21st Century Goguryeo

419 Season 2 - Part 17 Advance and Defense - 2-3 Defense!

November 26, 2023 04:00 (New China time 03:00)

Communist Party of Beijing, New China (President's Office)

The Russian ambassador to New China visited the president's office at night to request a video call with President Putin. President Wang Jing Wei woke up at 3 a.m., obviously annoyed. Wearing only a robe and sipping coffee in the office of his residence, he sat down in front of the video conferencing device.

Moments later, when the clock on the wall struck 3 a.m., the video call connected, and an infuriated President Putin appeared on the screen.

"President Putin! What the hell is this? It's three in the morning."

President Wang Jing Wei skipped on the formalities and grumbled because his sleep was interrupted in the middle of the night.

"President Wang Jing Wei! There is no day or night when it comes to national affairs? With such complacency, didn't China split into three countries?"

"What? Are you being conceited asking for a video call this late at night?"

"Isn't that true? I'm not being arrogant."

At a different time, he thought that President Wang Jing Wei would have connected immediately when he requested the hotline. After spending more than an hour waiting, he felt that he was being ignored, and for this reason, no good words could come out of Putin's mouth.

Meanwhile, President Wang Jing Wei was also offended by the early morning call request as well as President Putin's sarcasm.

The heads of the two countries continued to engage in a bitter war of words.

"I have no intention of arguing with you at this time. Just tell me why you've requested for a video call."

In response to President Wang Jing Wei's cynical tone, President Putin wanted to keep the call short and get straight to the point.

"Okay. I'll get right into it. Russia is currently at war with Korea. Naturally, I requested military intervention from New China, which has signed a mutual military protection treaty. However, nothing has been done so far. What is the reason?"

"Ah! Is that why you requested this video call so urgently at such a late hour?"

"Yes, it is."

"President Putin! Of course, because the Russian army prepared in advance, they could immediately begin their military action, but it has only been 15 days since we received a request to intervene. The preparation period of 15 days is very short. Now, if our new state is to intervene in the war with Korea, shouldn't we be prepared and tread cautiously? If we were to lose again, New China will be ruined."

"How is fifteen days too little time to prepare? Unless it's the Tang Dynasty, isn't 15 days enough?"

When President Putin compared the disgraceful Tang dynasty army to his military, President Wang Jing Wei was struck by the thought of blaspheming the ancestral nation.

"What? Tang dynasty?"

"Am I wrong? For a country with such military power, 15 days is enough lead time to prepare for war."

"Do you know what it takes?"

"I don't need anything else. Under the mutual military protection treaty concluded between both our countries, New China must immediately begin military action against Korea."

"Whoa! That's being reckless, President Putin!"

"It's a formal request under the treaty, how is it reckless?"

"Well, all right. Following that treaty, New China will engage in military action. However, we will strike when preparations are complete."

"It's so frustrating! When will that be?"

"Well, I think it will take about a month."

"Huh, one month? After the war is over?"

"Will the war be over in a month? Are you saying that you can beat Korea in a month? That's great."

"That's what it means. How can the war be over in one month?"

"Then, you will just have to wait for us to be completely prepared."

President Putin did not answer for a while to the tone of the request, wanting to keep President Wang Jing Wei waiting for a bit. Even on the screen, Putin was staring at the camera with his mouth firmly shut.

"President Putin! We are not breaking the treaty. We're asking for a little more time to prepare. Being such a large country, can't you understand that?"

President Putin opened his mouth as President Wang Jing Wei smirked.

"Good! Just one month from now. After a month, you are to engage in combat."

"Oh! Thank you, President Putin! I will certainly be prepared to destroy the Koreans."

"Okay. I'll end this call."

President Putin, who did not earn much, disappeared from the screen as he said goodbye. In response, President Wang Jing Wei left the screen on, and with a smirk on his face, he spread his shoulders, leaned on the sofa, and uttered a sound.

"Putin! It's not the New China it used to be. One month from now, our new country will have a plasma bomb that is more powerful than any nuclear power. Hahaha"

President Wang Jing Wei had absolutely no intention of intervening in the Korean-Russia war until the plasma bomb was ready.

* * *

November 26th, 2023 05:00 (Russian time 23:00)

Russia Moscow Bunker State R-13 (Situation Room)

The General Staff, which received approval from President Putin for nuclear power, also discussed with the Commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces, reconciliation of differences of opinion on key targets to attack as well as granting justification for the use of nuclear power.

In modern warfare, the use of nuclear power against non-nuclear states could result in dire consequences. It is significant enough to receive criticism from the international community as well as military and economic sanctions. The international community may know Russia as a notorious state but if Russia decides not to play by the book, especially if they've decided to go to war with one of the emerging powers such as Korea, it could find itself in a very difficult position.

For that reason, the General Staff searched for the justification of the use of nuclear power in the plasma-amplified bombs used by the South Korean military.

Two years ago, after the end of the Northeast Asian War, the superpowers with nuclear power brought up the agenda for the need for an international regulatory treaty on plasma-amplified bombs at the UN Security Council meeting. It was a treaty to not only completely abolish all of the plasma ammunition that the Republic of Korea possesses but also thoroughly regulate future ammunition research and development. In a nutshell, it aimed to highlight the absurdity of having a nuclear-weapon state.

