21st Century Goguryeo

387 Season 2 Book 15, Ideology and Justice – 5-5 Siberian wind blade

November 24, 2023, 15:20 (Russian time 09:20)

Russia, Moscow, bunker state R-13

"The battle had only begun and yet we have lost 60% of our power. How can this happen?" President Putin, who was watching the naval battle against the 7th Fleet at State R-13 with officials from various departments and General Staff commanders, expressed dissatisfaction with the current situation.

"Since they had lost their connection to the intelligence satellite, they couldn't detect the enemy fleet, so…," General Igor Gromov, the Naval Commander-in-Chief, made an apparent excuse while looking sideways at Udolf Miahi, the Aerospace Defense Force Commander-in-Chief.

"Are you saying that without the spy satellite, the Russian Navy cannot do anything? Is it just a paper boat? Shouldn't we use all the available means?" President Putin became even more enraged after hearing General Igor Gromov's frustrating response, which he expressed by getting up from his chair and pointing his finger at him before directing his rage at Chief of General Staff Vladimir Beshastnich.

"Chief of General Staff Beshastnich! If the Far East Fleet is defeated this time, you will have to take full responsibility."

President Putin glared at him angrily before turning his head and walking over to defense minister Mikhail Ivanov. "Minister Ivanov! The same goes for you. We must destroy the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla at all costs."

"Yes, President! Even though it's late, we've now switched to Plan B. As the President wishes, we will bury all of them in the Northeast Sea without missing a single step."

"Minister! You will be responsible for your words."

"Yes, I'll take responsibility. Please believe me, Mr. President!"

Minister Mikhail Ivanov's words calmed President Putin, who sat and complained, "It went wrong from the start! 60% loss… Anyway, Minister Ivanov! By any chance, if the Far East Fleet is defeated, proceed to the next step immediately."

"Yes, sir."

The operation room of bunker state R-13, which had been frozen for a while, once again buzzed with the participation of ministers and commanders from each department, and all eyes were on the screen to monitor the current status of operation Plan B, which had just started.

When the Far East Fleet, which failed to receive the detection information from the intelligence satellite, suffered unilateral damage from the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla, the Chief of General Staff immediately switched to Plan B.

First, six IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft were dispatched to detect the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla. In fact, the IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft did not only have a simple anti-ship and anti-submarine patrol mission.

KhL-100 had been developed, a mobile radar missile that virtually prepares for naval battles with excellent stealth performance, such as the Zumwalt-class destroyer, the latest stealth destroyer of the US Navy.

At the time of the initial research, Russia was attempting to compensate for its somewhat inferior maritime radar when dealing with destroyers with excellent stealth capabilities, such as the US Navy's latest stealth destroyer, the Zumwalt-class destroyer.

The KHL-100 warhead is equipped with a miniature version of the S-500 stationary active AESA phased array radar mounted on the Rider-class air-defense cruiser, which can fly to the vicinity of the enemy fleet and detect all surface ships within 200 km for a maximum of 24 hours to detect all suspicious activity.

The only drawback was the absurdly high price: $100 million per unit.

Even though The Russian Federation Council opposed the development's budget, the Putin administration insisted that even if only one unit of the billion-dollar destroyer was built, the business would be tens of times more profitable. Therefore, a total of 12 units were deployed.

The KhL-100 mobile radar missiles were deployed in the bottom center of the six IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft that were currently flying over the Far East Fleet.

If the KhL-100 mobile radar missile is fired and safely lands in the sea near the Korean Navy's 7th Fleet, the detection information will be transmitted not only to the Far East Fleet but also to the 3rd Air Force's SU-35, which was flying at top speed from the Primorsky Sea to the Northeast Sea. The unfavorable naval battle could be reversed at once if the 12 fighter-bombers were normally data-linked.

In addition, there were three more changes in Plan B.

First, there were 12 MiG-31BM fighter-bombers armed with KH-47M2 Kinzal air-to-ship missiles at the Zelesnogorsk Air Base in Kurskaya Oblast.

The KH-47M2 Kinzal air-to-ship missile, which was launched in December 2017, was the first hypersonic air-to-ship missile to be equipped with a small nuclear propulsion engine, with a speed of Mach 10 and a range of 2,000 kilometers.

At the time of actual deployment, Russia claimed that the U.S.'s proud MD system had become useless due to its radar detection avoidance function as well as the KH-47M2 Kinzal missile, which is highly mobile.

Even though the U.S. denied those claims, Russia's high-tech weapons made a significant sense of crisis in the Pentagon, regardless of the fact that they showed little external response.

Second, four Tu-22M Tupolev strategic bombers armed with as many as four KH-47M2 Kinzal air-to-ship missiles had been launched from the Krasnoyarsk Air Base.

Third, the surface-to-surface warship K-300P Bastion was hiding behind various camouflages.

There were four mobile launchers, each with two P-800 Onyx missiles. The range of the missiles' Mach 4.5 speed was 600 kilometers, which was enough to reach the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla. The K-300P Bastion surface-to-surface fleet was currently deployed off the coast of Usuri.

As such, Russia's Plan B operation could come as a disaster for the autonomous 7th Maritime Task Flotilla. There were 40 hypersonic KH-47M2 Kinzal air-to-ship missiles, 24 supersonic KH-22S long-range air-to-ship missiles, 24 P-800 Onyx missiles, and an unpredictable number of surface-to-ship missiles to be launched from the Far East Fleet.

If they had dealt with the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla with Operation B from the beginning, the damage to the Far East would have been less than now. This was purely a mistake by the general staff for overestimating the power of the Far East fleet and underestimating the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla's power.

