1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 381: Changmao is kind-hearted

Chapter 374 Shaggy has a kind heart

"We are outnumbered, and the outcome has been decided. You are a Han, so why do you work for Xianfeng, the Manchu demon leader in the capital?

The fact that you can bring out such soldiers shows that you are not a mediocre person. A good bird chooses a tree to roost in, and a good minister chooses his master to serve. Why don't you abandon the darkness and turn to the light, go to the King of Heaven, and under the guidance of the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Brothers, jointly create a heaven on earth, so that everyone in the world can enjoy peace under the protection of the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Brothers. "

It is not that the Taiping Army has no precedent for incorporating the Qing army. In addition to the Eight Banners Soldiers and other Qing demons with too pure blood, the Taiping Army has accepted both Green Camp and Xiang Yong.

This rural warrior army is well-organized, well-equipped, and has strong soldiers. It is the best Qing army Wei Jun has ever seen.

Wei Jun hopes to persuade them to surrender and use them for his own use.

The best strategy is to subdue the enemy's troops without fighting.

Many of the soldiers Wei Jun and his brother Wei Changhui brought to recapture Yangzhou City were the elites of the Han and Zhuang tribes in Guangxi who followed them from Guangxi to Tianjing. It is the essence of the Right Army.

This country warrior looked like a tough nut. If he tried to gnaw this tough nut, Wei Jun thought that although he could gnaw it down, he would inevitably lose some of his troops.

This is why Wei Jun hopes to persuade Liang Shaoqiong to surrender.

"What kind of bullshit, Heavenly Father and Brother, the god of foreign devils, can still control our territory in China and bless you bunch of magicians?" Liang Shaoqiong sneered at this and said sarcastically.

"That bastard king of yours destroyed saints' temples and burned saints' books all the way from Guangxi to Jiangning, causing complaints from all over the place. Could it be that he was just trying to vent his anger at not being able to pass the examination as a scholar in his thirties?

Although I am stupid, I was selected as a scholar at the age of 21. My third nephew is smarter and became a junior student in Xiangshan County at the age of 17. As a scholar, Hong Xiuquan had not achieved any fame in his thirties and turned to believe in the heresies of foreigners. How sad!

Hong Xiuquan, Yang Xiuqing, these pretenders, you actually listen to him. You are not only pathetic, but also pitiful and hopeless. "

Liang Shaoqiong is a serious scholar, that is, a disciple of Confucianism.

Naturally, you can't pee in the same pot as Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

In this expedition, the banner of Guangdong Yong is to defend the way of the sages and cleanse the evil cults.

Liang Shaoqiong, who was born in a scholarly family and believed in the teachings of Confucius and Mencius since childhood, not only disdained to associate with Hong Xiuquan, who could not even pass the scholar examination, but was also full of contempt and hatred.

From the perspective of a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Xiuquan was just a complete loser.

The teachings of Confucius and Mencius are the science of Chinese governance, and the landlords and gentry are the foundation of Chinese governance.

Emperors from ancient and modern times had to win the support of scholars, landlords and gentry if they wanted to achieve success.

Hong Xiuquan directly stood in opposition to the scholars and landlords and gentry, using the foreigners' crooked theories as the foundation of the country, and deceived the public with his monstrous words.

Therefore, in Liang Shaoqiong's view, Hong Xiuquan was not a person who could achieve great things.

It is true that the Qing Dynasty was decadent, but Hong Xiuquan and his so-called Taiping Heavenly Kingdom could not replace the Qing Dynasty.

This is Liang Shaoqiong’s view.

Liang Shaoqiong's reputation as a scholar was not very good in his own circle, but in front of Hong Xiuquan, a scholar who had not even been admitted as a scholar, Liang Shaoqiong was still full of superiority.

As soon as Liang Shaoqiong said this, even the Guangdong heroes couldn't help laughing.

The recruitment standard of the Yue Yong is to give priority to those who can write and calculate, and scholars with meritorious status are given preferential treatment and trained as officers. Therefore, although the Yue Yong is a new army, its cultural level is the highest among the Qing armies. The existence of Qi Juechen.

