1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 256: Do the Indians have artillery? (4k)

"The bullets in their guns are empty! Charge forward! Use the guns and bayonets in your hands to send them to meet Satan!"

Seeing that the first round of shooting by the "Indian" was over, Bernat waved the Colt six-gun revolver in his hand and ordered.

According to his knowledge, after the first round of shooting, the opponent will need at least thirty seconds or even longer to reload.

Especially since these cowardly "Indians" are still hiding behind bunkers of wood and stone like turtles, the reloading time will only become longer.

Now it's their turn to fight back!

"Raise the gun! Shoot!"

Sanders organized the seventy or eighty white gangsters around him, pointed the newly loaded rifle at those damn "Indians", and pulled the trigger.

A relatively orderly volley of guns rang out, and a choking cloud of gunpowder smoke instantly rose in front of the formation, so hot that Sanders even shed tears.

After Sanders, Bateman also directed the gangsters around him to line up in a relatively neat line and fire a relatively neat volley of shots at the "Indians" behind the bunker.

However, these two rounds of volleys had little effect. The bullets they fired could hardly hit the "Indians" hiding behind the bunkers.

"Damn it! Charge up! Stab them in the heart with a bayonet! Pick them to death!" Bernat roared upon seeing this.

As soon as Bernat finished speaking, soldiers from five companies of the California Infantry launched a violent counterattack against them. These crazy white gangsters fell in pieces like wheat being harvested in a wheat field in autumn. Go down.

However, for these evil-doing white gangsters, their nightmare has just begun.

In their stunned eyes, those "Indians" they looked down upon were lying behind the bunker. It only took ten seconds, or maybe less than ten seconds, to complete the reloading and fired the second round at them. The shooting!

Every time a gun rang out, someone in their ranks fell down.

"This new gun is so powerful!"

Deng Yan couldn't help but praise.

The two volleys of white gangsters caused almost no casualties to the California Infantry soldiers hiding behind the bunkers.

The white men charging at them exposed their entire bodies to their guns.

Just a few more rounds of shooting and the team of these white gangsters will be broken up.

This is the all-round crushing of the enemy caused by the weapon being one generation ahead!

Whether it is the rate of fire or accuracy, there is a qualitative gap between the various muzzle-loading muskets used by white gangsters and the Dresser striker guns they use.

Deng Yan was not surprised at all that the battle was fought so smoothly.

He had seen the power of this gun during the training in Sacramento, and his original tactics were ineffective in the face of this new gun that had no morals.

The rifled rifle and breech-loading ensured the accuracy and rate of fire of the Dresser striker gun. Soldiers of the California Infantry no longer had to line up and shoot like before with muzzle-loading guns.

More advanced weapons and equipment allow them to use more flexible tactics to occupy the enemy, such as lying on the ground in a relatively scattered manner like now, huddled behind wooden and stone bunkers, forming a dense firepower network to fight back against the enemies charging towards them.

"Free Fire!"

Deng Yan issued the order to fire freely.

The military musicians following Deng Yan played military music and conveyed Deng Yan's orders to the soldiers in the camp.

The sudden sound of military music made Bernat tremble all over. This was military music played by the drums and bugles of the American Army!

This is the fucking American army!

With yellow skin and an American army, Bernat quickly guessed the identity of the other party.

Who else could it be besides Liang Yao's California Infantry Regiment?

Although Bernat was ruthless, he still knew how much he weighed.

His rabble just bullies and bullies the Indians. They are naturally no match for the well-trained and well-equipped tough guys like California.

Half of Colonel Mason's infantry regiment, which was originally known as the elite of the American Army, was defeated by the California Infantry Regiment.

These men under Bernat were simply seeking death in a head-to-head confrontation with the California Infantry Regiment!

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Seeing this scene, Bernat decisively issued an order to retreat.

Retreating is his only way to survive now, and it is also the only choice for him and his gangsters.

"Damn yellow-skinned monkeys, they actually colluded with the Indians and dared to shoot noble white people! When I get to Portland, I will write to the Democratic representatives in Washington to complain to the Department of War! Liang Yao! Just wait. Let’s be prosecuted by the court and sent to jail!”

