A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 133 Helena's Decision

Felix left politely.

During the afternoon class, he was rarely distracted.

"Please turn the book to page 147. Let's take a look at how the ancient wizards viewed the concept of 'existence'."

"Professor? That's what we covered last class..." a little wizard raised his hand.

Felix showed a surprised expression. He looked at the textbook, "It is indeed my problem, and I must apologize to you. This also shows a problem. Professors are also human, and there must be times when mistakes are made..."

"Okay, let's turn to page 152. Today we're going to talk about ancient runes related to 'hope'."

The Weasley twins in the audience looked at each other, and Fred winked: 'It's rare that Professor Hepp made a mistake in class. ’

George lip-syncs: 'We've seen history. ’

Fred pinched George's thigh to keep himself from making a sound.

After class, the twins gathered around Felix.

After answering a few questions, Fred asked curiously, "Professor, is there anything we can do to help?"


"Oh, Professor," said George with a grin, "we think you might have a little trouble, and while it's definitely fixable, maybe we can do something."

Felix smiled. "Mr. Weasleys, I don't have anything... um," he looked at the two of them and asked thoughtfully, "Can you get a magic camera?"

He knew that the little wizards secretly had a small circle similar to a flea market, with all kinds of new and interesting gadgets.

"Professor, are Muggle cameras and developer potions okay? The effect is the same," Fred said.

"That's right," explained George. "The first-year Creevey bought the developer potion from us, but he brought his own camera."

Felix thought about it and said, "Yes."

Within two days, he received the camera, film and developer solution.

He readily paid the balance.

When Felix and Helena chatted over the following week, they both deliberately avoided mentioning that night's conflict.

Felix introduced interesting things in the outside world, even including the secrets of the year he traveled—

"You really got caught by Aurors in the American black market for magic?" she asked in surprise.

"I can't say that, it's just a coincidence to catch up with their actions. I originally wanted to slip away with the crowd - anyway, everyone is covering their faces, and it's good to Apparate after going out."

"And then?" she asked with interest.

"Seven Aurors looked at me and chased after me..." Felix said regretfully, "I had to put them down."

That was the first actual combat of his instant kill tactics, but in order to increase the speed of his thinking, he took a bottle of magic medicine, which caused a headache for a week.


"What a pity?" Felix asked.

"It's a pity that I can't use magic, and even lost most of the memory related to casting magic." She said regretfully: "The ghost is not complete, I only have a particularly deep memory about my death..."

"What about other memories?"

"It's either vague or it doesn't resonate, it's like watching a stranger's experience..." she said.

And at this moment, he finally made up his mind.

Felix said, "Helena, there is something I need to tell you."

"What's up?"

Felix hesitated, then took out his camera, "Can I take a picture of you?"

Helena looked at him in surprise, and she hesitated for a moment, then happily agreed.

Felix took a few solo pictures of Helena, and finally a group photo of the two of them.

"It may take a day or two for the developer to take effect," he said.

Felix looked at the smile on Helena's face, and her heart surged. She noticed the expression on his face and slowly calmed down, "Isn't this what you're talking about? It's embarrassing for you, Felix?"

"Do you know the Room of Requirement?"

"Uh, oh..." She stroked her hair in a panic, "I know, it's a laboratory built by my mother, I used to go there when I was a child, but my mother didn't want to be disturbed, but I was always against her. "

"Have you ever been there again? I mean..." He paused, "after becoming a ghost."

"No, no," she said dryly.

Felix knew it in her heart, maybe out of guilt or self-punishment, she deliberately avoided this place.

He said softly, "I found something left by Ms. Ravenclaw inside, probably about you."

"W-what did you say!" She flew over quickly, her eyes fixed on him, as if trying to tell if it was a bad joke.

Felix looked into her eyes calmly, without any intention of joking.

Helena believed it.

She asked eagerly, "What is it? What did she leave behind?" Her translucent pearly white body floated in the air, her hands trying to grab Felix's shoulders, but passed through it.

Felix couldn't help shivering because of the icy cold.

"It's a memory," he whispered.


Helena avoided him for the next few days.

Felix understands very well that this feeling of worrying about gains and losses is not a good feeling. Who can guarantee that Lady Ravenclaw's memory must be left to Helena?

Can memories be awakened by ghosts?

After waking up, do you remain sane?

Is it reasonable to get the desired result?

Although the answers to these questions are likely to be 'yes', no one can be sure except at the moment when the truth is revealed.

During this period, Felix harvested seven photos. Under the effect of the developer potion and the adjustment of his magic, Helena was like a real person, with a beautiful face, a tall stature, and a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Finally, on weekend mornings, she found Felix.

"Take me there," she said quietly.

"Have you decided?"

She nodded solemnly, no matter what the outcome was, she would accept it.

In front of the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor, Felix and Helena stood quietly.

A blue door slowly appeared, Helena looked at him, Felix grabbed the handle and pushed open the door.

Felix stepped into the room again, with a Helena beside him—or rather, he was the guest.

The room comes alive as Helena steps into the Room of Requirement.

Small voices came from all directions, and Felix could feel a huge magic awakening even without changing his perspective.

The furnishings in the room kept disappearing, and the space continued to expand until it became a white, invisible world.

Heaven and earth seem to have lost their boundaries, leaving only Felix and Helena.

Not far from Helena, the magic power gathered violently, outlining the figure of a lady.

From fantasy to reality, she came from nothingness.

After a thousand years, Rowena Ravenclaw opened his eyes.

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