There are also several deputy sentry officers among the Yue Yong who have the reputation of being scholars. They agree with Liang Shaoqiong's rhetoric and are full of pride in their actions to defend the law.

"How presumptuous! How can you slander the King of Heaven! The King of Heaven disdains the reputation of Qingyao and wants to open a subject to get scholars by himself!" Wei Jun was furious when he heard this, and then left a harsh word.

"I'll give you half an hour to think about it. Within half an hour, if you want to survive, raise the white flag and surrender. If you don't surrender, I, the general of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom with one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, will trample you to dust in a moment!"

After speaking, Wei Jun returned to the Taiping Army formation to report the situation to Wei Changhui and prepare to organize an attack.

After Wei Jun returned to the formation, Liang Shaoqiong breathed a sigh of relief and was glad that he had not lost his composure just now.

He picked up the monocular telescope given to him by Liang Yao. He had to say that this foreign instrument was quite useful.

At first, he used a telescope imitated by a Guangzhou optician. Although it worked, it could not see as far as the telescope given to him by Liang Yao, and it was not as clear as the telescope given to him by Liang Yao.

Through the telescope, Liang Shaoqiong could clearly see the Taiping Army everywhere.

This was the first time Liang Shaoqiong saw the rumored long-haired army.

If there are more than a thousand soldiers, there will be no borders; if there are more than ten thousand soldiers, there will be no borders.

What caught Liang Shaoqiong's eyes was an endless sea of ​​people.

The long-haired troops numbering over 10,000 people looked very powerful from a distance.

Most of these long-haired men wear short clothes and their heads are wrapped in red scarves. Their clothes are very complicated and they do not have such a uniform uniform as the Yue Yongs.

Many of the long-haired ones still wore Green Camp clothes, but with the hems cut off. Some had yellow cloth strips wrapped around their arms. Those with better conditions wore half-arm styles and vests and uniforms over the Green Camp uniforms to distinguish them. Friend or foe.

As for the flags of the long-haired troops, they are even more complicated and difficult to distinguish.

From a distance, they look like a ragtag group of people.

Liang Shaoqiong guessed that some of the green camp soldiers wearing green camp clothes were surrendered to the green camp soldiers, and some were wearing clothes ripped off dead people or rummaged from the treasuries of Nanjing and Zhenjiang.

"Changmao still hopes that we can surrender, and gave us a full half hour."

After seeing clearly the situation of the Taiping Army, Liang Shaoqiong put down his telescope and issued the order.

"In half an hour, it will definitely be too late to dig trenches, but it is still too late to build fortifications with sandbags. Send the order and fill the sandbags with sand on the spot to build fortifications to ward off the enemy!"

After receiving the order, the Yue Yong soldiers, under the command of the sentry officers and commanders, took sandbags from the baggage truck, took off the ordnance shovels from their waists, and filled the sandbags with the sand on the ground.

Liang Yao's imaginary enemy is the American Army. Liang Yao can be said to be very kind to Liang Shaoqiong and Pan Shicheng's Guangdong Yong.

Not only was the weapon sold to Yue Yong a full-blooded version of the Walter M1851 rifle for his own use, but he also taught him all his own tactics.

How the California Infantry Regiment drills is how the Guangdong Yong drills.

Even the instructor team was given directly to Liang Shaoqiong by Liang Yao.

Wang Shu, the battalion officer of the Shanzi Battalion, was previously the company commander of the California Infantry Regiment, and the sentry officers were also former non-commissioned officers of the California Infantry Regiment.

Therefore, these Yue Yong are not without any combat experience.

At least these battalion officers and sentry officers followed Liang Yao and defeated Colonel Mason's infantry regiment in Los Angeles. They went on an expedition to the Japanese shogunate to defeat the feudal and shogunate soldiers of the Hizen Saga Domain in Japan. After the squadron returned to California, they also went to Oregon and the Indians. Killed the Burnett gang. He has quite a lot of combat experience.

There are also mercenary artillerymen in the artillery team. Many of them have serious military backgrounds, and many of them have also fought in battles.

