21st Century Goguryeo

412 Season 2 - Part 16 The Second Northeast Asian War! - 5-3 Triangle Annihilation Operation!

November 26, 2023, 02:30

B2 bunker in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Namju (Operation room of the Armed Forces Joint Command Control Center)

The Capital Panzer Division (Fierce Tiger) and the 80th Panzer Division (Balhae), which were attacked by an Iskander-M missile from the 20th Guards Rocket Brigade as a retaliation attack from the Russian Army, were able to continue maneuvering towards the main unit of the 5th Army with relatively minor losses half an hour earlier. This was thanks to successful interceptions by Zeus 5 and 6 and the efforts of each division's air defense units.

30 minutes later, the Capital Panzer Division (Fierce Tiger), which was the first to infiltrate the Bukpyeong area's vast farmland, unleashed a barrage of powerful photon guns.

ku ru ru ru ru~

jjyung! jjyung! jjyung!

After being severely attacked by Hyunmoo tactical ballistic missiles, several divisions of the 5th Army's main unit, which were scattered across the farmland around Bukpyeong with no cover except for small villages, were attacked once again.

In particular, the four mobilization divisions, which comprised primarily of infantry, faced a dire situation from which they could not even retreat, as the majority of the transport trucks were destroyed after being hit by the photon cannons.

These scenes were clearly shown on various screens in the operation room of the Joint Command Control Center through optical cameras of various reconnaissance drones flown from the Apollo Reconnaissance Satellite and the Capital Panzer Division (Fierce Tiger).

The remaining troops of the 5th Army were mercilessly wiped out by photons and various laser Vulcan beams streaming from the C-3A1 White Tiger tank, which was moving in a platoon formation. It was not a normal engagement; it was a one-sided massacre.

Some of the surviving tanks and armored vehicles attempted to maneuver to a small village in the surrounding area for cover. However, they failed, exploding on the spot, bursting into red flames one after another after being hit by the Black Dragon missiles, which silently flew through the sky.

It vividly depicted the atrocities of a horrific war.

"Hahaha, this, this, this is a big success."

Deputy chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Youn Gi-youn, shouted with a pleased look. Then several operators next to him clenched their fists and cheered.

At that moment, an operator shouted.

"This is the duke's report. Russian fighters, 24 Su-57 Parkpa fighters and 24 Su-34 fullback fighter-bombers are said to have appeared 200 kilometers above the northern end of Bukpyeong. Currently, 24 fighter jets from Samjiyon Air Base's 16th Fighter Wing were carrying out air sorties."

Along with the operator's report, the main screen's digital map displayed two colored symbols indicating Russian fighters. The Russian Air Force finally began to move two days after the war began. It appeared to be a mission to attack the Capital Panzer Division (Fierce Tiger) and the 82nd Panzar Division (Balhae), both of which were attacking the 5th Army's remaining troops.

"Has the origin of the sortie spot been confirmed?"

Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon, head of the operation division, fixed his eyes on the main screen and asked.

"It's presumed to be Mingon base."

"Mingon? Isn't it a civilian airfield?"

Mingon Airfield was a small civilian airfield located 48 kilometers southwest of Amursk.

"According to the report, it's Mingon Airfield."

After being asked by Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon, the operator checked once again and answered.

"Which Apollo satellite is currently in charge of the sky over there?"

"It's Apollo 12."

"Good! Make sure to scout Mingon Airfield with it!"

"Yes, I will."

A few minutes later, a video of Apollo 12's reconnaissance of Mingon Airfield was projected onto a screen in the control room. Mingon Airfield was discovered to be suspicious for a normal civilian aircraft when viewed in infrared mode. Several vehicles were parked around the airfield, and a slew of brightly colored objects that resembled people were busy moving even late in the night.

"Tell control room 12 to enlarge it as much as possible."

"Yes, sir."

After a while, the screen image gradually zoomed in, and soon the moving brightly colored objects began to be clearly visible.

