A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 205 Flitwick's Seventeen Duel Teaching

For the little wizards at Hogwarts, the duel class on Thursdays on the second and fourth weeks of each month is definitely a large-scale competitive social activity to condition the body and mind and move hands and feet.

In the eyes of many people, this course is expected to compete with Quidditch. At least they can actually participate, not as a spectator on the field.

The auditorium was crowded, and before the professor arrived, the students were in groups of three and five, chatting with each other enthusiastically. Harry saw Percy talking eloquently about how he obtained the 12 OWLs certificate, and Hermione's eyes lit up beside him.

"I'll be back in a minute," said Hermione, leaving Harry and Ron behind.

They saw her squeeze into the crowd, whispering something, and Percy, who was at first casual, soon widened his eyes. The two quickly passed the crowd and rushed to the corner of the auditorium where four long tables were piled up.

As he passed the twins, Percy stopped and warned them, "I don't know what you've used to avoid my sight, maybe a tracking spell or something—"

The twins looked at each other, and Fred winked and said, "Did you hear that, George, the Seeking Curse...another day of good!"

George gave an exaggerated salute, one hand behind his back: "Noble act, Percy! Just to add to the great cause of mischief, we'll leave you a name."

"Slap big—"

"No, the badge is big enough. We only need to write down the words "big head boy", so it is clear at a glance."

Harry, who was not far away, laughed "chichi". He quickly turned his eyes away and stared at Ginny beside her. Her face quickly turned red, and it seemed that her good friend Luna Love had fainted. Goodwill's posture.

"Do you need me to tell you a bad joke?" Luna said abruptly, staring, Harry was used to it, he knew this little girl always did.

"Any insight, Luna?" He glanced quickly in Percy's direction, and they were already standing under a piece of armor whispering.

"Your brain is in a mess, a group of sojourning harassment flies must have built a nest in your brain recently..." Luna shook the bracelet solemnly, "I can help you drive them away."

"How?" said Harry, who caught a glimpse of Professor Hepp at the door of the Great Hall.

"You need to quiet down first and become less attractive to harassing flies..."

"Thanks, I don't think I have any of these weird things on my mind," Harry said quickly.

Professor Hepp and Snape came in, which was not what he expected, no, there was another professor, Flitwick, who he had just missed.

Hermione in the distance hurried back, and the little wizards consciously stood according to the academy.

Felix blessed himself with a loud voice and said loudly: "Welcome back to dueling class, little wizards! I saw many familiar faces, and many new ones..."

In front of their respective colleges, a row of little beanies looked cautiously and curiously. They were the freshmen of their respective colleges this year, and Harry saw the little witch named 'Romida Vanni' staring at Professor Hepp with all the stars in his eyes. .

"Before the class begins, allow me to introduce to you that we have welcomed our third resident dueling professor, Filius Flitwick!"

The diminutive Flitwick took a few steps forward. He was dressed formally today, in a strict little suit, and he twisted his wand gracefully, as if he was holding a baton.

There were warm cheers from Ravenclaw House, and clusters of sparks were released from the crowd, finally forming an eagle symbolizing Ravenclaw House.

Harry thought they must have borrowed the pattern from the answer parchment - the two looked alike.

Students from other colleges were also applauding desperately, and when it came to popularity, Flitwick was definitely the best dean of the four colleges.

"Thank you, thank you—" Flitwick was so excited that he took out a Ravenclaw handkerchief to wipe the corners of his eyes, "I'm so excited today, it's like standing on a podium for the first time. "

Today is Flitwick's special performance. Felix and Snape deliberately downplayed their existence and let Flitwick show their charm. And Flitwick bowed to the two professors, and then cast a spell to his heart's content. In his hands, spellcasting seemed to be equated with art.

After a few minutes of stunt, Flitwick got to the point. He shook his wand, and from the tip of the wand spewed a large plume of bronze smoke, which condensed into blurred figures standing on the gilded stage.

These bronze-colored figures faced each other in pairs, as if they were engaged in a duel. Every pair has a little wizard, and that should be Flitwick.

The little wizards counted them carefully, and there were seventeen groups.

Flitwick screeched, "Allow me to look through my memory of the glorious moment that was more than sixty years ago... After seventeen duels, I was crowned the 1931 Wizarding Duel Champion. name."

He waved his wand and made the first group of bronze figures move: the tall wizard raised his hand and cast a spell, and the short figure lowered his head to fight back, knocking down the opponent in just one blow.

Flitwick commented, "See? My opponent underestimated the enemy. He thought I was short and definitely not that good, but this was one of the easiest victories I've ever had."

"It's short, but wonderful. We can learn a lot from it..."

"The first rule, never underestimate the enemy in a duel, many of you can think of this, but not many wizards really do it;"

"What else? Yes, seize the moment. I didn't stand on the defensive, but launched a counterattack. This also reminds us that wizards are the most vulnerable when attacking. You must protect yourself and learn to stay. room;"

"It won't be easy, does anyone know? Remind me, it has something to do with my unique height." Flitwick looked at the little wizard in the audience expectantly.

Harry's eyes lit up, he had heard a similar expression, from Professor Hepp!

He was the first to raise his hand, and after being called by his name, he said excitedly: "Combined with personal characteristics, create the most suitable fighting system for you."

Flitwick laughed. "That's great, Potter! Yes, personality, that's important, we're all unique, and you have to accept everything about yourself, the good, the bad..."

"I used to worry about my height and size. Most of the time, I had to keep my head up in a duel. Another disadvantage of being small was that I couldn't move fast enough, my arms weren't long enough, and my opponent was very It's easy to judge the coverage of my spell."

The little wizards listened quietly, wondering how Professor Flitwick had solved these problems.

"—but then I came out of the shadows, I accepted my imperfections, and after a while, my height became my advantage. Few wizards have the experience of dueling with short people like me, they always It’s a matter of coping with mistakes, or it’s a mentality problem or a habit problem.”

"My size makes it easier for me to dodge spells, and I no longer pursue movement speed, but exercise a more flexible pace..."

Flitwick said with a look of emotion, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience, and he heard someone in his academy shouting "Dean, you are the best!" He couldn't help wiping the corner of his eyes again.

"Next, we watched the second duel, and I met a very interesting person, and we became friends later."


More than an hour later, Flitwick used his own experience to describe the real duel scenes to the little wizards, and the students felt that they had gained a lot.

Harry even thought he could stuff those words into the paper without changing the word, and give it to Professor Hepp.

But this kind of thing can only be thought about.

Felix walked to the center of the gilded stage and said with a smile: "There is less than half an hour left, I discussed it with the two professors, and then changed to the guidance battle.

Students choose professors to get one-on-one instruction, and after a whole year and a summer vacation last year, many of you are very confident in your level..."

He looked around and saw faces eager to try.

"Then, show it off!"

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