1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 281: Yoshida Shoin

Speaking of Yoshida Shoin, everyone may be unfamiliar with this name. After all, there were a large number of Japanese talents during the Tokugawa Period, and Yoshida Shoin did not seem to be that famous.

The Chinese people are more familiar with Yoshida Shoin's students. As the initiator of the ideas of founding and overthrowing the shogunate, during the practice of overthrowing the shogunate, Yoshida Shoin knew that he could not shake the shogunate with his own meager strength.

Yoshida Shoin believed that if he wanted to overthrow the shogunate's rule, he must first open up the wisdom of the Japanese people, so he opened the Matsumura Private School to teach.

At Matsumura Private School, Yoshida Shoin trained relatively well-known students such as Kido Takayoshi, Saigo Takamori, Okubo Toshimichi, Ito Hirobumi, Yamagata Aritomo, Katsura Taro, and Terauchi Masaki.

The two prime ministers of the Meiji government and more than 30 key officials all studied under Yoshida Shoin. These people were the backbone of the Meiji government's reforms.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yoshida Shoin is the godfather of modern Japan.

"Sir, see you or not?"

Hu Jinchen asked Liang Yaodao.

"Jinchen, what's your impression of this person?" Liang Yao returned to the office and sat down in his seat.

"Like ordinary Japanese samurai, he seems a little crazy, but not hysterically crazy." Hu Jinchen said, scratching his head.

"He's a bit stubborn. This guy said that if you don't want to see him, he will kneel at the gate of our military camp until he dies."

"Then let him kneel down." Liang Yao said calmly.

"It seems that you are quite interested in this Japanese warrior." Deng Yan, who was reading at the side, put down the book in his hand and interjected.

"Not a samurai, but a ronin." Liang Yao corrected.

Yoshida Shoin had already separated from the Choshu Domain at this time. In Japan, only samurai with domain status can be called samurai, and samurai without domain status can only be called ronin.

"I didn't expect that the Japanese country had so many eager to learn people. If the Qing Dynasty had half as many studious people as the Japanese country, why would we still be in such a lifeless situation today?" Deng Yan said with emotion.

"The Qing Dynasty was the Qing Dynasty of the Manchus. The Manchus ruled a large country of 40 million people with a population of one million. Only when the people became more and more ignorant could the foundation of their rule become stronger." Liang Yao said, "The opening of China's wisdom That day will be the time when the Qing Dynasty will be destroyed.”

"If the Japanese nation is founded this time and can learn from the advanced technology of the United States and learn it for a hundred years, it will not only threaten the Qing Dynasty, but with the wolfish ambition of the Japanese nation, it may also become a powerful enemy of the United States in the Pacific in the future.

I just read the English chapter of Wanguo Tongjian again. The Japanese and English are quite similar. They are both island countries and both have the tradition of false kings. If the Japanese learn from the constitutional monarchy of England, it is possible for the Japanese to rise.

Although this trip can force the shogunate to found a country and gain temporary benefits, it also indirectly opens up the Japanese people's wisdom. In the long run, whether it is a blessing or a curse is unknown.

California is the bridgehead of the United States in the Pacific. Once Japan rises, California will bear the brunt. "

Deng Yan expressed concern.

"On the surface, Japan's national conditions are somewhat similar to those of England, but Japan's core and national spirit are more similar to Prussia. If Japan wants to learn from it, Prussia's path is more suitable for them." Liang Yao said.

"Your worries are not unreasonable. Britain and Tsarist Russia are already eyeing Japan. Even if the United States does not come to open Japan's door, the British and Russians will come.

Japan's domestic resources are relatively scarce, and England has taken the lead, occupying a large number of fertile lands around the world to provide blood transfusions for the country. Japan's desire to follow the path of England's rise is no longer feasible.

As long as the root of Japan's rise can be cut off, Japan will never turn around, let alone threaten California and the United States. "

"Cut off the roots of Japan?" Deng Yan was a little confused about this.

"Yes, use Japanese to control Japanese, control Japan's economic lifeline, and make Japan's economy dependent on the United States." Liang Yao nodded.

"It's just that this is a long-term work. The Tokugawa shogunate is already withered bones in the grave. After the signing of the "U.S.-Japan Friendship Treaty", it is only a matter of time before the shogunate is overthrown. After the signing, we must find a force that can replace the shogunate in ruling Japan in the future. By supporting them, we can reap long-term economic benefits in Japan."

"In your opinion, among the powerful vassals in the Japanese archipelago, who can replace the Tokugawa shogunate?" Deng Yan asked curiously.

"Sa Chang Doi." Liang Yao said without hesitation, "Yoshida Shoin is from the Choshu clan. Although he has left the feudal clan, the feudal lord of the Choshu clan, Mori Kinkin, still appreciates him and may be able to take advantage of him."

"Why don't such knowledgeable people just take Liang Sen for their own use?" Deng Yan asked in confusion.

"Didn't Jinchen already say that this person is very crazy? I can use the madman, but I can't subdue a madman." Liang Yao said.

A madman who pursues his ideals without hesitation is a very terrifying existence in any era. Yoshida Shoin is such a person.

From beginning to end, Yoshida Shoin put Japan's interests above any other interests, including personal interests and even personal life and death.

For this reason alone, it is impossible for Liang Yao to take Yoshida Shoin for his own use.

It is impossible to tie up this mad dog, but you can try to use this mad dog to bite people.

Just as Liang Yao was stationing troops in Kanagawa, Perry visited Edo and met Tokugawa Iekei. The capital city thousands of miles away.

After a long wait, Pan Shicheng, Pan Zhengwei, Wu Yuanhua and others as well as the "American Mission to the Qing Dynasty" were finally summoned.

"American envoy Walker meets with the Qing Emperor. Long live the Qing Emperor. Long live the Qing Emperor."

Hawke, who has been with the Loyalty Association for a long time, is fairly proficient in Chinese.

Walker knelt on the ground and loudly wished the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty long life, making the young Emperor Xianfeng very happy.

"I have always heard that the barbarians in the Western countries are ignorant of etiquette. Today, it seems that not all Western countries are ignorant of etiquette. The envoys of the United States are quite polite.

Where is this country of America? I have heard that there are England, France, and Rakshasa in the West. This is the first time I have heard of the United States. Has the United States ever paid tribute to our Qing country before? "

"Your Majesty, the United States of America and the Qing Dynasty face each other across thousands of miles of ocean. It is the largest country in the Americas. Its territory is very vast, only inferior to England and Rakshasa." Pan Shicheng reported to Xianfeng.

"The United States has always heard about the mighty benevolence of our Emperor and the power of the Qing Dynasty spread all over the world. It admires our Qing Dynasty endlessly, so it sends envoys to pay tribute. This is the first time that the United States has come to Beijing to pay tribute."

Emperor Xianfeng was even more happy when he heard that the United States was a big country and not a little-known country. It was the first time he paid tribute.

This was the first time since he became emperor that a major Western country came to pay tribute to the Qing Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the last time foreigners paid tribute to our Qing Dynasty, it was during the reign of Emperor Qianlong, and Your Majesty had just ascended the throne. This is an auspicious sign. The day of the resurgence of the Qing Dynasty is very close to us!"

Pan Zhengwei pressed the top of his head to make the fake braids on his head more stable, and immediately sent out praises and praises.

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