A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 196 The problem of scaling spells

Felix had a very busy first weekend of the new school year.

With the approach of the first dueling class, he must quickly finalize the candidate for the third resident professor. Privately, he asked Flitwick and McGonagall what they thought.

Professor McGonagall declined him politely, on the grounds that she was also the vice-principal, and there were many trivial things in the school that she needed to worry about.

"If it's an occasional one or two, I'd love to," she told Felix.

The progress on the other side went very smoothly. Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, Flitwick readily accepted the invitation, as if he had been waiting for this day.

From a neutral point of view, Felix also agreed that Flitwick was the most suitable professor.

As the leader of the dueling class, he had to take into account the difficulty and learnability of the spells he taught, because he was dealing with students in the school's seventh grade.

As an experienced spell professor, Flitwick has undoubtedly mastered a number of techniques to simplify the difficulty of learning spells.

In contrast, Transfiguration appears to have a higher threshold - it is not an easy task to use Transfiguration flexibly in duels, it is a test of the wizard's silent and fast casting and imagination of duels.

And even a senior at Hogwarts would be hard-pressed to unleash a full-fledged biomorph, let alone in combat.

"Transfiguration is the realm of genius, representing the imaginative power of magic." This was what a duel master who was good at transfiguration wrote on the Magic Codex, and Felix partially agreed with him.

Ravenclaw Dean's Office.

After resolving the invitation issue, Felix and Flitwick spent nearly a day discussing improvements to the Scaling Charm.

"The scaling spell does not perform well on magical creatures. Of course, it may also be because the current test creature is only one type of Flobber caterpillar, which is not representative." Felix took out a stack of test data from the ring, Hand it to Flitwick.

The Flobber caterpillar is a ten-inch-long, generally tan-colored worm that likes wet conditions and can be seen in the shade of the Forbidden Forest.

Although the slime of the Flobber caterpillars can thicken magic potions, they are not valued because they are so common that they are comparable to those of cat raccoons. They are one of the food sources for the other amazing animals in the Forbidden Forest and are at the bottom of the entire biological chain.

So Felix took the Flobber Caterpillar test without any psychological burden, without worrying about legal issues. But the results are often not great. Pustules grow on the already ugly caterpillars, which look daunting.

And most importantly, he never found the problem.

Flitwick sat on a blue-upholstered chair with his feet hanging in the air. He flipped through the data and thought carefully, "Could it have something to do with the imbalance in magic?"

"Unbalanced?" Felix asked.

"Yes, I recently re-examined this spell. The scaling spell was originally completed by me with reference to modern magic theory, so it can be said that it is a piece of spell. Therefore, there may be a magical incoherence at the joint."

Felix thought for a while and said, "I've also considered this issue, but during the casting process, I didn't feel anything different, nor did I feel any stagnation."

"We can try!" Flitwick jumped out of his chair. "One person is responsible for part of the work. You cast the spell, and I will perceive it."

Felix understood what he meant: "You want to use other magic to magnify your senses to feel the formation and flow of the spell? It's really worth a try, I don't have this condition alone."

Flitwick laughed. "Isn't that what cooperation is all about?"

He pointed at himself with his wand and whispered: "Super senses... ears and eyesight... Magical manifestation... Adimo's voice..." One after another magical light flickered on Flitwick.

Felix watched this scene with admiration. Few people can do this. Just solving the problem of multiple spells interacting with each other can stun 99% of the wizards.

Soon Professor Flitwick had finished his work, and his appearance became strange, his ears were long, bronze-colored trumpets, his eyes were gray, and his leprechaun-like face was gleaming with different colors of light. , which look like colorful light bulbs.

Flitwick's expression was very strange, struggling to maintain the effect of the spell, he squeezed a few words from his teeth: "Hurry up...it won't last long..."

Felix's expression was solemn. He deliberately mobilized his magic power to make them more active. The light blue light continued to converge, and then a dazzling beam of light burst out.

His spell hit a quill, and the quill made a "crackling" sound, rapidly expanding and expanding, from the size of a dagger, to a somewhat curved spear in the blink of an eye, and it continued to change.

When the quill extended to a small half of the office, it finally couldn't bear Felix's magic power, it exploded with a bang, and a huge shock wave spread.

The entire office was in a mess like a gust of wind.

Felix took two steps back under the Iron Armor spell. Flitwick was thrown away because he wanted to maintain the spell. The small head turned somersaults in the air. He quickly pointed his wand at himself, and then slowly floated down. .

The Flitwick man was in the air, staring at the blue powder that was scattered, like a dazzling blue galaxy falling down, he couldn't help saying excitedly: "Felix, your magic is too strong, it has completely changed The structure of a quill pen."

When he calmed down, he warned: "Don't use it on people until this magic is completely perfected."

Felix nodded and said, "I think so too. Filius, did you find anything just now?"

"Gee, that's amazing... I did find something interesting." Flitwick waved his wand, restoring the furnishings in the room, before shaking his wand and sending out a cloud of bronze smoke.

The smoke was constantly deforming, transforming into an phantom of a wizard casting a spell, which Felix recognized as the scene where he cast the spell.

"Here, here, and here, there is an extremely subtle imbalance in these three positions." Flitwick explained what he saw with the help of the silhouette of the smoke condensed.

Felix stared at the screen and said softly, "I didn't notice it at all before."

Flitwick smiled heartily: "It's really hard to find out in one person's research, but in any case, we have a new idea."

After leaving the office, Felix went to the potions professor's office again, discussed with Snape the teaching content of the new school year, and told him about the invitation to Flitwick.

Snape looked at him suspiciously. "I thought you would invite that Lupin."

Felix stared at him without speaking, why don't you know?

Maybe his eyes were too straightforward, making Snape a little annoyed. "I still have work to do, if you don't mind, Felix..."


In the evening, Felix was in the office sorting out the information of the Rune Club, and it was not until Hermione knocked on the door to receive Rune training that he realized that he had missed dinner.

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