1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 458: Southern Army

It is impossible that all the troops assembled in San Antonio were regular troops in standing forces.

Most of them come from paramilitary forces such as militias, vigilantes, and volunteer organizations, as well as irregular military organizations.

This was the first time Liang Yao saw such a large number of southern troops.

Poor, at least poorer than the Northern Army. This was the most intuitive impression this army gave Liang Yao.

The coats, jackets, and trousers of almost all Confederate soldiers are mainly gray and dark blue, because gray and blue dyes are cheaper, especially gray dyes, which are the cheapest.

In terms of helmets, it is different from all soldiers in the Western Brigade who are required to wear spiked helmets.

The Confederate troops did not have the tradition of wearing helmets in any state, and the hats they wore were also varied.

Troops in Alabama wore shacco hats, those in Mississippi wore black bonnets, and those in Virginia and Louisiana wore flat caps.

As for the remaining troops from other states, they directly wear straw hats and various strange hats. These hats may be purchased from vendors, made by themselves, or borrowed from fellow villagers. .

These are considered normal. Liang Yao even saw a few soldiers wearing women's hats and turbans.

The uniforms of the Southern Army were so complicated that at the beginning of the Civil War, misunderstandings often occurred between friendly troops and accidental injuries occurred (the Union Army's uniforms in the early days of the war were mainly blue, and Southern Army units wearing blue uniforms often mistaken for the Union Army).

Of course, these troops wearing blue military uniforms can also obtain some unexpected conveniences at certain times. For example, in the Battle of Bengniu River, a Southern Army wearing blue military uniforms attacked the Northern Army artillery unsuspectingly. The sneak attack was successful and the artillery position occupied by the Northern Army was destroyed without any blood.

The Southern troops then used the captured artillery to fire at the Northern troops. By the time the Northern troops realized that they were being attacked, they were already dead.

But when Liang Yao saw the shoes worn by these Confederate soldiers, he no longer felt that the complicated and worn-out Confederate uniforms were a big problem.

Although it is winter, these Confederate soldiers still wear worn-out military boots, leaky leather shoes, and even straw sandals.

The quality of military shoes will affect the marching speed of soldiers, which is very fatal.

In fact, the shortage of military shoes has plagued the Southern Army from beginning to end.

Fortunately, the winter in the south this year is not very cold, and it will not freeze too many people's feet.

In terms of equipment, the Confederate equipment was also disappointing.

The Springfield M1842, which was eliminated by the Western Brigade, is still their mainstream equipment, but the Cavalry River Mississippi troops are mainly equipped with the M1841 Mississippi rifle.

The most painful thing was the artillery unit of the Southern Army. A dozen three-inch rifled guns that Liang Yao despised were regarded as treasures by them.

This is the entire artillery force prepared by the Confederate Army for this battle.

"Damn it, the Southern Army is so poor that it's heart-wrenching."

Liang Yao rode a horse and led his guard company into San Antonio. The sights he saw along the way made him sigh like this.

The soldiers of the Confederate Army were also full of curiosity about this unit with neat and clean uniforms, well-tailored uniforms and spiked helmets.

Of course, what they envy most is that everyone in this company is wearing a pair of brand-new shoes.

In front of this company, these Confederate soldiers were like beggars.


"Bah! Yankee!"

Out of jealousy and long-term hatred of northerners, some southern soldiers began to criticize this well-equipped and well-equipped company.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Liang Yao stopped in front of a foul-mouthed Louisiana volunteer and shouted sullenly.

Seeing the brigadier general's epaulettes on Liang Yao's shoulders, the Louisiana volunteer soldier, who was wearing baggy blue trousers, light yellow boots, and a gray short jacket, instantly shivered with fear.

Upon seeing this, a captain hurried over and slapped the ungrateful volunteer several times and apologized repeatedly.

"I'm very sorry, General. I hope you can be magnanimous and don't get along with these ignorant country bumpkins!"

The Confederate soldiers who had been shouting obscenities just now fell silent instantly.

Liang Yao was naturally too lazy to argue with these southern soldiers. Seeing that their officers had already taught these ungrateful southern soldiers a lesson, Liang Yao continued to march into the city.

After Liang Yao left, the officers of the Louisiana Volunteer Army breathed a sigh of relief.

The soldiers didn't know the inside story, but they, the officers, did.

The Ministry of War has appointed the famous southern general Jackson as the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front Force, Liang Yao as the commander-in-chief of the Western Front Force and the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front Force.

In other words, Liang Yao is now one of their top military officers, which makes Liang Yao angry and not a good thing for them.

After entering the city, Jackson, who had already arrived in San Antonio, led a group of officers out to greet Liang Yao.

The famous Confederate general wore a gray double-breasted woolen tunic. This type of officer uniform was the most popular among Confederate officers.

Behind Jackson followed a group of young lieutenants. The uniforms of Confederate officers were more uniform than those of soldiers.

These officers also wore double-breasted gray tunics, but the buttons and uniform materials were different.

It is said that these young officers came from the Virginia Military Academy, Settlement Military Academy.

These two military academies trained almost all the officers of the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Jackson presumably brought them to Texas for the purpose of training soldiers.

"General Liang, I welcome you on behalf of the South." Jackson shook hands with Liang Yao warmly and welcomed Liang Yao's arrival.

"We all know that you are a very good commander and have achieved very dazzling victories in the Borneo region. I hope you can give me your advice."

"Excessive praise." Liang Yao said very modestly, but in his heart he was full of criticism.

He was able to fight smoothly in Borneo because he fought for wealth.

At present, the federal government has only approved US$3 million in military expenditures for them, of which US$1 million is granted to the Western Brigade and US$2 million is granted to the Southern Army.

Liang Yao has never fought such a poor battle.

Compared with the US$10 million in military expenditures approved when the last US-Mexico war was declared, the total military expenditures for the entire war was US$97 million.

The military expenditures approved by the federal government this time can be said to be extremely stingy.

"The troops have been assembled, but many of our supplies have not yet arrived."

After the pleasantries were exchanged, Jackson began to complain.

"The three-inch rifled guns and related ammunition that we urgently need. The artillery that the Ministry of War promised to allocate to us has not yet arrived. The entire army currently only has 15 rifled guns."

As soon as Jackson finished complaining, a heavyweight colonel next to Jackson, who weighed a full 190 pounds and was fully 6 feet tall, hurriedly added.

"When we attack Mexico, we need not only three-inch rifled guns, but also larger-caliber cannons. I heard that California can produce very high-performance artillery on its own. I wonder if General Liang can help with one or two, and solve the current problem first. Urgent need?"


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