A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 214 Cedric Diggory

On the last Saturday of September, the new recruiting assessment for the Rune Club began.

Hermione called Harry and Ron up early, and after the three had breakfast, they hurried to the ancient Rune classroom.

Harry looked tired, Ron rubbed his eyes hard, and complained, "Hermione, we're too early. And Harry and I just need to hand in the papers, and Professor Hepp won't. Score on the spot."

Hermione looked at them seriously, "Of course I went to help, the paper you wrote..." She pouted, not saying anything mean, but her meaning was obvious.

Harry blushed a little. It took him and Ron two weeks to get seven feet together, and it was killing them.

The longest paper Harry had ever written was no more than three feet. It was an essay on "The Book of Medieval European Wizards" assigned by Professor Binns last year. If he remembered correctly, Hermione's assignment was four feet seven inches. , and her writing is very small.

The door of the ancient Rune classroom was locked, and there was a note on the door: The examination location of the Rune Club was changed to classroom No. 7 on the same floor.

Below the text is a stick figure, an abstract stickman beckoning them to move forward.

"The location has changed?" Harry looked at Hermione in confusion, and Hermione shook his head, "I don't know either, maybe it was changed temporarily."

A voice appeared from behind, it was a clean and clear voice, "How are you?"

The three turned around, and a tall, thin boy stood behind them. He looked extremely handsome, with jet-black hair and a straight nose. Except for his pale complexion, he could hardly find any faults.

He reached out and introduced himself, "I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory."

Harry also held out his hand, "I know you, Seeker and new captain of the Hufflepuffs, Wood mentioned you, and you were great in dueling class. Oh, yes, I'm Harry. Potter."

Cedric smiled, "You can't compare to you. There shouldn't be anyone in the school who doesn't know you, right? Are these two your friends?"

"Yeah, this is Ron Weasley, this is Hermione Granger, both in third grade." Harry introduced Ron and Hermione.

The two looked at Cedric curiously.

They walked towards classroom 7 together. Ron and Hermione didn't talk much because of strangers. Harry wasn't a talkative person, but he could talk Quidditch with Cedric.

Harry looked for a topic: "Cedric, are you new to the team this year? I remember Hufflepuff's previous Seeker was a senior girl."

Cedric laughed, "I joined the team in my third grade, and this is my third year."

Harry was a little embarrassed that he had no memory of such a man on the Hufflepuff team.

Fortunately, Cedric explained his confusion: "I used to be a Chaser, but last year, I left several veterans at once, and it was difficult to find a suitable Seeker candidate, so I came on top, served as the captain, and formed a new Team..."

Harry understood a little, and Wood also mentioned in the previous conversation that the new captain of Hufflepuff should not be underestimated, and it could not be a newcomer.

But no matter who the opponent is, he has the confidence to win and win his second Quidditch Cup.

The two then began to discuss Quidditch tactics, which seemed strange to Ron and Hermione, and the captain of Hufflepuff and the Seeker of Gryffindor discussed Quidditch, Knowing more than a month later they are likely to be rivals.

Cedric said: "To be honest, I was under a lot of pressure, and I was called in danger... I read various tactical manuals throughout the summer vacation. I didn't have to think about it when I was a player in the past."

Harry also remembered last year's picture of Wood trying to pull the players to explain various tactics. When approaching the final, the twins thought Wood was hysterical and might "need to stay in the school hospital for two days".

Now he suddenly understood Wood.

Harry casually introduced a few Quidditch books, which he had seen in his pastime last year, which he found useful. Cedric wrote down the name happily. "I've never heard of one, thank you, Harry."

"Speaking of which," Harry asked, "can Seekers be captains too? I've always been flying alone, and I may not have considered the situation on the field."

Cedric happened to have seen this content: "These are two different strategies, some teams will try their best to guarantee the Seeker's freedom of flight, not participate in the team's actions, let him play, they think this can be better. Find the Snitch quickly."

"And some teams need the Seeker to participate in the team's offense and defense from time to time."

Harry pondered for a while, "It sounds like the latter is more demanding." Wood never asked him to organize a defense. His only requirement of himself was to catch the Snitch as quickly as possible.

"You can't say the same," Cedric explained, "for a talented Seeker, you, Harry, you can finish a game in half an hour, and if I have talent like you on my team, I'm sure It'll give you absolute freedom, because it's hard to make a 150-point gap in such a short period of time."

Hearing this, Harry almost understood the similarities and differences between the two strategies.

Ron suddenly said, "Harry's fastest time ever, caught the Snitch in five minutes! Breaking a school record."

Harry remembered with some embarrassment that it was his record against Hufflepuff last year, and he peeked at Cedric, the new captain of Hufflepuff was a little unhappy.

He hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Cedric, did you also write the thesis? To be honest, at seven feet, Professor Hepp is too demanding."

Cedric followed his words: "I met the first requirement, and I have roughly mastered thirty practical runes."

Turning through a pitch-black corridor, Harry was delighted to find that they finally found the deeply hidden classroom No. 7. He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally there was no need to talk.

The classroom door was ajar, and they glanced into the room, which was pitch-dark and no light could be seen.

"Did we go to the wrong place?" Harry asked. He didn't feel well, he could think of a similar scene in first grade, when they stumbled into the trapdoor entrance with the Philosopher's Stone in order to avoid Filch.

At that time, they saw a big dog with three heads. When the big dog stood up, the middle forehead could reach the ceiling. It was only later that he learned that the three-headed dog was raised by Hagrid, and it also had a name called "Lu Wei".

"I don't think so." Hermione said, pointing to the note on the wall, which read "The Rune Club is recruiting new assessment venues".

Several people looked at each other and walked in nervously.

Surprisingly, the inside of the room was a meadow of fragrant birds and flowers, and they seemed to have passed through the space and came to the depths of the forbidden forest.

After walking a few steps, they saw the figure of Professor Haipu——

He was sitting on the grass with a small low table in front of him. The professor seemed to have brought all his tea utensils over and was drinking tea with great taste. In front of him are more than a dozen magic puppets, male and female, old and young.

These magic puppets are standing not far ahead, rehearsing a play.

"Look, that's the east, and you're the sun."

As they approached, they happened to hear one of the lines of dialogue.

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