1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 113: The war begins!

After the gunfire rang out, Deng Wenshun felt someone throw a stone at his shoulder. The warm liquid splashing on his face made him realize that he had been shot. Google search reading

He didn't have time to think about it. He fired while retreating into the church behind him with the members of the Loyalty Society who were fighting back and the surrounding Los Angeles residents.

Just after the first round of fighting in the square ended, more than 20 people lay down in the square.

These fallen people included not only local residents in civilian clothes, but also soldiers in gray coats.

In this exchange of disparity in strength, soldiers with advanced weapons and well-trained skills had the upper hand without exception, and their casualties were far smaller than those of civilians.

"Kill them all!"

After the adrenaline wore off, a burning, stinging sensation spread from Sherman's left arm throughout his body.

He roared like a mad dog at the church door.

The fallen companions under the square also made these soldiers lose their minds. Without the restraint of Colonel Mason, they obeyed Sherman's words. Under Sherman's order, they skillfully completed loading, and then ruthlessly pulled the trigger on the church.

As the second round of gunfire rang out, several civilians who had not yet had time to enter the church fell in a pool of blood.

Inside the church, Deng Wenshun and local residents fired revenge bullets through the doors and windows at the soldiers in the square.

The soldiers who heard the gunshots rushed towards the church in a steady stream under the command of the non-commissioned officers. The dense rain of bullets they fired soon suppressed the Los Angeles people in the church and could not raise their heads.

Deng Wenshun, who was leaning on the corner, looked around the church. What he saw were the unrecognizable doors and windows, broken glass, bullet marks all over the wall, and the wounded who fell to the ground and howled.

"You guys, I'll cover you when you go out, and burn the granary and hay granary immediately. Don't leave a grain or a handful of fodder for these sons of bitches."

Deng Wenshun knew that the church could not be defended with his current armed forces. He pointed at several members of the Loyalty Association and said.

"Xiao Longtou! Leave this matter to our brothers. They will burn it completely. Not even a grain of rice or a blade of grass will be left for the ghost!"

The bailiff, who wore a gold black bear badge on his chest, assured Deng Wenshun while patting his chest.

"Go quickly! The ghost guy hasn't blocked the back door of the church yet, so go through the back door!"

Deng Wenshun pushed the butler away and told him to leave quickly.

Sherman and his soldiers directed all their fury at the chapel in the heart of Los Angeles.

For these veterans who have actual combat experience, it is not difficult to attack a small church guarded by civilian armed forces.

Although Deng Wenshun resisted bravely, he was still outnumbered. The church was quickly lost, and the seriously injured Deng Wenshun also became Sherman's prisoner.

At this moment, the granaries and silos of Los Angeles Town burst into flames.

"No! Your Excellency, Captain! The fire is in the barn and silo!"

exclaimed the Quartermaster, who had just been informed of the location of the barns and silos.

Looking at the flames soaring into the sky not far away, Deng Wenshun, who was covered in blood, showed a mocking smile and shouted: "Ghosts! Don't you want food and fodder? Go grab it with firepower!"

"Shut up! Believe it or not, I will shoot you!"

Sherman put the revolver in his hand against Deng Wenshun's head and threatened.

Deng Wenshun closed his eyes and waited for Sherman to shoot. He was not afraid of death.

The second lieutenant on the side quickly stopped Sherman: "Captain, please calm down! He is the mayor of Los Angeles Town!"

Looking at the burning silos and barns, Sherman's breathing became more and more rapid.

No matter what, he must complete the role assigned to him by Colonel Mason.

Killing one civilian is still killing, and killing 10,000 civilians is still killing. There is no essential difference.

"These guys must have surplus grain and fodder at their homes. Take your guns and go to their homes to collect them! Those who are unwilling to hand over the grain and fodder, you know what to do!"

Sherman put down his gun and said coldly.

"Understood! Your Excellency, Captain, I will punish you for delaying the military aircraft!"

These soldiers were veterans who had followed Sherman into Mexico and arrived at Mexico City. Of course they knew what to do.

With Sherman's order, the situation in the town of Los Angeles was completely out of control, and gunfire echoed through the sky.

This once peaceful town has turned into a living hell.

By the time Colonel Mason arrived in Los Angeles, it was already too late.

The buildings in the small town of Los Angeles had been destroyed beyond recognition by the soldiers of the First Company.

Rather than saying they are soldiers, these guys are gangsters, or even worse than gangsters.