Accordingly, the Republic of Korea counterattacked with the opinion that no other country could possess plasma-amplified bombs in the future by prohibiting the research and development of these bombs other than the countries that were already in possession of it, citing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that came into force on March 5, 1970.

The nuclear powers pushing for the regulatory treaty opposed it, saying it was unacceptable. However, the precedent of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty gave strength to the opinion of the Republic of Korea, and the regulatory treaty faced difficulties. In this regard, the Republic of Korea offered another option.

The Republic of Korea stated that if all nuclear-weapon states completely dismantle their nuclear power and receive private iron every year from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Republic of Korea would completely dismantle their plasma-amplified bombs as well.

However, there was never any real chance that the nuclear powers would accept South Korea's viewpoint. As a result, the Plasma-Amplified Bomb Regulation Treaty was rejected and their efforts proved futile.

As the regulatory treaty agenda was proposed at the UN Security Council, revealing that the Korean military has used a large amount of plasma-amplified bombs, Russia is expected to do the same in this war to show the international community just how powerful it really is.

Having secured the right to use nuclear power, the Russian General Staff was going to mobilize all available means of nuclear power, just as President Putin declared.

The first power mentioned was an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Currently, Russia has a variety of ICBMs with ranges reaching anywhere from 7,000 kilometers to 16,000 kilometers. There are also two types of launch platforms: a silo that can defend against nuclear attacks and a mobile launch vehicle.

The second is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). The strategic nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy possess several types of nuclear missiles. The 54 Club (NATO name: SS-N-27 Sizzler) possesses sub-surface cruise missiles. The latest improved version reaches up to 1,500 kilometers and is a Mach 2.5 supersonic cruise missile capable of carrying a 500-kiloton nuclear warhead.

Finally, the third is the Kh-32 missile (NATO name: AS-6 Kingfish) and Kh-15P missile (NATO name: AS-16 Kickback) that the Tu-22M3 Tupolev strategic bomber can be armed with. Both types of missiles can be equipped with a 350-kiloton nuclear warhead. In addition, even a fighter capable of a ground bombardment mission could attack with one of the two types of missiles listed above.

Needless to say, with a variety of nuclear weapons and multiple launch platforms, Russia was the strongest among the nuclear powers.

After an hour-long meeting in the conference room with the personnel of the General Staff and Strategic Rocket Command, a decision was made on the nuclear warhead delivery area and contacted all relevant units.

The nuclear attack was to be of such a huge scale that it used 70% of the Russian military's nuclear power. Commanders of the General Staff and Strategic Rocket Command were also very nervous about the largest nuclear attack attempt in history, which may even destroy the Earth's ecosystem.

The control room sent a confidential, encrypted message of the determined nuclear warhead delivery target information to each military – a strategic missile brigade composed of a silo nuclear base and a mobile launch vehicle belonging to the Strategic Rocket Forces, a bombing wing belonging to the Space Aviation Army operating a Tu-22M3 Tupolev strategic bomber, and a naval battle in the Northeast Sea on the 24th. It was also sent to a strategic nuclear submarine belonging to the Far East Fleet, which was ready and waiting for orders.

The attack time was set for 12-midnight Russian time, 6 a.m. Korean time.

* * *

November 26th, 2023 05:30

B2 bunker, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Namju (ROK Army Joint Command and Control Center Situation Room)

The situation room of the Joint Command Control Center was even more encouraged by the Blue Dragon Strategic Bomber and the Three-toed Crow space fighter jet, which played a big role in the eastern front.

An hour and a half ago, the Eastern Front was in danger of being annihilated because of the newly emerged 29th Army's independence corps, which caused the defense line to collapse and even the 5th Panzer Division (key) to be surrounded and annihilated. After much consideration, the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered a joint bombing mission using the CB-30P Blue Dragon strategic bomber and the CFS/A-31SP Three-toed Crow space fighter jet as a counter-strategy.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff thought for a while about response strategies as Russia was the world's strongest in anti-aircraft defense. This is because the Russian anti-aircraft defense system was equipped with a system that ranged from S-300 (Glumble) to S-400 (Triumph) and the recently deployed S-500 (triumphator), known for its wide range of interceptors as well as its outstanding performance.

However, despite the concerns, both the CB-30P Blue Dragon strategic bomber and the CFS/A-31SP Three-toed Crow space fighter jet returned safely after completing the bombing mission.

This proved that Russia's anti-aircraft defense system was not as good as it had been in the West. On the contrary, it could prove that the stealth ability of the Blue Dragon bomber and the Three-toed Crow space fighter jet was excellent.

Although the 65th Light Armored Infantry Division withdrew to Gangjin (Hulunbuir) and the 5th Panzer Division also (the key) withdrew from the defensive line, it completely ignored the Russian air defense system and destroyed 60% of the 29th Army's force. Defensive lines could now be restored.

The 27th Panzer Division, belonging to the Independence Corps was advancing with a deep breakthrough maneuver to the 30th Mechanized Infantry Division (Pilseung), which was currently blocking the movement. They had also stopped fighting and were slowly retreating. In addition, the 36th Motorized Infantry Division, which successfully crossed the Mingang River and pursued the retreating 65th Light Armored Infantry Division (sunset), was also slowing down the process.

As numerous division-level units supporting from the rear were destroyed almost immediately, the 29th Army Command ordered all units under its subordinates to stop the evasion and switch to defensive tactics to properly understand the current situation.

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