1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 132: Only I have mercury

Liang Yao now owns a wide range of industries, and his shadow can be seen in almost every industry in California. Google search reading

Some of these industries make money and some lose money.

Profitable industries such as hospitals, Bank of America, Xiangshan Gold Mining Company, Xiangshan Mercury Mining Company, San Francisco Port Company, California Catering Company, Sacramento Sawmill, Sacramento Saw Building Materials Factory, California Construction Company, California Garment Factory, and California Tools Manufacturing plants, etc., the profitability of these companies can no longer be described as making money every day.

As long as you own one of these companies, you can easily become a millionaire with a high-quality company.

What's more, the main shareholders of these companies are still the same person.

Of course, many of Liang Yao's industries are operating at a loss, such as the Universal Shipping Company, the San Francisco Shipyard, the San Francisco Steam Engine Manufacturing Plant, the California Telegraph Office, the California Railroad Company, and the recently constructed California Coal Mine. factories, steel plants, cement plants, etc.

These companies basically rely on the above-mentioned profitable companies to subsidize their operations and are unlikely to turn losses into profits in the short term. Liang Yao is also prepared for long-term losses.

Another more practical problem is that California did not have a state government before. Last year, California still existed as a territory.

In other words, Liang Yao did not pay a cent of tax throughout last year.

Of course, it wasn’t just Liang Yao who didn’t pay taxes, everyone in California didn’t pay taxes either.

The United States did not expect that California would develop so rapidly, so the management of California was quite haphazard. It did not even have basic government departments, let alone taxation.

Now that the state government has been established, the basic organizational structure of the California government has been established, including the state Department of Revenue.

Since taking office, Robinson has complained to him repeatedly, complaining that the California government has no money and cannot carry out government work.

Liang Yao is now a man of power in California, and the legislative body is controlled by him. If he doesn't want to pay taxes, of course there are many ways not to pay taxes.

But for the long-term development of California, he cannot take the lead in not paying taxes.

The eyes of other taxpayers are watching his every move. If he doesn't pay taxes, those people will follow suit.

If he paid taxes, those people would not dare not pay taxes.

Anyway, the current California government is just like him, and the taxes handed over are nothing more than pouring from one pocket to another.

As long as the money can be used for construction in California, he's fine with that.

By forming a group company, Liang Yao can consolidate the financial statements of all his companies into one group company's financial statements and submit them to taxes.

If taxes are paid on a company-by-company basis, with Liang Yao's earning power, the taxes that profitable companies have to pay are astonishing. If the financial reports of loss-making companies are incorporated into it, the group's profit figures will not be so good. How much? You can also pay less tax.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. Merging its companies into a group company can also facilitate overall management.

As for antitrust, antitrust laws are still something that doesn’t even have a shadow.

In fact, before and after the Civil War, it was the period when the familiar capital giants of later generations grew wildly and rapidly, and monopoly was the main theme of this era.

From Astor to Vanderbilt, they all did this because they knew very well that monopoly business was the most profitable.

"Your industry is too huge and complicated, and what I learned in business school is simply not enough. Senior Strauss said that he will help me complete this matter in his spare time."

Kony said while carefully copying the American Jardine logo on the paper.

"Senior Strauss also said that although he went to college, many of your ideas were beyond his cognition."

"Don't rely on your senior for everything. You have to learn to do many things. This will be good for you."

Liang Yao is also working on designing the group company's logo. He does not have much talent in design.

The logo is very simple. It is a globe with a map of America as the center, and the Americas Group is written in both Chinese and English at the equator.

When Cao Cao arrived, Strauss and Sven knocked on the door of his study. When Liang Yao saw them coming, he put down his pen and received them.

"I'm sorry, boss. I just happened to overhear the conversation between you and Mr. Kony. You were busy dealing with military and government affairs before. I didn't dare to disturb you about the group company's affairs for fear of disrupting your rhythm."

Strauss took off his black bowler hat, hung it on a clothes rack nearby, and found a seat to sit down.

"I tried to merge these companies into a group company as you requested, but I couldn't handle some of the details, and you are someone who pays special attention to details, so I suggest you It is better to personally preside over the matter of merging the company into a group."

"How is the discussion of the tax bill in the state assembly going?" Liang Yao raised his head and asked, "Governor Robinson has been urging this matter. Without taxation, many tasks of the California government cannot be carried out."

"I came to you just for this matter. You have expressed your position in the state assembly before. Although the legislators had some opinions, the tax bill was passed with a high vote."

Strauss handed over the document bag.

"This is a tax bill document, please take a look at it."

Liang Yao opened the document bag and flipped through the documents handed over by Strauss.

In order to encourage the development of local industrial and mining enterprises and manufacturing industries in California, the tax bill has a five-year preferential tax exemption policy for newly established industrial and mining enterprises (excluding gold mining) and manufacturing industries.

At present and for a long time to come, the gold industry will still be a pillar industry in California. All state legislators in the state assembly are involved in the gold industry. It is inevitable that they will have opinions on excluding gold mining from tax relief policies.

Those state legislators have also come to Liang Yao many times, hoping that Liang Yao can include gold mining in the list of tax exemption policies.

Liang Yao rejected this proposal without even thinking about it, and his attitude was very tough and resolute.

If the tax on gold mining in California is reduced or reduced, then California’s tax collection will be nothing, so the tax bureau should close its doors as soon as possible.

"How the hell did you get these guys to vote for this tax bill that takes away from them."

Sven stepped forward and curiously looked at the California tax bill in Liang Yao's hand, and was very surprised that this bill could be passed by the state assembly.

"It's simple, I don't sell mercury to the guys who don't want to vote yes. There are a lot of people in California who have gold, but I'm the only one who has mercury."

Liang Yao said lightly.

This is just one of his methods. The resources he monopolizes in California are not just mercury.

The same methods used to deal with the New York syndicates can be applied to restless state legislators.

Dealing with California's restless state legislators is much easier than dealing with those tough, smelly guys in New York.

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