Hermione was still struggling, and Harry raised his hand tremblingly.

"Very good, Potter, whether it is successful or not, add ten points to your courage." Felix nodded with satisfaction, he looked at the others: "He needs an assistant, through words, let him think of some happy things, there are Volunteer?"

Many people over Gryffindor raised their hands.

But Draco also raised his left hand: "Oh, Professor, I'm willing to try. Potter, I have something to tell you, you won't dare?"

Harry said without fear, "That's you, Malfoy."

The two stood face to face.

"I dare say my words will make you cry, Potter," Draco scoffed, his voice deliberately low.

Harry stared at his platinum blonde hair and said, "You can try."

Draco narrowed his light-colored eyes: "You should have heard of Sirius Black, right?"

"So what?"

"Hehe, Potter, if I were you, I would definitely take revenge at all costs..."

Harry's heart tightened, he knew! He knew that Sirius Black was my dad's best friend! But why did he use the word 'revenge'? He suddenly thought of something, and his whole stomach turned upside down.

But he said 'calmly': "What do you want to say?"

"Oh, Potter!" Draco grinned, eyes gleaming maliciously. "How did your parents die, you don't know? How pathetic, surrounded by lies."

"I know," Harry said suddenly.


"I know everything, Black is a Death Eater, he went to Voldemort, a wise choice... just like your father was." Harry suppressed the terrible thoughts that rose in his heart, his task now is to fight back, he must not be in A cowardly expression appeared in front of the enemy.

"What did you say?" Draco whispered.

Harry said with a deadpan expression, "You know what I mean, the Wallflower Family, everyone knows what you guys are, don't they?"

Draco's pale face flushed with anger. "How dare you! Potter..."

"What's not to dare?" Harry smiled happily, choked by the sudden surge of suppressed emotions, he had to find a way to vent, or he would scream desperately.

He leaned in front of Draco, and they were so close that Harry could even see the wings of his snorted nose, he whispered, "Malfoy, your family are Voldemort's lackeys, more than any other. Nothing like a full-blooded family. You think you're proud? But you're wrong! The stigma of the Malfoy name will stay with you for the rest of your life!"

"You, you..." Draco's mind was in a mess, and he retorted loudly: "My family is not You-Know-Who's lackeys!"

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and they could only hear what the two of them whispered before.

But at least this sentence, they heard clearly.

"Is that so? You yell Voldemort to listen." Harry also turned the volume up so that everyone could hear what he said.

The whole class fell silent, dead silent.

Felix waved his wand and moved the two slightly apart. "Okay, the test is over. Potter, Malfoy, get back to your seat."

The others looked at the golden looking glass above the table, which was shining brightly.

In Ron's excited voice of "Nice job, Harry!" Harry sat down again, now in the mood to ponder the thought that had just passed by.

Revenge, revenge, what is revenge?

Unless Sirius Black did something wrong to him first.

All he had heard from Hermione was that Blake and his father were good friends at school and broke a lot of school rules together. He, Hermione, and Ron speculate that the relationship between the two was completely broken when Black joined the Death Eaters and became enemies.

And Black escaped from prison to hunt him down, but also to restore his master Voldemort's strength, just like the first-year Professor Quirrell, there is no personal grudge in it.

But Harry found he was wrong, very wrong.

From Mr. Weasley's attitude to the 'revenge' mentioned by Malfoy, he suddenly had an incredible idea.

Harry left the get out of class in a daze, and even Professor Hepp asked everyone to come forward to choose the magic puppet they liked, but he just took one at random.

Hermione hugged an ice-blue-haired puppet with joy, and she saw the expression on Harry's face, "What's the matter with you, Harry?"

"It's nothing." He stumbled away, and Ron shouted, "Where are you going? We should go to the auditorium for dinner." But he didn't pay attention at all, carrying his schoolbag in one hand and the black-haired puppet in the other, and went straight back. dormitory.

The dormitory was empty, and he opened the box under the bed and pulled aside the top pile of clothes until he saw a leather-faced magic album—the one that Hagrid had given him two years ago, and he kept it from time to time. will look over.

Harry couldn't wait to turn, page one, page two, and then his breathing stopped.

His eyes stopped on the photos of his parents' wedding day. His father smiled and waved at him, his mother was beaming with happiness, and they held hands.

And next to his father was a handsome, grinning man with black hair, his face not sunken from his imprisonment, his hair not tangled, but Harry recognized this man at a glance—

Sirius Black!

Harry felt a pang of dizziness, his heart pounding. His stomach continued to churn, stronger than the feeling after being specially trained by Professor Hepu, but he suddenly had a strong emotion.

Thoughts of revenge gnawed at his heart, he grabbed the wand he had and held it tightly.

'Maybe I should get out of Hogwarts, find the man, and... kill him! ’

But the thought was interrupted, "Harry!" Ron and Hermione entered the dormitory, looking at him worriedly.

Harry's tense heart loosened, and he let out a deep breath.


Later in the day, Felix planned to visit Hagrid, who had seen quite a few amazing magical creatures during last year's Forbidden Forest adventure and might be able to recommend it to Hagrid.

Like a baby unicorn, or a silly looking flower fairy.

But a phoenix with gorgeous feathers appeared in front of him, and he looked at it in surprise: "Fox? Is it Dumbledore looking for me?"

Phoenix nodded, it fell on Felix's shoulder, and he appeared in the principal's office.

Dumbledore sat behind the long-legged table, dressed formally, as if preparing to go out, or just returning from the outside. His expression was serious, and he didn't smile until he saw Felix.

"Felix, forgive me for calling you here so late."

"Is something wrong, Dumbledore?"

"I heard about the seven kinds of looking glasses you introduced in class... one of them, can target specific people?"

"Yes, but that person's hair, or body tissue or something," Felix replied, also thinking about Dumbledore's intentions.

"It just meets your requirements." Dumbledore lifted a piece of red cloth, and a few black hairs lay quietly on it.

"This is..." Felix already had a guess.

"Sirius Black's hair." Dumbledore lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice.

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