Professor Flitwick waved his hands embarrassingly, "I'm so sorry, Minerva, I'm so excited... You know, I've been studying that magic for years."

Professor McGonagall's anger subsided, and she asked with doubts, "What is the effect?"

"Excellent, thanks to Felix. We all agreed that this ancient magic has enormous potential to be tapped, and may even have an effect on creatures like fire dragons. We call it the 'Powerful Scaling Charm', which combines scaling and Amplifying spell, but stronger."

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

"Yes, Minerva, it's that much of an exaggeration. Of course, there's still room for improvement."

Professor Sprout hurried back and took careful care of the two wand trees, but she didn't take a good look at the perpetrators until Felix gave her three bags of magical plant seeds from the black market.

"These seeds are very precious, where did you buy them?" Sprout looked at him in amazement.

Felix said vaguely: "I also asked my friends in France to find it. It's purely a leak, and I won't have such a good chance next time..."

Sprout thought he got it from the French Ministry of Magic through a relationship, so instead of asking further, she discussed with him the usefulness of the seeds.

"This is the seed of the thorn vine, which looks a bit like a brown thorny pod. It will be used in the sixth grade classroom," she said.

"This is the seed of the hyena tree."

"And this, the seed of the protector tree, the breath it emits will repel low-level dark creatures, I really want to plant a circle around Hogwarts..."

"Oh my God, there are seeds of Gills! Felix, have you seen it? Gills! It comes from the Mediterranean Sea and is a magical aquatic plant. It can be swallowed directly to breathe underwater, but this is pure It's a waste, and its role in the field of potions is irreplaceable."

Sprout rambled, her chubby body kept shuttling in the third greenhouse, finding bottles and jars from the corner, and storing these seeds in different categories.

She was humming with joy, as cheerful as a bee - bloated, but very industrious.

Felix looked at the place, the smell of soil and manure mixed in the air, accompanied by a strong scent of flowers, which made his nose in a state of contradiction - both wanting to breathe freely, and a little secretive.

The huge corolla hanging from the ceiling is like a colorful umbrella, arranging the space above the greenhouse in a random and layered manner.

Felix asked, "Is this an umbrella flower?"

"Yeah, they're floral, but be careful not to get too obsessed."

Felix agreed with a smile. He watched the rows of toadstools swaying gently on the ground. Next to them were some empty pots, with a leaf half hidden in the soil.

"Is this the flower pot used by Mandrakes?" Felix picked up the leaves and scrutinized them carefully.

Professor Sprout raised his head, "Oh, it is. Adult mandrakes are too dangerous. I only have two plants in my collection, but the effect is really strong. The petrified little wizard recovered in less than a quarter of an hour. already."

"I remember he seemed to be called Colin Creevey, and Severus and I mentioned him." Felix tried to recall, but his whole body shuddered.

"A freshman was petrified within three months of going to school. After lying on the bed for more than half a year, the third day after opening his eyes is the final exam. Uh... It's really a bit miserable."

Felix returned to the office happily with a bag of gifts.

That night, he and Nick LeMay settled some questions through photos. Frankly speaking, the Nick Lemay in the photo looks younger and has healthier skin. Although he is full of gray hair, the photo looks more energetic than himself. He feels that the Nick he saw at the Boothrace Hotel. LeMay was a little gloomy.

It is not convenient to communicate through photos, but it is not as troublesome as imagined. Because Felix is ​​not a zero-based student, but a profound rune master, they focus more on communication rather than teaching.

The interaction process between the two is often: Felix asks a question, Nick Lemay gives his approach after thinking.

Or Nick Lemay introducing him to some unfamiliar but very useful books. For example, "The Palace of Arcalisto" - such an unintelligible title, Felix would not have paid attention to it before, unless he was really free one day and found a book to read.

But even if he reads idle books, he will pick an interesting name.

For example, "The Adventures of Martin Miggs" published by LCA Comics Publishing House records the story of a Muggle Martin Miggs from France who strayed into the magical world.

After watching it, Felix's impression is that one of the reasons why wizards did not introduce ordinary people's movie equipment may be that magic is so convenient, and the little wizards are watching comic strips like watching a storyboard movie.

And the introduction is useless, it is difficult for wizards to resonate with normal people's lives, and they will curiously ask why magic is not used.

In addition, the two will chat about some Muggle issues, including some of their own manuscripts.

Today Nick Lemay recommended three more unpopular books to him. Felix didn't expect that he would also be left on the book list. Sure enough, things are impermanent.

"Let's be here first today, Felix, I'm a little tired." Nick Lemay in the portrait looked worried.

"Good night, Nick."

After the exchange, Felix organized the workbench, put the postcards sent by his assistant from France into the drawer, and took out a thick stack of manuscripts.

He has completed the predetermined plan, and he has prepared two books for young preparatory wizards and adult wizards——

A book titled "Little Wizard Mick's Adventures", he refers to the magical world in the form of a dynamic comic strip, describing the story of a 10-year-old preparatory wizard who was sent to a regular school.

Mick originally planned to hang around and wait quietly for the admission letter from Hogwarts, but he was attracted by the life in the school unexpectedly. From fresh and interesting courses, to various forms of games, as well as visiting museums, amusement parks, social work and other practical activities... From the perspective of children, I will introduce a world that was originally unfamiliar.

The other is a popular science book for adult wizards. The name is the eye-catching "Magic in the Muggle World". The concept is still to use the most rigorous logic and words to explain the most simple underlying technology in the Muggle world.

After checking the manuscript and finding no omissions, Felix reconfirmed the appointment time on the calendar.

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, No. 126a, Diagon Alley, Xiaohongshu Book Company."

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, No. 15b on the south side of Diagon Alley, LCA Comic Book Publishing House."

The former is the book company he has been cooperating with, and has successfully published "History of Magic" and "Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggle Families", both of which are current textbooks at Hogwarts.

Because there is a good cooperation experience, it is not a big problem.

As for the latter, LCA Comics Publishing House, specializing in the children's market, he has never dealt with it, so he can only see tricks and tricks. Fortunately, he also made some preparations.

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