with James Potter, followed by Blake, but the number of disputes between Lupin and Peter Pedirou was actually pitiful.

Is hate house and Wu?

But Snape had a good opinion of Peter Pedillo, at least he was called 'Peter' instead of the surname 'Pedillo'. With Felix's knowledge of his own dean, this is already rare.

If Lupin died, Snape would certainly not change calling him 'Remus'.

Felix began to write down what he had doubts about Lupin—

'With a mild personality, Snape hated him extremely;'

'My own ability is extraordinary, and I am loved by the little wizard, but it was once poor;'

'Weak and easily overwhelmed by a cold, is Madam Pomfrey's potion ineffective? ’

'The hair on the arms is unusual;'

'Unusual dislike of Fudge, Minister of Magic;'

Felix marked the name 'Fudge' heavily. The minister had only been in office for a few years. Apart from covering his cover, he presided over a handful of policies, and it would not take too much time to calculate one by one.

It didn't take long for him to think of Bellby's complaints to the Ministry of Magic last year—

"Look at the newspapers in the recent period! What is the 'Gospel of Werewolf' and 'Werewolf Registration Amendment Act'? Only registered and supervised werewolves have the right to buy wolf poison potions. The Ministry of Magic is using me The potion to restore scattered werewolves..."

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