After all, the bandits have to consider sustainability and fish from the lake, so they won't do things so badly.

The sky above the town was shrouded in thick smoke, and the fire raged in the unburned wooden houses.

It was clearly the middle of winter, but when Mason walked into the town of Los Angeles, he felt even more unbearably hot than the sweltering heat.

Even the choking air was filled with a disgusting smell, the smell of roasted meat.

Unrecognizable corpses were scattered in the charred buildings and on the streets, making Mason unbearable to look at them.

"Your Excellency, Colonel, I have completed the mission you gave me."

Sherman, with his left hand bandaged, stood in front of Mason like a child who had made a big mistake, stuttering and reporting to Colonel Mason.

His eyes were empty and lifeless.

His expression was insensitive.

Next to Sherman were several carriages filled with grain and fodder, and the blood stains on them were still clearly visible.

Sherman thought about destroying the corpses and completely erasing all traces of the existence of this town.

However, Sherman finally gave up these unrealistic fantasies when he sobered up.

Residents of Los Angeles Town have already escaped from Los Angeles Town, and soon, what happened here will spread to San Francisco.

As for erasing all traces of this town’s existence, it’s even more wishful thinking. Although Los Angeles is small, it is also the third largest residential settlement in California after San Francisco and Sacramento.

Sherman chose to accept it all without guilt. As for the nervousness and fear he showed in front of Colonel Mason, it was not out of guilt.

Rather, it was out of fear of authority and military courts.

"Sherman, Sherman, what have you done? They are all citizens of the United States! They are not Indians! They are not Mexicans either!"

Anger made Colonel Mason's voice tremble as he spoke.

Now he wanted to take out his pistol and shoot the subordinate who had caused such a big trouble.

But Mason still maintained a trace of reason after all, and just waved his riding crop and gave Sherman a hard slap to vent his anger.

"This time I will personally take you to a military court!"

Colonel Mason put away his riding crop and staggered toward the small port of Los Angeles Town.

News of the tragedy in Los Angeles quickly reached San Francisco. Liang Yao was shocked when he learned the news and once wondered if there was something wrong with his hearing.

Liang Yao immediately informed Fremont and others of the news. After confirming that the news was true, Liang Yao personally wrote the article "To the California Compatriots Who Died in Los Angeles Town" and submitted it to the newspaper for publication. .

After the "Californian Daily" published the article "To fellow Californians who were killed in Los Angeles", the entire California region was in an uproar.

People in San Francisco and Sacramento, both Californians, expressed their anger at the tragedy in Los Angeles. They never imagined that American soldiers would wield their butcher knives against American citizens.

Today they put the butcher knife on the heads of the people of Los Angeles, and tomorrow they dare to put the butcher knife on the heads of the people of San Francisco and Sacramento.

Sherman's atrocities in Los Angeles strengthened their determination to encircle California!

In the Los Angeles Resettlement Area, these Los Angeles residents who came to San Francisco for refuge felt extremely sad and angry, and at the same time they were glad that they chose to come to San Francisco.

Soon a piece of news, which was not known to be true or false, also reached Francisco. It was said that the mayor of Los Angeles Town, Mr. Deng Wenshun, led the people of Los Angeles to fight against these thugs and fought a fierce war with the thugs at the church in the center of the town.

But in the end they were still outnumbered, and the mayor himself died heroically.

The people of Los Angeles petitioned Governor Robinson and Lieutenant Governor and Colonel Liang Yao, commander of the California Infantry Regiment, requesting the governor and commander to send troops to severely punish these thugs and seek justice for the dead Los Angeles people.

Leaders of major gold mining companies in the Sacramento area also spontaneously formed a volunteer group of more than a thousand people, expressing their willingness to fight to the last drop of blood to defend the land and people of California.

People in San Francisco also took to the streets to petition the state government, saying that these thugs must be severely punished.

Generous residents donated money and materials and even asked to sign up to join the California Infantry.

Everyone knows that what they have to protect now is not only California land and their property, but also the lives of themselves and their families!

The temporary offices of the California State Government and the State Legislature are temporarily located near the Plaza in New Town, San Francisco.

Considering the long-term development of the future, the state government and the state Legislature did not set the state capital in San Francisco, California's largest city.

Instead, Sacramento was chosen as the state capital because Sacramento is located in the hinterland of California, where there is still vast space waiting to be developed. Setting the state capital in Sacramento is more conducive to the development of the inland hinterland areas.

