13 Mink Street

Chapter 795 Revelation of the God of Order (3)

"It seems that it hasn't been long."

"Not long?

For others, it's really not that long, but for you, Karen Inmeles, it's been a long time, so long that it's almost a crime!

You are now a servant of God, do you still remember how long it took you to go from servant of God to enlightenment of God for the first time?

If I remember correctly, you only completed your purification and became a servant of God after you came to Wayne and lived in Allen Manor. Then, before you left the manor, you had already completed the revelation.

But now, you have been stuck in the realm of God Servant for so long. "

"The present is different from the past."

"It's different. When you come out of the pollution hole, your whole body becomes very clean and you lose all your strength.

Completed a new round of purification in Allen Manor and became a servant of the gods. I witnessed that scene, it was indeed difficult, but just as a servant of the gods, you already have a strength that is not inferior to your peak period before entering the cave. strength.

Therefore, this also shows from another aspect that the time you are stuck in the current state is not counted from when you become a servant of God, but from before you enter the cave...

Even, if you calculate forward according to the concept of pure state, start counting from when you first came to Allen Manor and became a servant of God.

Wow, look, you have been stuck in the realm of God Servant for so long, alas, this talent is too mediocre. "

"What kind of inexplicable logic is this?"

"Inexplicable? Maybe, but you should know that before the servant of the gods advances to the level of divine enlightenment, people will be prone to trances, dreamy dreams, and hear ravings like auditory hallucinations, etc."

"Will it be?"

"you do not know?"

"have no idea."

"Well, it should be that you advanced too fast last time, so you didn't feel it."

"But how can you be so sure?"

"These days, you are more haggard than before, and you don't sleep well."

"The sound of marching is noisy, and there is going to be a big battle. Isn't it normal to not sleep well?"

"I trust my eyes."

"Should I say, then, that I trust my instincts?"

"Have you thought about this issue seriously, before I put forward this opinion."

"I really haven't thought about it recently."

"That's right, because Rasma gave you a 'whip', so after you experienced a new purification as a servant of God, you subconsciously thought it was difficult, so your focus has been on the position and power recently , comparatively speaking, you feel that more effective progress can be made in this area, and it has indeed been continuously rewarding your dedication and hard work.

However, in terms of personal strength, after you become a servant of God, you just regain the peak strength you had in the past, and you don't need to spend time and energy to get familiar with, understand and master it.

That is to say, when you become a servant of God again, you will be at the peak of this realm, and you will be inspired by God. "

"Although I still can't fully agree with your point of view, the words you said are indeed very pleasant. With your good words, if I can really advance to a divine revelation recently, then the first thing I will do after the advancement is ...Let's discuss with you."

"I guessed it a long time ago. When the battle is over, I will leave and come back when I can overwhelm you again."

"Why do you look like a child with a temper tantrum, who likes to play the game of running away from home at every turn."

"Aha, you are going too far now, are you forcing me to run away?"

"If everything goes well, after the battle, I will take a further position in the Whip of Order. How far do you have to run to escape the eyes of the Whip of Order?"

"Too much, too much."

"Besides, I don't know how long this battle will last."


Karen sighed and said, "That Dali Wenluo guy, did you ask you to shave your head?"

"It has nothing to do with him."

"Neo, I understand your thoughts, but you should learn to accept them. If you have any ideas after the war and need external help to implement them, I will provide you with all the help I can."

"Oh, no need."

"Don't be embarrassed, look, I didn't feel embarrassed when I asked you to come and help me command the battle. I wasn't embarrassed when I was pulled into your team and accepted your care."

"It's normal for you, but it's not for me." Neo reached out and patted Karen's shoulder, and said seriously, "A father's love for his son is always selfless, but the dignity of a father, He is not allowed to accept a handout from his son unless he admits that he is old."

After hearing this, Karen was silent for a while, and said:


"Hahahahaha!" Neo laughed for a long time before he stopped, "However, I am looking forward to it, what is the word of God that you heard during your second divine revelation; by the way, your first divine revelation Qishi, what are the words you heard?"

Karen replied: "The order is drawn up by me, and you must abide by it."

"Spiritual revelation can intuitively express the potential of a priest. Sometimes I really don't understand why you still have to question it after you get this divine revelation."

"Maybe, I was still young at that time."

"It's too obvious that you are perfunctory. You are still very young. Well, hurry up and suppress your problems first. Tomorrow will be the highlight."