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Bernat cursed fiercely.

But there was nothing he could do except curse and vent his emotions.

In this charge, his team suffered at least seventy or eighty casualties, and their morale was on the verge of collapse. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses.

This team took him several years to form in the Oregon region. Burnat felt very distressed by such a heavy loss.

Even if he breaks out, it will be difficult for him to organize an armed force of the same size in a short period of time.

Bernat had thought that Liang Yao would provide weapons to the Indians, but he did not expect that Liang Yao would be so bold as to directly send the California Infantry Regiment to help the Indians.

The crime of massacring white people alone is enough to make Liang Yao irrecoverable, and there is no possibility of turning around in this life.

Washington will never sit idly by and ignore the slaughter of white people.

Just as Burnat gathered his team, he was about to leave here, go to the docking place, and take the boat back to Portland along Columbia.

A burst of fierce gunfire made Bernat's heart freeze.

Even the artillery was brought. It seemed that this was Liang Yao's long-planned conspiracy. Today, Bernat seemed to be in danger.

"The Indian artillery is firing! Chief, what should we do?"

The embarrassed Sanders stumbled to Burnat. The sudden sound of gunfire frightened him out of his mind and he didn't know what to do.

Sanders, who was covered in mud and blood and hung with green leaves and weeds, had long lost the arrogance and domineering look he had before the war, and was replaced by a look of helplessness.

"Have you ever seen Indians with fucking artillery? These are not fucking Indians! They're Chinese! They're Chinese soldiers from the California Infantry!"

Bernat kicked Sanders hard. If Sanders and others had not encouraged him to come here to steal Indian skins, he would not be in this situation today.

Raindrops of shells fell among these white gangsters, causing these white gangsters who usually committed many evil deeds to cry for their fathers and mothers.

The artillery gave them far more fear than the rifles, and the already low morale of the troops quickly collapsed.

The frightened white gangsters fled and ran along the river bank towards their boat landing, trying to escape from this hell.

Deng Yan had long expected that these gangsters were going to run away. Except for the five infantry companies that lured the enemy from the front and the one infantry company that was sent to seize the ship and cut off the retreat, the remaining four companies had already been ambushing the flanks of these white bandits. and behind him, tightly surrounding this group of white people.

Liang Yao gave him a death order of total annihilation. Deng Yan knew what the consequences would be if he let a white man escape, and he did not dare to be careless.

After the sound of artillery stopped, Deng Yan put away his telescope, drew his command knife and ordered to line up to surround and annihilate the enemy.

"Get up! Each company lines up! Encircle and annihilate the enemy!"

The five infantry companies in the camp stood up from their bunkers and quickly formed their teams.

After finishing the formation, under the orders of the captains of each company, they fired at the defeated white people and, holding bright bayonets, approached the white people with broken livers and gallbladders.

Bernat's remaining hundreds of defeated soldiers were already frightened out of their wits, and they had no intention of resisting at all.

Facing the encirclement composed of nine infantry companies of the California Infantry Regiment and four to five hundred Indians, they could not break through even if they could outnumber ten.

What's more, on the outside of the encirclement, there is also a cavalry company of an artillery company in full position.

In this battle, except for the newly formed engineer company, all the remaining troops of the California Infantry Regiment were engaged in the battle.

Deng Yan had an absolute advantage in terms of quantity, quality and equipment of his soldiers.

There are still a few die-hards who are stubbornly resisting with unrealistic illusions and want to break out of the encirclement.

Soon, the flying bullets and the bows, arrows and spears thrown by the Indians made them realize the reality: surrounded by enemies more than ten times their size, they had no chance of successfully breaking through, even if it was one in ten thousand. nothing.

For the first time in their lives, they felt despair, and felt the despair and helplessness of those Indians who died under their butcher knives.

"We surrender! We surrender!"

Sanders quickly gave up resistance, threw the gun in his hand to the ground, and raised his hands high.

With Sanders taking the lead, soon the white people in the encirclement laid down their weapons one after another and raised their hands in surrender.

"Good-for-nothing guy!"

Burnett cursed Sanders angrily.