Only the Capitol, government office buildings and state courthouses in the Sacramento area are still under construction.

Therefore, the state government, Congress, and courts are currently still working in San Francisco, sharing office space with the city government, Congress, and courts of San Francisco.

In the San Francisco Square, the Stars and Stripes had been lowered and torn to pieces by the angry people. Americans in this era had far less sense of national identity than later generations.

What's more, California was annexed by the United States only two years ago, and it became a state of the United States only in September this year, only two months ago.

Moreover, in California, Americans do not have an absolute dominance in the population. With the influx of Chinese, Mexicans and gold diggers from other parts of the world, the proportion of orthodox Americans in the population is still shrinking.

The state flag of California, or the flag of the Republic of California, is still flying over the San Francisco Plaza.

Only the flags were lowered a bit as a moment of silence for the victims in Los Angeles.

Californians now identify more with their state flag than the flag of the United States of America.

When the Eastern Consortium first arrived in California, they relied on the support of Congress and the government to try to seize their land and gold.

As the saying goes, destroying a person's wealth is like killing his parents. Now, with tragedies like the Los Angeles massacre happening, the last shred of trust Californians have in Washington and Congress is gone.

"We love peace but are never afraid of war."

In the State Assembly, Liang Yao, as the president of the State Senate, took the lead in speaking.

“If they regard our love of peace as weakness, they are wrong. Those thugs must be held accountable for the tragedy that happened in Los Angeles and pay the due price for those who died.

California belongs to Californians. If Congress and the government remain unrepentant and continue to trample on the rights of Californians and the dignity of Californians, we will not hesitate to choose to go to war and fight the tyrannical government until the last Californian falls. . "

Power and wealth are never obtained through charity, but earned by oneself.

Congress and the administration would agree to give Texas $10 million in compensation for ceding land in northwest Texas not because they felt they were owed the state of Texas.

But the Texans had a tough attitude and did not hesitate to send troops to New Mexico to protest to Congress and the federal government.

If Texans are all cowards and don’t dare to let out a single fart, I’m afraid Texas won’t even get $1,000 in compensation, let alone $10 million.

Texans are not pushovers, and Californians are not pushovers at the mercy of Congress and the federal government.

Although California does not even have its own industry now, and its self-produced weapons are relatively backward, this is not a reason to avoid war.

If we choose to back down this time, Congress and the federal government will dare to make even more extreme demands on California next time.

Historically, California had a gold rush in 1848, but after statehood, the lives of Californians were worse than before statehood.

Isn’t the reason why the Eastern plutocrats regard California as their back garden?

The eastern plutocrats only care about the gold in California. They don't care about the development of California at all, let alone whether the people of California live in water and fire.

It was not until the outbreak of the Civil War that the Union was busy with the civil war and had no time to look elsewhere. Only then did California slowly get back the rights and gold that originally belonged to California, and slowly enter the normal track of development.

"Start the war!"

"Start the war!"

"Start the war!"

After Liang Yao finished his speech, a sound like a mountain roaring and a tsunami sounded in the parliament.

State legislators shouted for war.

“Californians are no wimps!”

"Severely punish the thugs! Fight to the end against the tyrannical federal government!"

"Long live the Republic of California!"

Not surprisingly, the state Senate voted unanimously to declare war on the federal government.

Liang Yao marveled that these state legislators were braver than him.

But when I thought about it, these people's original intention was not to go to war with the federal government. In fact, they wanted to protect their own property.

After the Los Angeles massacre, they also worried about their personal safety.

Those thugs dared to kill in Los Angeles, which was not rich and had no gold. What would they do if they went to San Francisco and Sacramento, which were rich?

It’s creepy just thinking about it.

Liang Yao had just wiped out Brandon more than two months ago. The gangsters were from the military and were a greater threat to the gold diggers in California than any other gangster.

Californians have not forgotten the damage Brandon caused them.

Liang Yao's purpose was only to defend San Francisco and Sacramento, and he did not intend to go out of state to fight. As long as these people were determined to fight, it was enough for him.

He believed that as long as they fought within the state, these people and their private armed forces could be used by them.

Californians are now fighting not just for California, but for themselves.

"Half of Colonel Mason's regiment has sailed north from Los Angeles. They will arrive in San Francisco in two days."

Liang Yao had just walked out of the parliament hall. Elvis, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, hurriedly reported the latest situation to Liang Yao.


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