* * *

November 24, 2023, 15:20

A bunker under the National Crisis Center in Cheong Wa Dae, Jongno-gu, Seoul

President Choo Un-hee sat in the operation room of the National Crisis Center with the Minister of National Defense and other ministers, watching the naval battle between the two countries in the Northeast Sea with her eyes fixed on the screen.

Occasionally, some of the aides exclaimed and cheered involuntarily when they saw scenes of the Far East Fleet's surface ships being hit by anti-ship missiles or sinking.

In response, they were scolded by the Chief Secretary.

Since the battle was being transmitted in real-time from the Apollo reconnaissance satellite and the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla, they were able to watch it.

"I think we have a chance to win."

When Prime Minister Lee Youn-yeon said this with a pleased expression, National Security Director Kang Hyun-soo, who sat next to him, shook his head from side to side and responded with a vague expression, "Prime Minister! We don't know yet."

"Oh, is that so? I don't know anything about this," Prime Minister Lee Youn-yeon was flushed with embarrassment at his hasty decision.

"As can be seen, an early victory was achieved, but the Far East Fleet will not continue to suffer in this way. There must be something hidden with the newly launched maritime patrol aircraft."

National Security Director Kang Hyun-soo, a former minister of defense, was not optimistic, as if he felt something was suspicious.

"Do you think so? I think that if our fleet attacks with anti-ship missiles one more time, we'll definitely end the Far East fleet," Unification Policy Minister Kim Young-chul said with a smile on his face.

"I hope so."

When National Security Director Kang Ui-sik answered, President Choo Un-hee looked at the minister of defense and asked, "Based on President Putin's character, he won't stop with the defeat of the Far East Fleet. Are you sure you're ready for the border?"

Even though President Choo Un-hee spoke with determination during the hotline call with Putin, she was concerned as the naval war with Russia's Far East Fleet began.

"Yes, you don't have to worry, Madam President! The border has been under alert for nearly a month now. In addition, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have prepared a countermeasure for all the possible scenarios. You can trust our Republic of Corea Armed Forces." Even though Minister Kang Ui-sik had a worried expression on his face, he spoke clearly.

"Of course, I trust you. Then I'd like to ask you a favor."

"Yes, what's your request?"

"If there is an all-out war with Russia as a result of this naval battle, please ensure that the sacrifices of our soldiers who are someone's son, father, or husband are as low as possible."

"Yes, I will do my best."

When Minister Kang responded with a loud voice, National Security Director Kang Hyun-soo laughed loudly and told the president, "Hahaha, was it a coincidence? During the last Northeast Asian War, former President Suh Hyun-woo said just the same thing as you."

"Oh, is that so? I guess that's how everyone would think when they're here."

While many talks were going on, six Hocula destroyers were flying in the sky one after another.

* * *

September 24, 2023, 17:20 Russian time

Russia's Freyrorsky Kray Danegorsk, 15 kilometers south of the country

Six IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft had just left the coastline of the Primordial Coast and were slowly entering the airspace of the Far East Fleet with a distance of 30 km from each other.

Bee bee bee! Bee bee!

At this moment, the missile detection sensor was activated on the six IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft, and an alarm sounded in the cockpit.

The airspace over which the maritime patrol aircraft was flying was, of course, Russian airspace. In other words, it could be a starting point for an all-out war, as opposed to the war that was currently happening between the two countries at the seas.

-Fif-! Fifty-five seconds to reach! The missile is too fast.

Through the pilot and co-pilot's headphones, the almost screaming voice of a Unit One avionics operator rang through the radio waves.

Yuri Gazski, the pilot and squadron commander of Unit One, opened up all the maritime patrol aircraft and communications and gave urgent instructions.

"This is Unit One! There is no time. Drop 'Ion Glum' from the current location to the specified coordinates and immediately start evasive maneuvers. Repeat. Drop 'Ion Glum' at the designated coordinates and immediately start evasive maneuvers."

-Unit Two, received!

-Unit Three, received!

-Unit Four, received!

-Unit Five, received!

-Unit Six, received!

Simultaneously with the response, the heavy missiles mounted at the bottom center of each maritime patrol aircraft were separated one by one, and then a powerful propellant exploded and flew forward.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The KHL-100 mobile radar missile, dubbed the "Ion Glum" because of its sleek design and four auxiliary jet engines, flew at an alarming speed toward the set coordinate.

"Let's do our own evasive maneuver!"

As the urgent instruction was issued from the commander of the Unit One squadron, the IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft turned left and right while maximizing the output of their jet engines.

However, it was impossible to avoid the GTAS-300 Sea Dragon surface-to-air missile flying down at an altitude of 50 kilometers and flying at Mach 10.


Unit Three maritime patrol plane collided with the GTAS-300 Sea-Cheonryong surface-to-air missile exploded in mid-air and shattered into pieces.

Subsequently, Units Two and Four met the same fate.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Like a hungry beast hungry for prey, the GTAS-300 Sea Dragon surface-to-air missile accurately and reliably struck its target.

In an instant, the three maritime patrol planes turned into large and small fireballs and fell to the ground. Despite avoiding the first missile, plane number 5 was shot down by the second GTAS-300 Sea Dragon surface-to-air missile.

Finally, a missile struck the first plane's left wing. It eventually crashed to the ground after spinning around.

However, not long after, the second GTAS-300 Sea Dragon surface-to-air missile was launched and collided with the surviving aircraft, resulting in the loss of all six IL-39 Sarakov patrol aircraft crew members.

Meanwhile, the launched KHL-100 mobile radar missiles, called the "Ion Glum," quickly approached the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla using four auxiliary jet engines.

The 7th Maritime Task Flotilla naturally detected the KHL-100 mobile radar missile and began intercepting it, but the intercept procedure was halted because the estimated strike point analyzed was 120 kilometers away from the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla. The crew members of the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla had no idea that it was a mobile radar missile.

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