Soon, he himself very wisely threw away his weapon and raised his hands.

A good man doesn't suffer immediate losses. If he resists now, he will soon die. If he surrenders, he can at least survive for a while, and maybe still have a chance to survive. Bernat still knows clearly which is more serious.

He is the representative of the Democratic Party in the Oregon region, and he does not believe that Liang Yao would be so bold as to kill the Democratic representative in the Oregon region indiscriminately.

"Lieutenant Colonel Deng, it is indeed you."

Although Deng Yan was wearing an Indian bearskin coat and feathers on his head, Bernat had seen Deng Yan several times in Sacramento and recognized the lieutenant colonel of the California Infantry Regiment.

Deng Yan signaled to his men to collect the weapons of these white people and tie them up tightly to prevent them from escaping. If any of them escaped, military law would be enforced.

After explaining this, Deng Yan turned to look at Bernat.

"Bernet, I heard you scalped my nephew."

Deng Yan looked at the unkind-looking white man in front of him with a smile and said.

Bernat recognized Deng Yan, and Deng Yan also recognized Bernat.

At first, Burnett wanted to develop California into a Democratic vote base to enhance his influence within the Democratic Party.

It was only after he realized that Garifni was dominated by the Civic Party and that the Democratic Party had not developed California into a vote base for him did Burnett return to the Oregon region.

Deng Yan also met Bernat several times when Bernat gave speeches in Sacramento and San Francisco.

The Chinese control the economic lifeline of California and control the only regular army in California. It would be crazy if Burnett's white supremacy views can have a market in California.

Even if a small number of white people agree with Burnett's views, no one in California, where Liang Yao is in power, dares to publicly stand up for Burnett.

Burnett's failure in California was inevitable.

"That's just a joke." Bernat said with a shy smile. At this time, he didn't care about dignity or dignity. He just wanted to survive.

"Is Colonel Liang here too? I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. If Colonel Liang is here, I would like to personally apologize to Colonel Liang and eliminate the misunderstanding between us."

"You will see Colonel Liang." Deng Yan looked at Bernat with disgust, pointed at Bernat and said to Wang Shu.

"This guy is the bandit leader. Tie me up tighter. The colonel has an order. This guy will live and die and see his corpse."


Wang Shu was ordered to tie Bernat tightly, like a rice dumpling.

"Hey, hey, it's too tight. Please loosen the rope a little. It's so tight that I can't move my limbs!"

While Bernat struggled, he begged Deng Yan to give him some rope.

"The tiger must be tied tightly, otherwise the tiger will bite people." Deng Yan looked at Bernat who was tightly tied up by Wang Shu and was very satisfied.

"I'm not a tiger," Burnett argued.

"It's true. You're worse than a beast, so you need to be tied up tighter." Deng Yan said.


Wang Shu tightened the rope tied to Bernat's body.

"Little chief, what are you going to do with these weapons?" A leader of the Indian tribe asked Deng Yan what they were going to do with these captured weapons.

The California Infantry Regiment, all equipped with Dresser striker guns, certainly looked down upon the scraps and scraps equipped by Bernat and others.

These outdated weapons and equipment were just a pile of junk in the eyes of Deng Yan and others, but they were great treasures in the eyes of these Indians.

They were very eager to obtain a batch of muskets to protect their people.

"Let the leaders of the various tribes participating in the war divide these equipment among themselves." Deng Yan glanced at the captured equipment and said.

Most of the equipment seized were old front-loading muskets, with various models, including those made in the United States, Britain, and France.

Deng Yan was not interested in the equipment. Before setting off, Liang Yao also told him that if the captured weapons were old and outdated, they would be distributed directly to the Indians. The California Infantry had no need for these weapons.

After using the Dresser striker gun, Deng Yan couldn't even look down on the rifled version of the Springfield M1842, which other American Army infantry regiments regarded as treasures, let alone these rubbish.

Among the many individual light weapons, the Walter 1852 rifle, which has just been put into production at the Sacramento Arsenal, is worth looking forward to.

"Thank you little chief!"

The Indian leader thanked Deng Yan, and then happily divided the captured muskets with his companions.

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