A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 125 Students (please order first!)

The weather at Hogwarts became milder, the snow melted into the ground, and the young buds poked their heads out. Recently, the little wizards liked to lie on the grass in front of the Black Lake and bask in the sun lazily.

On Saturday, Ron and Hermione, along with Ginny and Luna, sat around the lake, watching Harry and Neville go back and forth.

Two more dueling lessons had passed, and Harry and the others had learned two new spells. A defensive spell - the Iron Armor; and a little hex invented by Snape himself to take care of the younger wizards - the tongue-locking spell.

His behavior also caused some controversy, but these remarks were ignored by Snape.

"Even dark wizards usually shout spells in duels, relying on words to drive emotions, and relying on emotions to strengthen the power of spells." Snape said in a sarcastic tone: "Therefore, it is necessary to block the opponent's words. ."

In fact, Felix had privately suggested that Snape switch to the Silent Charm, but he refused.

"The tongue charm can stick a person's tongue to the palate. It's not as gentle as it is silent, and that's what I want." Look, he's very happy with the spell.

The iron armor spell explained by Professor Haipu is much more advanced, and many junior wizards cannot master it at all.

Even Harry and Hermione didn't make it once.

But it is a spell that can resist many kinds of spells, and what is even more rare is-

At that time, Professor Hepp said: "Iron armor can resist attacks from both magic and physical entities at the same time. This is probably the most practical defensive spell you have come across in school."

The new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Damocles Belby also explained a useful spell in the class, the Sensation Charm, which has the effect of sharpening the senses of the students. Flitwick was in a duel. mentioned in class.

"You can use it to sense danger ahead, especially when you're in a dangerous environment."

He used his magic to create a dark fog. "Let's say it's late at night - that's when the Red Hat and other magical creatures like to attack. If you were out in the field, remember what to do?"

The little wizards discussed at length.

Belby nodded and said:

"Safeguarding...all protection...thieves sense...it's best to add a Muggle shielding spell. Of course, you can't do this now, but it doesn't prevent you from remembering this knowledge firmly."

Then, he let the little wizards walk into the black fog one by one, trying to avoid the attack of the red hat.

"I spread some leaves and twigs on the ground, stay focused, you will spot the danger ahead of time."

But the fact is: only a few people can detect the red hat in advance and fight back, and most of the little wizards are driven out of the black mist by the cork stick.

Fortunately, apart from being a little embarrassed, not a single little wizard was injured.

Harry had always wondered why the two red caps worked so well together, and Professor Belby later explained that he fed them a lot of nutritional medicine, "They like the smell of blood, especially the blood of magical creatures, and I happen to have no shortage of these... ..." The two red hats were barely his assistants now.

Before you know it, dueling classes and the new Defence Against the Dark Arts class have been integrated into the lives of the little wizards and subtly changed the entire school. The most intuitive manifestation is that many young wizards like to play duel games in the corridor after class.

But those students didn't end well, and Filch caught a bunch of them.

For a few days, the gems of the Gryffindor House Cup fell, and Professor McGonagall's expression almost scared the lion cubs to death.

Not only Gryffindor, but also many young wizards were caught in the other three academies.

During this period of time, the number of students punished for voluntary labor was extremely high. Snape went directly to a batch to process the potion materials, Professor Sprout went to a batch to take care of the flowers and plants, and Hagrid also told Professor McGonagall I applied and found a few little witches in the lower grades to take care of the unicorn that was about to be born.

Even Professor McGonagall was not exempt, and she asked the remaining students to work with an improved version of the "answer parchment" test.

After a painful lesson, the little wizards at Hogwarts finally realized that it was extremely stupid to cast spells in the corridors. They chose abandoned classrooms, black lakes, courtyards, hidden corners...

Just like now, Harry directed Neville's Disarming Charm.

Neville blushed and tried to release the spell. Finally, after an unknown number of attempts, a very slender red light flew out of the wand.

"Great, you did it, Neville!" Harry exclaimed.

Hermione and the others who were sitting on the grass also clapped their hands, and a few Gryffindors whistled in the distance.

Neville blushed and tried to say something, only to scratch his head and grin happily.

The two returned to the open space, and several people began to chat.

Ron said of the news he received from the twins, "The new version of 'Answer Parchment' is nearly complete and has many of the features mentioned at the time."

Four of the six people present were involved in the first test work - except Harry and Neville, who were all very interested in the topic, because it was said that the new teaching aids would be applied to the seventh grade.

"What's new?" Harry asked with interest.

"The most important thing must be the leaderboard," Ron said without hesitation. "I'd like to see Gryffindor on top of Slytherin, preferably number one, but not realistic, Ravenclaw nerd. There will be an advantage..."

"Ron!" Ginny glared at him, then turned to look at Luna, who was a Ravenclaw.

"Uh..." Ron whispered, "I'm sorry."

Luna took a very delicate-looking wand from her pocket with a blank expression, and pointed the tip at Ron—

"Oh, Luna," Harry advised, thinking Luna was going to give Ron a curse.

But the next second, the wand in her hand let out a piercing scream and turned into a giant rubber mouse.

Ron's expression became comical, one eyebrow clenched tightly and the other seemed to fly out of his forehead.

Luna pointed to his face and laughed exaggeratedly, Ginny also laughed "chichi" lowly, and the two little girls fell on the grass in their arms.

Neville tried to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't hold it back, and he made a sound of "kah ah ah ah".

"Okay, that's funny," Ron muttered, watching Luna keep hitting the ground with her fists.

Hermione held the rubber mouse by its tail and watched in amazement as it turned into a wand again. "what is this?"

Ginny got up from the ground and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. "It's a prank thing made by Fred and George. They call it a fake wand. However, they should have developed it not long ago... How could you? Got this?" She looked at her friend.

"I... haha! I bought it from them ha... ten silver siko." Luna gasped.

"How does this thing work?" Harry asked with interest.

"Inject magic power into it."

Harry took the fake wand, tried to infuse it with magic, and with a scream, it turned into a rubber mouse again.

Ron poked it with his hand and said with some disgust, "It's far worse than Banban."

Harry looked at the big black squid looming in the black lake, and the breeze was blowing through his hair, and his mood was very relaxed.

It seems that a long time has passed since the secret room confronted the basilisk.

Chapters 123 and 124 have just been reversed, re-edited, and may have swallowed some comments, sorry to the readers, it was my mistake.

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