21st Century Goguryeo

415 Season 2 - Part 17 Advance and Defense - 1-3 Advance!

After the 60th Armored Brigade and armored vehicles, including the 712 Tank, made an emergency retreat, something began falling from the sky at a high speed. They were C-PSBs (Plasma Cluster Bombs), which were dropping from a height of 10 kilometers from eight CF-21P Zusak fighter jets from the 16th Fighter Wing.

The C-PSBs (Plasma Cluster Bombs), which exploded 500 meters above the ground, sprayed submunitions into the sky one after another. Dozens of submunitions then spread throughout the area, and a second explosion occurred as soon as they reached an altitude of 15 meters.

All of the plasma bombs exploded at the same time, brightly illuminating the surrounding area and turning the night into day. In addition, the hydronium fragments that fell onto the ground caused powerful explosions that seemed to swallow up everything in the surrounding area.

As a result, the T-14B Armata tanks that were hit by the hydronium fragments exploded. Even though they were T-14B Armata tanks with strong protection and reaction armor, they were unable to avoid the pouring rain of steel from 15 meters above the ground.

Similarly, various armored vehicles and transport trucks suffered the same fate as the T-14B Armata tanks, exploding and bursting into huge flames.

In an instant, the 16 C-PSBs (Plasma Cluster Bombs) annihilated the fifth Army's 81st SS Panzer Division and 70th Motorized Infantry Division. A few tanks and armored vehicles managed to survive the fire, but they couldn`t operate normally.

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, who was watching this scene through his telescope from a distance of three kilometers, exclaimed with excitement.

"Hey! That`s amazing! They are completely destroyed by our bombs."

"Yes. It is the result of our efforts in putting our lives in danger for the last hour."

"Oh, this feels low."

"Haha, tank commander! Do you have to put it in that way?"

"It is just my feeling!"

During their conversation, orders were once again issued through the main communications network.

"I'm the commander of the company! The brigade ordered a total suppression maneuver. Because our company is in the lead, we will begin the rapid maneuver as soon as the coordinates are sent to us."

Sergeant Kim Young-joo directed corporal Kim Il-soo as soon as the company commander issued the order.

"It's cleaning time. Corporal Kim! Make sure to follow the blue markers on the digital map!"

"Yes, sir."

Corporal Kim Il-soo pulled the steering wheel firmly after answering. The 712 Tank then accelerated forward, making a rough engine sound like a white tiger roaring.

Rumbling! Rumbling! Rumbling! Rumbling!

Following the 712 Tank, the 7th squadron tanks rushed forward as well.

* * *

November 26, 2023, 03:10

120 kilometers above the northern end of Soyangsan Mountain (Limenmin) in Namgang River, Bukmanju

The 16th Fighter Squad's CF-21P Zusak fighter jets were preparing to engage with the newly detected enemy fighters after destroying both Russia's best fighters, the Su-57 Spark fighter jets and the ground artillery Su-34 Fallback fighter jets, with S-AAM-500 cobra missiles.

Two squadrons of CF-21P Zusak fighter jets, each armed with two K-PSB (Plasma Cluster Bombs), were en route to bomb the 81st SS Panzer Division and the 70th Motorized Infantry Division, which were currently engaged in combat with the 20th Panzer Division (Collision). The remaining four squadrons of the 16 CF-21P Zusak fighter jets awaited the squadron leader's final order.

Not long later, when they were at arm's length of mid-range air-to-air missiles, the squadron commander finally gave the order to launch the missiles. In response, 16 CF-21P Zusak fighter jets launched 200km-range S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles.

S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles were fired one after the other from both interior weapons bays at the bottom and the jets quickly vanished from view, leaving blue contrails in their wake.

Shuuuuuu~ Shuuuuuu~ Shuuuuuu~

A total of 32 S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles flew at an incredible speed of Mach 8, which meant that they could cover 200 kilometers in only 73 seconds.

At the same time, the 24 Mig-29A/C Fulcrum fighter jets and the 12 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets that were targeted by the Rattlesnake missiles had immediately released ECM and began an evasive maneuver when the sudden Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) alarm sounded.

Meanwhile, the remaining 36 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets began the interception procedure after receiving missile detection information from the three A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft.

Each of the 36 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets was assigned a missile to intercept, and an R-77M1 Vimpel Air-to-Air Missile was fired at it.

The R-77M1 Vimpel Air-to-Air Missile, also known as Amramski, is an air-to-air missile that has a reputation for its superior performance as compared to the AIM-120 Amram of the United States. It has a range of 170 kilometers and a speed of Mach 5.

The 36 R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles, which bounced forward emitting white smoke, encountered the S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missile about 20 seconds later.

The eight nozzles mounted on the front of the S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missile operated as soon as it was about to collide with the R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missile. It then went into a momentary avoidance maneuver and successfully avoided the collision.

The R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles, which had lost their target in an instant, attempted to intercept the S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles again using their active radar guidance. However, they were unable to keep up with the Rattlesnake missiles' high speed and exploded in the air.