"The Shags are not kind-hearted. They don't look like a professional army, more like a group of farmers with weapons. It takes time for them to organize an attack."

Wang Shu said after observing the situation at the Taiping Army.

Although the Taiping Army was relatively chaotic and disorderly, Wang Shu could still barely tell that the Taiping Army was gathering forces to prepare for an attack.

Wang Shu, who had experienced several battles, behaved more calmly than the commander-in-chief Liang Shaoqiong.

In Edo, Japan, he had seen even bigger battles than this.

Tens of thousands of shogunate soldiers from the Tokugawa shogunate rushed directly to the formations of the two regiments, but in the end, not all of them persisted in front of their formations.

Regarding the defensive style of play, the California Infantry Regiment has always fired artillery first. When the enemy infantry comes within the effective range of the rifle, its own infantry opens fire after receiving the order. Finally, it uses bayonets to fight hand-to-hand with the remaining enemies rushing in front of them.

Unfortunately, Wang Shu has not yet encountered a situation where the enemy's infantry remnants were able to rush to their formation.

Often after two or three rounds of free fire by the infantry, the enemy's morale collapses.

Hand-to-hand combat by the California infantry therefore occurred only when pursuing enemy troops encountered sporadic resistance.

The 100,000 troops Wei Jun mentioned was just an imaginary number. Counting the auxiliary soldiers and civilians, the opponent might have 10,000 men.

This is Wang Shu's judgment based on his combat experience in the Battle of Kanagawa, Japan.

Wang Shu had seen a larger formation in Kanagawa. He later learned that the shogunate army that besieged them had 21,000 people.

The vanguard of the Taiping Army in front of them was slightly smaller than the shogunate army in Kanagawa.

With these 10,000 men, the Taiping generals seemed to have kept a reserve force and selected only some of them to attack.

It seems that my chances of winning are still very good.

He has been training Shanziying for so long, and today is the time to test the results of his training.

Liang Shaoqiong called Wang Shu forward, dismissed the soldiers around him, and asked Wang Shu in a low voice: "Is Wang Yingjun confident of defeating the enemy?"

Liang Shaoqiong's reputation as a successful candidate was both his pride and his flaw.

If it were an ordinary farming and studying family, a candidate would be like smoke rising from the ancestral grave.

But the Liang family is not an ordinary family, and the reputation of being a member of the family is still a bit unsatisfactory.

Moreover, his father Liang Weiming was tainted by the scientific examination fraud case. If the Liang family wanted to turn around in the Qing Dynasty, they had to find another way.

Today's battle is Liang Shaoqiong's first battle, and it is also a turnaround battle for himself and the Liang family in the Qing Dynasty.

Success or failure depends on this battle!

It's just that Liang Shaoqiong has never fought a serious war after all. He has only read some military books and the drill manual given to him by Liang Yao.

He has never experienced what war is like, and he has no idea.

"Whether we can defeat the enemy depends on you." Wang Shu said.

Wang Shu knew in his heart what Liang Shaoqiong, who had never experienced a battle, was worried about at this moment.

"Me?" Liang Shaoqiong asked.

"The first battle for my subordinates was in 1850 AD, when I was still General Liang's bodyguard. In that battle, we defended General Liang's house in Sacramento from an attack by bandits.

At that time, the gangsters were huge and the enemy was outnumbered. General Liang had never fought before, but he lived and died with us guards and miners, fighting together in the house. Seeing that General Liang had not left, we were willing to fight to the end with General Liang.

The subordinates and sentry officers are just the backbone of Shanziying. The bones move with the soul, but you are the soul of Shanziying.

The success or failure of this battle all depends on your thoughts. "Wang Shu replied.

"The bones follow the soul, that's a good saying." Liang Shaoqiong nodded very firmly, "Go and do your business. You can only win this battle! No defeat! If you lose, there will be no more Yue Yong in the world."

"I obey my orders."

Wang Shu took the order and went to inspect the construction of fortifications at each post.

"My brother has been a soldier. He said that when facing a battle, the most important thing is to conserve your physical strength and be in the best condition to fight the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. It would be better for us to not rest well before the battle to conserve our physical strength. Instead, we will Digging the earth here is a waste of energy, and the long hairs are about to rush up, can the earth wall built with these sandbags stop the long hairs?"

one of the soldiers complained.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot was heard behind him, and the complaining soldier lost consciousness.

