In the evening, strangely dressed wizards appeared in every corner of the hotel. Felix stood in the hotel garden and watched several wizards climb a hill.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Maxwell talking to a serious-looking woman, and he looked impatient.

"This is France, Celeste! It's not America, and you can't make me obey you in the name of the head of your Legislative Council!"

The witch called Celeste had a delicate and serious face, and she was meticulous in her attire, so she couldn't pick out the slightest mistake.

She was like a capable government official who had just arrived from the Muggle government office building dozens of kilometers away to participate in an activity of condolences to the slums.

In particular, there were several wizards wearing pleated skirts and iris hats standing next to her. They were pointing at the automatic sprinkler with serious faces, which added more convincing to her identity.

At this moment, flames seemed to burst from her gray pupils, she pursed her lips and restrained herself from saying anything hurtful, but her response was still strong: "The law is the bottom line that cannot be trampled, we must do something ."

"We'll take care of it," Maxwell said bluntly, emphasizing the word 'we' as if to remind the woman across from them that they understood the word completely differently.

The two soon parted ways.

Felix paced over, the French Auror still scowling.

"She's so arrogant, she thought I was her subordinate!"

"Who is she?" Felix asked.

"A difficult woman, Noel Celeste, the head of the Legislative Council of the Magical Congress of the United States."

"What does she want to do?"

"Let the United States send Aurors over, the reason is to help fight possible criminals." Maxwell said with a stern face.

Felix was amazed that such a request was indeed excessive, so he even pointed at the nose of the French Ministry of Magic and scolded, "You are so rubbish, I can't trust you, I want to send someone myself."

"If she's worried, why didn't she just put the meeting in the US from the start?" asked Felix, who had asked similar questions before.

"Factional battle? Unspeakable? Anyway, as far as I know, many people oppose her..."

Felix asked sensitively: "Who is against it?"

"Uh...I don't remember." Maxwell showed an embarrassed expression, and he muttered in a low voice: "The ministry has prepared some materials for me, including various newspaper clippings and so on, which are placed in my room, but I I didn't take a closer look... do you want to take a look?"

"Thank you, Maxwell, if it's convenient."

"Ha, we don't know each other, and your taste in food matches mine. I like the beef stew in red wine." Maxwell made a joke.

A little grudge from before just disappeared.

On the second day, that is, the day before the meeting officially started, more wizards came. Roughly, there were more than 100 people.

One of the consequences is that the staff in the hotel looked at them even more strangely.

"Tell me, are you some kind of strange organization, such as 'exotic costumes'?" The front desk of the hotel chatted with Felix. Among these people, only a few of them were dressed normally, and Felix was in These are the youngest and most handsome.

"You can quite understand that," he said, lest you really want to understand and be brought down by a forgetting spell.

Soon, he saw the figure of Professor Bubagi, he went up to meet her, took the small box in her hand, "You came later than I expected."

Boubaji sighed, "I changed the report paper at the conference, and I have been struggling these days."

Felix brought Professor Bubagi to her room, and the two chatted all the way—

"You advocate intermarriage between wizards and werewolves?" Felix asked in surprise.

"It's not just werewolves," Bubagi corrected. "I see the advantages of half-blood, and I recommend pure-bloods marrying half-bloods, Muggles, and even some humanoids."

Felix's expression was a little stiff, he leaned against the door, and it took a long time before he said, "Do you have any theoretical basis?"

Professor Bubagi said: "This is the inspiration I got from Muggle books, although the material used by the Muggle named Mendel for his experiments was peas. But... I also checked a lot of wizarding materials. For nearly a hundred years, It's true that half-blood wizards are more accomplished."

Felix had a headache, and he didn't know how to persuade his colleague.

Once her theory is thrown, it is like detonating a nuclear bomb.

What's more, whether the theory is correct is still in the middle, but it will definitely be madly resisted by pure-blood families all over the world.

"Professor Bubagi," Felix said tactfully, "with the current climate in the wizarding world, most wizards are not ready to accept this theory. Maybe we can change the topic a little bit, from a safer angle."

Professor Boubaji looked at him and said softly, "What is your suggestion?"

"With the current self-locking and self-appointment of the magic world as an attack point, the Ministry of Magic of all countries is called on to focus on the outside world, Muggle technology, novel theories, and even limited cooperation with the Muggle government; or from ordinary wizards From the perspective of calling on young graduates to practice social practice in the Muggle world, they can at least accumulate a work experience..."

"Most wizards have long been out of touch with society."

Felix also cites Calami as an example. "He went to a Muggle institution of higher learning after graduating, and maybe a few years later, he was the authority on Muggle issues in the French wizarding world."

Bubagi thought.

"It fits with the theme of this meeting, and once the snowball forms, even the most stubborn purebloods will be caught up in the tide of the times," Felix advised.

"But..." Bubagi was not very satisfied with this statement. Although she was a professor of Muggle studies, she did not think that the two could cooperate, or that there was a need for cooperation.

She just saw the irrationality of pure-blooded thinking in the wizarding world, and then came up with her own solution.


The next day, July 20, the meeting officially began.

Noel Celeste, who presided over the meeting as the representative of the International Confederation of Wizards—and conference sponsor—was distracted.

She kept looking in one direction, it was a tall man with a face of vicissitudes. He would go out every few minutes, and when he came back, he made a gesture to her.

Representatives of one country came to the stage to speak, and Felix was a little drowsy.

It's hard to imagine these old ideas coming from the mouths of the most famous group of Muggle experts out there.

The only fun was when a wizard made a "Muggle threat argument", and a German wizard called him "Grindelwald's remnant" and threw his shoes at him.

Maybe Bubagi's views will be submerged in such a desperate speech... Felix thought.

"Professor Bubagi, what is the order of your speeches?"

"There are two wizards ahead of me."

Soon, Professor Bubagi stood on the stage. She cleared her throat and had a tragic expression on her face. Felix knew that she had not listened to her advice.

But at this time, the man with the vicissitudes of life ran in in a hurry, and he shouted loudly: "There is an attack!!!"


A huge explosion sounded behind him.

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