"Teacher, professor, how do you judge your best spell?" a Slytherin student asked.

Snape said coldly, "The ones you learn the fastest, the ones you use the best. Other than that—"

"If you can invent a spell yourself, it's naturally your best." After speaking, he tossed his robes and strode off the stage.

Offstage, Ron and Hermione looked at Harry at the same time, and the meanings of their eyes were different:

Hermione: So you're good at Disarming Charms?

Ron: That's it? It must be an advanced spell, right?

When Felix stood on the stage, the little wizards were still immersed in the atmosphere created by Snape, and although he did not talk about any specific magic, it was still moving.

Felix decided to come up with some dry goods.

"At the end of the last class, we mentioned a point: even the same spell, the effects of different wizards may be very different."

"This situation is especially obvious in a duel. After all, you can hardly imagine that a wizard would spend a lot of time and energy researching the spell 'clean up'."

"It's the same with most life magics. We don't use them to explore the mysteries of magic, or beat our opponents to find their teeth." Felix made a joke.

The little wizard under the stage laughed lowly.

"For wizards who are good at dueling, they have amazing accomplishments in one or several magics."

He glanced at the wizards in the audience: "Take the disarming spell as an example-"

Felix waved his wand, and a slender red light flashed away.

"This is the level of initial mastery."

Harry looked at it earnestly, which was exactly how much he could unleash now.

Many young wizards who have mastered the disarming spell do the same thing. The result of the comparison is that most people are at this level.

"—This stage belongs to the novice level, and there is a possibility of failure in casting spells." At this point, Felix said with a little distress: "For the sake of understanding and comparison, let's call it a first-level spell."

"At this time, the factors that affect the success rate of spell casting are basic content such as your spell casting actions, chanting, confidence, magic mobilization, etc. I won't expand on it, there are detailed descriptions in the materials of the last class. ."

"And when you practice a lot, practice makes perfect, and there's almost no release failure, like this—"

Felix waved his wand, and a distinct red light flashed over the auditorium.

Harry heard the excited voice of his senior, Albert Balk, who had just been called up to demonstrate: "This is my spell!"

"For the sake of understanding, we can call it a secondary spell."

Felix leisurely drew arcs with his wand, as if conducting a symphony.

"On this basis, you invest more time and energy to study the magic spell - it is best to have the guidance of a teacher, and its power will be appropriately strengthened."

Felix waved his wand, and a red light beam the thickness of a finger shot out, spanning half of the auditorium in an instant.

"This is a third-level disarming spell... Horizontal analogy, it is somewhat like the threshold of professionalization in the magic world, such as the newly trained St. Mungo's novice doctor and new Auror."

The little wizards were all staring at Professor Hepp at this time, listening carefully to every word he said. They intuitively felt that today's class was very important.

Even the expressions of several professors became serious, and Snape was curious, how far would Felix push the spell?

The magic spell classification, huh, is something he will do.

And Felix on the stage was still talking casually, "Next, your understanding of the spell will become deeper and more familiar, and you can even make some changes to the spell itself to suit your personal habits— "

A beam of light flew out from the tip of the stick, but this time the spell was more condensed, the color was also mixed with white light, and it left a clear arc in mid-air.

"The power is not much different from the third-level spell, but it is more controllable. It can be called a fourth-level spell to win with subtleties." Felix said, "One more thing, this is also those who are talented. Aurors and Physicians of St. Mungo's, the level of spells they are best at after working for a few years."

Felix nodded slightly, starting from here, not everyone can do it. Talent, perseverance, teaching, all are indispensable.

Harry looked at Professor Hepp on the stage, and he felt out of breath, and it took him a while to realize that the emotion that had just come to him was longing.

After a long pause, the little wizard looked at Professor Hepp eagerly.

Any more? Can you continue?

Level 5 spell? Sixth grade? Seven, eight, nine? Really curious!

And Professor Haipu lived up to the expectations, he continued: "On top of this, if you are a senior Auror who has spent almost half your life dealing with various dark wizards, then your best spell is probably this-"

The scene reappeared as if it were yesterday, and a magic spell about the thickness of the wrist shot out, spanning most of the auditorium, and hitting the castle wall.

The red magic arc like thunder continued to distort and extend.

Until Felix retracted his wand, the red light that shone half of the auditorium finally disappeared.

"This may be called a fifth-level spell."

The little wizards in the audience watched this scene speechlessly, even if it was the second time they saw it, it was still shocking.

Felix pondered, like Lockhart's 'forget it all'. But it can't be compared like that, because Lockhart is lucky to have the gift of ancient magic.

Ancient magic is naturally powerful, but it's pointless to discuss its power, because you don't know if the next time you use it, you will suddenly lose control due to lack of control.

The little wizards under the stage were quiet, like a flock of quails swept by the wind. Looking at their expressions, it seemed that someone had just knocked on their heads and stuffed a bunch of messes inside, making them completely unable to think.

After more than ten seconds, Felix clapped his palms, "Of course, the above spell levels are only for your convenience. In reality, there is no such division between first-level and second-level spells."

"Magic is unrestricted, and it is meaningless to classify many magical magics by level."

"Also, I have to remind you that even in a duel, one-sided pursuit of the power of the spell is not the best choice. If you want to become an Auror, you need to master a lot of things, and they are equally important."


But these words did not work. The auditorium seemed to explode, and the little wizards raised their hands enthusiastically. It could be seen that they had a lot of problems.

"Professor, what is the sixth-level magic spell?" Finally, someone in the audience couldn't help shouting out.

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