The soldiers followed the sound and saw a stern-faced Wang Shu holding a six-gun revolver with smoke still coming out of the muzzle. He shouted loudly: "If anyone disrupts the morale of the army again, he will be killed without mercy! Changmao!" If you want to come forward or not, first ask the guys in your hands if they agree!"

There is no problem with Guangdong Yong's equipment, and Wang Shu did the training himself.

What Yueyong lacks most now is actual combat experience and high morale and confidence.

These two things Wang Shu could not give them and could only be obtained from actual combat.

Just like the California Infantry Regiment, the famous American combat effectiveness is not drilled, but fought.

What Wang Shu can do now is to stabilize Guangdong Yong's military morale.

If this battle is won, Shanzi Camp can transform from an ordinary rural warrior camp into a truly elite camp.

Seeing that the talkative companion was directly executed, the rest of the Yue Yong immediately fell silent, stopped talking, and buried themselves in shoveling soil into the sandbags.

It only took less than an hour to construct a rough fortification, which replaced the original carriages and horses and became the new bunker for the Guangdong braves.

The artillery also filled the gun chamber with ammunition, and adjusted the shooting direction and pitch angle through the gun carriage. Just waiting for an order, they opened fire and fired.

After the agreed half hour passed, war drums were sounded in the direction of the Taiping Army on time. This was a prelude to the Taiping Army's attack.

Through the telescope, Liang Shaoqiong could confirm that this was a vanguard force moving forward lightly.

There are only infantry and a very small number of cavalry, no artillery, and even the armor rate is pitifully low.

This gave Liang Shaoqiong added confidence in scoring points.

"Artillerymen, listen to Captain Jorgensen's orders! The enemy will open fire as soon as they enter the range. Without my order, even if the barrel is red, there will be no ceasefire!

Cavalry captain Wang Xiao obeys the order! Cover the artillery. Anyone who dares to retreat will be punished as a deserter! No need to ask for permission, shoot on the spot! "

Liang Shaoqiong put his hands behind his back and gave orders to the captains of the cavalry and artillery teams with great enthusiasm.

"I obey my orders!"

After receiving the order, the cavalry and artillery teams performed their duties.

Liang Shaoqiong asked the soldiers for a long gun and an ammunition belt filled with ammunition.

Like an ordinary soldier, he tied up his ammunition belt, gritted his teeth and entered the bunker with a bayonet in his hand.

"This battle is our Yue Yong's first battle, and it is also a life and death battle. If we win this battle, our Yue Yong camp will become famous all over the world and enjoy endless glory and wealth. If we lose, the Yue Yong camp will cease to exist.

Today Liang will live and die together with all his good brothers and fight this long-haired rebel to the end! Wang Ying Guan, you have full control over how to fight this battle. I am just a pawn in Shanzi Camp now. "

After speaking, Liang Shaoqiong skillfully opened the safety on the gun, took out a copper edge needle bullet from the ammunition belt and quickly stuffed it into the chamber of the gun.

He is very interested in weapons. Not only is he good at using short spears and long spears, he even plays with cannons on a daily basis.

Liang Shaoqiong has already figured it out. He has never fought in a war. Instead of watching from behind and talking about war on paper, it is better to go to the front and fight directly to boost morale.

Directing the specific operations will be left to the more professional Wang Shu.

As for undermining the authority of the coach, first survive this battle and then talk about the authority of the coach. It would be undermining the authority to blindly command from behind and plunge the entire army into chaos.

Wang Shu, Wang Shu, I have put my life in your hands. I will trust you for once today. The long hair cannot rush to our formation. If you win this battle, I will give you a kowtow later. become! Liang Shaoqiong murmured to himself.

"I obey my orders!"

Wang Shu yelled, his voice choked with sobs, and his eyes became moist. Of course, the courage on the shoulders also became heavier.

He didn't expect that Liang Shaoqiong would trust him so much and give him such great power.

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