As it was in infrared vision mode, it wasn't highly-recognizable but the outfits worn by the colored objects were Air Force combat suits. This confirmed that it was a Russian Air Force reserve base. The problem was that they couldn't identify the fighters.

At this time, Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon approached the console connected to the Apollo 12 control room and communication network, and directly instructed the control room.

"I'm the head of the operations division. Controller number 12! Now, check the inverter vision mode on the square building at 7 o'clock on the screen."


The screen displayed the square building pointed to by Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon at the same time as the response. When the display was changed to inverted mode, the shape of a fighter plane could be seen inside the building. Using the peer identification DB, information about the fighter plane was quickly identified and displayed on the split-screen.

It was Russia's latest stealth fighter, the Su-57 Parkpa fighter.

"What? What's that? It's a hangar. Are they only hiding one?"

When Captain Youn Gi-youn leaned forward with a surprised look, Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon replied with a confident voice as if he had guessed something.

"It looks like an elevator building connected to an underground containment facility rather than a hangar."

Captain Youn Gi-youn twitched one eyebrow.

"That's it! Did they construct an underground hangar in a private airfield and keep it hidden all this time? We should have scouted civil airfields sooner, but...I should not have let my guard down."

The Russian Air Force had built underground containment facilities in all general civil airfields to use them as reserve air bases in the event of a war.

In other words, even before the war against Korea broke out, all fighters belonging to the 3rd Air Force had moved to underground hangars at various civil airfields.

"How many civil airfields are there in the northeast?"

Shin Sung-yong, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also narrowed his eyebrows at the unbelievable fact and asked Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon.

"A total of 28 civil airfields have been identified so far."

"28 is more than what I thought. Starting from now, instruct the Aerospace Force Overseas Reconnaissance Bureau to conduct detailed reconnaissance of all civil airfields."

"Yes, sir."

"Be sure to also send an air raid warning to the Capital Panzer Division and the 82nd Division."

"Yes, chairman."

And at that moment, an operator in charge of the Western Front urgently shouted.

"A report has come in that another Russian Panzer Army has captured the area on the Western Front."

As a result, all eyes focused on the main screen again. The newly identified Russian Panzer Armies were marked on the digital map one by one with new symbols.

It was Mongolian territory 71 kilometers south of the 5th Panzer Division (Key).

"Where did they come from? Didn't we strengthen our 24-hour reconnaissance of Mongolian territory?"

Even General Youn Gi-youn, who always seemed at ease, looked at the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with a surprised look.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff conducted a thorough reconnaissance of Mongolian territory in the Western Shenzhen area using the Space and Air Force's Overseas Reconnaissance Bureau but no additional Russian forces had been detected so far. The sudden appearance of them, however, at a close distance from the 5th Panzer Division, left those in the operation room command center with no choice but to panic.

Shin Sung-yong, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asked the operator again.

"Did you figure out which unit it is?"

"According to our information, it is presumed to be an independent corps under the direct control of the 29th Army."

"Under the jurisdiction of 29th Army?"

"It is a corps organized into the 27th Panzer Division, the 55th Vehicle Fire Infantry Division, and the 56th Vehicle Fire Infantry Division."

The operator pushed a few buttons on the console and displayed the updated information and report on the digital map screen. As a result, each symbol displayed detailed information on organized weapons as well as other characteristics.

"Huh, the strength of the troops is considerable."

Shin Sung-yong, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, shook his head and sighed heavily.

"Chairman, first of all, why don't we defend with the 30th Division that moves along the border?"

The 30th Mechanized Infantry Division (Pilseung), which started maneuvering in Mangyong (Jilin) city according to the revised plan, had bypassed the rugged mountainous area and was now moving to the northwest along the Mongolian border.

"To solve this issue, let's do that. In addition, tell the 28th Infantry Division to move further north."

"Yes, I will order each division to do so."

"I think I was a little too easy on the Western Front. It's all my fault."

Shin Sung-yong, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who muttered to himself with a firm expression on his face, shook his head as if he had decided something, and gave an order to the communications console.