Nevertheless, not all the R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles failed the interception. As nine out of a total of 36 missiles succeeded in their interception. It was a 25 percent interception success rate.

Because the Russian Air Force's most recent air-to-air missile launch had only a 25 percent intercept success rate, they relaunched their R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles. Since it was their last chance for the interception, they launched two per aircraft this time round.

At the same time, the CF-21P Zusak fighter jets also fired two S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles at the remaining 36 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets, respectively.

As a result, a total of 72 S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles adorned the dark sky.

The 36 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets, which became the target for the additional Rattlesnake missiles, also performed evasive maneuvers and released powerful ECM to avoid them.

Meanwhile, the Rattlesnake missiles that survived the first interception, pierced the fuselage of the targeted Mig-29A/C Fulcrum fighter jets.

Kwang! Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!

Despite their powerful ECM and unique evasive maneuvers, the Mig-29A/C Fulcrum fighter jets began to fall one after the other. A few lucky pilots were able to open the canopy and make an emergency escape just before they were hit.

In addition, the second launched S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles resulted in a series of explosions of the Russian fighters in the sky.

Dozens of Russian fighters struggled to avoid them by performing evasive maneuvers but the S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles, which flew at a speed of Mach 8, kept the eight nozzles on target and aimed for the fuselage until they had successfully hit it.

Eventually, only 23 Mig-29A/C Fulcrum fighter jets and 23 Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets survived the missile attack. The rest were blown up in the air and had turned into burning debris.

The fighters survived thanks to the tenacity of the Russian pilots. As a reward for their efforts, they were finally able to detect the CF-21P Zusak fighters on their radars.

It was the result of their sacrifices by putting their lives at risk and reducing the distance to up to 30 kilometers, emitting powerful radar waves with maximum power output until they were finally able to detect the CF-21P Zusak fighter jets. All of this was made possible by the fact that they were able to reduce the distance to less than 100 kilometers.

The squadron commander of the Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jet immediately ordered a missile attack on the detected CF-21P Zusak fighter jets.

Beep beep beep! Beep!

The sound of RWR (Rader Warning Receiver) alarms from the R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles could be heard in the CF-21P Zusak fighter jets of the 16th Fighter Wing that belonged to the 115th Fighter Squadron, which was attempting to completely destroy the Russian fighter jets.

"What is this? Are we under attack?"

As the Russians didn't want to miss this golden opportunity, the Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets that had survived launched all of their mid-range R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles at the CF-21P Zusak fighter jets.

As a result, a total of 72 R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles were launched in the direction of the Korean fighters. There were four to five missiles launched at each targeted plane.

The 115th Fighter Squadron, which was always familiar with the tactics of leisurely firing and intercepting missile attacks at an advantageous point like a secret assassin, couldn't help but panic when they were detected by the enemy's radar for the first time and were being attacked.

As a result, some pilots were perplexed even with simple evasive maneuvers. Upon seeing this, the 115th Fighter Squadron's squadron commander chastised them via the communication network.

"It's the dark rose. Wake up! Guys! Carry out what you've been practicing! Consider it a form of training! Sunflower, Lily, and Phlox launch the final Rattlesnake missile into enemy fighters and begin an avoidance maneuver. Our Black Rose squadron will launch the attack on Point 95 to the North."

"Sunflower, copy that."

"Lily, copy that."

"Phlox, copy that."

"Black rose! Rattlesnake missile launch!"

"Black rose two, Roger!"

"Black rose three, Roger!"

"Black rose four, Roger!"

The last remaining S-AAM-200 Rattlesnake missiles were fired at the Russian fighters.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

The two fighters of both countries were now 60 kilometers apart, and supersonic missiles with speeds of Mach 5 or higher were launched toward each other.

Kwang! Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!

Once again, a series of explosions accompanied by flashing lights across the dark sky occurred.

The S-AAM-200 rattlesnake missile, which has excellent steering ability even at Mach 8, made a near-90-degree turn and shot down Russia's latest stealth fighters, the Mig-37 MFI Siberian fighter jets, which were in service for the first time.

In addition, the two A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft that were flying 30 kilometers behind fell slowly to the ground while being engulfed in dark red flames and exploded as they were hit by the Rattlesnake missiles.

Meanwhile, the CF-21P Zusak fighter jets, which were targeted by several R-77M1 Vimpel air-to-air missiles, used their powerful SECM (wave disturbance system) and unique evasive maneuvers to avoid the incoming missiles.

In contrast to the beginning, the pilots attempted to avoid the missiles by properly utilizing the supercomputer's automatic avoidance system as they had been trained. Unfortunately, one of the main fighter jets was hit by fragments of the fifth missile, which damaged the wing. The damage was not severe enough to cause it to be shot down, but the trailing edge of the wing, which was critical to flight maneuverability, was damaged. In an aircraft such as this, which was required to perform sharp turns in an engagement, this was a fatal blow.

As a result, the pilot reported this to the squadron leader and began returning immediately.

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