There was silence in the office.

The delicate silverware placed at the corner of the table spun, spewing small puffs of smoke, making a "tick-tock" sound.

"Your testimony is very useful, Felix," said Dumbledore, his eyes fixed thoughtfully at the diary under his bushy silver eyebrows. "He's crazier than I thought."

"You mean Voldemort?"

"I'd rather call him Tom, Tom Riddle, which is his original name. He never shied away from it when he was in school, and the professors didn't call him 'Riddle', but affectionately called him Tom '" Dumbledore explained.

Felix pondered, it seemed that Voldemort had a better life than him when he was in school.

"Because he made more than one Horcrux?" Felix asked.

"That's right, Felix. This magic is more evil than you think, splitting souls to gain immortality—"

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I'm not interested in that." Felix interrupted him. "Do you have any other questions?"

Dumbledore blinked, showing a relieved smile: "Felix, you know more about restraint than I was when I was younger... I do have a question."

He folded his hands on the table. "I want to know more about when the Horcrux was destroyed."

Felix had anticipated this for a long time, and it happened that he also had two things for Dumbledore to know. So he turned and looked at the black cabinet behind him. "Why don't you see for yourself, Dumbledore?"

He turned his head and saw Dumbledore's surprised look.

The old man said, "You mean, Pensieve? Many wizards shy away from this..." This was a completely unexpected reaction.

"Yes, I saw it the last time I came, and the locker was open," Felix explained. "As for the taboo? I do, but I personally think that since Voldemort isn't dead, he will come back one day. And you are the person he fears the most."

Dumbledore shook his head, his old face was already wrinkled: "Felix, I'm old." He waved his hand, the black cabinet door opened, and a shallow stone basin flew out smoothly. It landed on the table in front of the two of them.

Felix scrutinized the Pensieve, an ancient and rare magical creation. There are grotesque carvings on the mouth of the basin: all kinds of mysterious letters and symbols.

He can identify some, but many are in the blind spot of his knowledge.

Inside the Pensieve was a pool of silver substance, a bit like bright silver, but it was constantly flowing. Felix pulled out his wand and touched it with the tip of the wand, and the silver light spun softly.

Then he put his wand to his forehead, and Dumbledore whispered, "Felix, I must thank you for your trust in me."

Felix showed a mischievous smile: "Oh, Headmaster Dumbledore, I will only show you the most crucial memories, and I will hide some private things well - even if you put your nose on someone's face There will be no gain.”

Dumbledore smiled for the first time tonight.

A strand of silvery shimmering filaments was pulled out and added to the Pensieve. Felix stirred with his wand and let the filaments melt into the silvery light.

The two stretched out their hands at the same time. When their fingertips touched the silver light in the basin, the huge attraction pulled them. They did not resist and fell into the Pensieve.

The first memory is very short-

An elf fell to the ground, and 'Felix' summoned a fiery sword and pointed it at the diary.

Horcrux made a dying cry: "No, I can tell you the secret to defeating death—"

But 'Felix' didn't hesitate at all, the control sword went straight through the Horcrux, and the sound stopped abruptly.

This memory ends here.

The figures of the two reappeared in the office, Dumbledore's expression was very complicated, and there was an inexplicable sense of ease.

He looked at Felix: "I'm proud of your choice. In the war years, many famous wizards were easily bewitched by him, not to mention the secret of his victory over death."

Dumbledore didn't mention why Felix was able to practice the Fiery Charm to such a degree.

At other times, he might have warned Felix not to get too caught up in it, but right now, it didn't matter at all compared to rejecting the lure of the Horcrux.

And that was the first thing Felix wanted to tell Dumbledore.

Next is the second memory -

In a pure white space, ice blue and bronze magic powers intertwined into a huge vortex, constantly tearing at the crown, and strands of black energy escaped from the crown.

Dumbledore looked strangely not far away. On the opposite side of 'Felix', was a beautiful and serious witch, Helena and her were tied together, they said something, but Dumbledore said nothing. He couldn't hear, even his face was blurred.

"Is this what you mean by privacy?"

"We're discussing my magical path," Felix said briefly.

Dumbledore kept his mouth shut, such things were the secrets of powerful wizards. He turned to look at the vortex in mid-air and exclaimed.

After a while, a vague face rushed out of the crown, and was immediately completely smashed by the vortex.

Dumbledore sighed with emotion, but he found that the two did not leave the memory. After a while, he heard the only sentence in the entire memory.

That's what Lady Rowena Ravenclaw said to Felix, "I'll rebuild the crown for your reward."

This sentence, in the empty white space, kept echoing.

Dumbledore silently looked at Felix beside him, Felix nodded in agreement, and in the next second, the memory was over.

The air in the office was quiet, and no one spoke first.

After a long while, Dumbledore said helplessly: "I understand what you mean, the crown is yours, no one can take it away, and if others have objections, I will also testify for you."

Felix showed a bright smile, "Thank you so much, Headmaster Dumbledore, I've been worried that some unsightly school administrators or the Minister of Magic will trouble me."

While speaking, Felix nimbly used his wand to pick out his memories and let them dissipate completely.

Dumbledore suddenly felt a heartbreak, he waved his hand, "Take the crown."

Felix bid farewell politely, turned and left.

Walking out of the office, he showed a satisfied smile, and the expected goals have been completed.

His main goals were three, one was how to insert the diary into his version of the story, and the other was how to dispel Dumbledore's possible doubts: what if Felix became interested in Horcruxes? The third is the ownership of the crown, and he does not want to make any concessions on the ownership.

So after he finished telling the story, he threw out two memories, corresponding to the second and third goals respectively. Among them, the second goal is the most important.

The reason why he was so careful was because he knew that Dumbledore had had concerns about him, fearing that he would go dark and become the next Dark Lord.

And what's even more terrifying is that Dumbledore is over a hundred years old, and he can't afford the price of wrong judgment. And what about Felix? Only 22 years old, far from reaching his peak.

Judging from past events, Felix fully understands this concern.

So he could only spend a little more time and fight with the old principal to dispel his doubts.

'I'm such a considerate person. ’

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