"Connect the duke."

"Yes, I'm connecting."

* * *

November 26, 2023, 02:30

12 kilometers west end of Soyangsan Mountain (Limenmin) in Namgang-do, Bukmanju (The 20th Armored Division)

200 C-3A1 White Tiger tanks, which appeared agile and powerful, roared their engines and sped through the frozen farmland like a sports car. On the other side, the T-14B Armata tanks that had passed between the two mountain ridgelines gradually narrowed the gap between them and moved into a flank formation.

As a result, the frozen farmland was destroyed, leaving dizzying track marks in every direction.

"Let's get the Thai medal for the first-class promotion and raise our rank this time too! Hahaha"

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, commander of the 712th tank, shouted with a smile on his face as he saw the Russian tanks approaching through the microscope.

"Oh! Commander! They're Armatas equipped with rail guns. Don't you remember being hit by a rail gun from an American tram in Japan?"

"Hey! Hey! Is it the same as before? What do you think of my baby? Let them try to hit it with their rail gun. Hahaha."

"Oh! Why is it that the more I see you, the more I think you're behaving like Master Sergeant Oh?"

"Do you want to die? How can I be like him?"

"Isn't that right? You never thought about ranks before. When did you become so obsessed with them?"

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, who confirmed the type of enemy tanks approaching through the microscope, grumbled.

"Hey! I don't want to resemble him. I just want to quickly become a warrior and live a comfortable life in the military."

"Wow! You are just in your twenties and you want that? That's amazing."

"Shut up! Fighting!"

At that time, they could hear the sound of the wind, and soon, dirt and sand shot up in the air, all over the place.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"It's finally beginning. Let's all focus and have fun!"

Various artillery units from the 81st SS Panzer Division and the 70th Motorized Infantry Division fired shells across the Yangsanneung Line at a steady rate. Although it could not deliver a direct fatal blow to the tanks and armored vehicles of the 20th Panzer Division (decisive battle), the optical equipment could be damaged if it was directly hit.

"Sergeant Kim! Zigzag. If we are hit before the battle begins and our optical equipment is damaged, you will die."

"Yes, sir"

Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi quickly switched from driver to catcher, and Corporal Kim Il-soo, who replaced him, answered bravely.

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Han Young-kuk's voice was heard over the battalion communication network.

During the 1st Northeast Asian War, Captain Han Young-kuk, who was the 7th company commander of the 26th tank battalion, received a first-class special promotion and was later appointed as the battalion commander of the 26th tank battalion.

Soon after, the White Tiger tanks of the 60th Panzer Brigade, the most advanced of the 20th Panzer Division, engaged with the 81st SS Panzer Division Armata Tanks.

iiyung! jjyung!

Quang! Quang!

More than 200 tanks from both sides fired photons and rail guns at the same time as they maneuvered in a long cross-sized formation.

Particles of photons flew at incredible speeds and metal bullets from rail guns collided and poured into each other's tanks.

kwaaak! kwaang! kwaaang!

Several T-14B Armata tanks penetrated by photon particles came to a halt after they were engulfed in flames. The rail gun metal bullets, on the other hand, either failed to hit the White Tiger tanks or were stopped by intercepting laser beams.

The Ministry of National Defense had promoted a full-fledged improvement project for the C-3 White Tiger tank beginning in the second half of 2021. This was to prepare a countermeasure against the powerful railgun of the US M4 Wardog tank during the First Northeast Asian War.

As a result, the SECM (wave disturbance system) performance had been greatly improved in comparison to existing active defense systems, and an additional 25-millimeter intercepting laser had been mounted on both sides and the rear of the main turret.

Therefore, the improved C-3A1 White Tiger tanks, which had been deployed in Panzer units since early 2023, were capable of neutralizing any 16 MJ rail gun metal bullets flying at a speed of Mach 8 from a distance of more than two kilometers. It had an interception rate of more than 70 percent, which is three times higher than the existing White Tiger tanks.

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