After Neo finished speaking, he turned and left.

Karen walked back to her tent and sat down by the bed.

"Do you still need ice cubes?" Xiao Kangna asked.

"No, no need."

"Okay." Xiao Kangna continued to concentrate on the questions.

After sitting for a while, Karen leaned back on the pillow and closed her eyes.

Babbling... whispering... auditory hallucinations...

What Neo said echoed in Karen's mind.

If you can advance to become a divine enlightenment, then your personal strength will have an extremely exaggerated improvement. It is a lie to say that you are not tempted.

People are not satisfied, power and strength, if possible, he wants all of them, these are the capitals he will use to deal with Rathma in the near future, and they are also the foundation for him to establish himself in the Church of Order and in the church circle in the future fundamental.

If I can have the strength of my grandfather, and have a lofty position in the Cult of Kosmos, then...

Karen opened his eyes and sat up again, resting his forehead with his hands.

What's wrong with me, I was misled by Neo's words, there will be a war tomorrow, this battle will determine the safety of Pu'er, but now I am thinking about these messy things.

Karen reached out, picked up the "Order Ordinance" placed on the side of the bed, and put it on the pillow. He needs to calm down now.

Leaning back, Karen lay down again, the hardness and coolness of the book cover came from the back of his head, which gave him a great sense of security, and his hot and irritable mood quickly subsided.

But when Karen closed his eyes, he suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of weightlessness, as if what lay under him was not a bed, but an abyss directly.

The sense of weightlessness began to intensify rapidly, and Karen felt that his hands and feet had been stretched upwards, and there were voices coming from his ears, very far, very far away, as if separated by countless layers of diaphragms, but suddenly came collectively, It still caused an extremely strong shock in Karen's consciousness.

The strong feeling of smallness, despair, and hesitation reappeared, as if to completely bury himself.

Karen began to struggle, he gritted his teeth, tried his best to sit up again, to regain control over his conscious perception.

At this time, a roar came from under Karen, to be precise, it came from the bottom of his heart.

A huge order sculpture began to rise rapidly.

In the past, Karen would think that this is another rebellion of hunger addiction, trying to devour himself to complete the replacement;

But this time, the emergence of hunger addiction helped Karen relieve the pressure all at once, and the feeling of weightlessness suddenly decreased many times.

Karen took advantage of the situation and pulled up with both hands...



Little Kangna, who was doing her homework, sensed the abnormality on the bed behind her. She put down her pen, got up and walked over, and saw Karen lying on the bed frowning, with a painful expression, and a suppressed roar coming from her throat.

Little Kangna turned her head slightly. She didn't know what was going on with Karen, but she knew very well that although she had studied history, laws, formations, etc., she hadn't had time to learn medical skills, so she planned to call someone .

But as soon as she turned around, Karen suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed aimlessly with her hands.

Little Connor raised her arm and let Karen grab it.

Karen grasped very hard, and sat up with his arms.

If it was an ordinary girl, she would have cried out in pain, or been dragged down by Karen, but Little Kangna was a bone dragon after all, not only did she stand there almost motionless, her arms didn't even sway.


Karen, who sat up, opened his mouth and spit out a large pool of blood. Immediately afterwards, blood also overflowed from his eyes, nose, and ears.

Little Kangna asked with concern:

"Karen, are you going to die?"

Karen panted heavily, but did not answer Little Kangna's question.

The first thought in his mind now is: Could it be that he was cursed by that guy Neo's crow's mouth?

Immediately, Karen coughed and dismissed these ridiculous thoughts.

"I'm going to notify the military doctor."

"No, don't go, Connor, I'm fine."

With the war imminent, it was impossible for Karen to let the news of his physical problems spread.

"Your body is so small, but you bleed so much."

"I'm fine, here, thank you for helping me clean up, okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Kangna nodded, brought a towel and a washbasin, and began to wipe the blood stains here, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Probably the same as your leg cramps."

"Ah, you want to continue growing your body?"

"Hehe, well, little Kangna, I'll sleep a little longer, and you don't have to do your homework today."

"But, sister Pu'er wants to check."

"I'll help you ask for leave."

"Okay." Little Kangna was very happy. After tidying up, she went to the small bathroom inside the military tent, poured water, then took off her clothes and sat in to take a bath. After taking a bath, she raised the tub with one hand, Pour out the bath water.

It's like punching the shell of the golden-armored dragon tortoise under your feet.

The golden-armored dragon tortoise let out a low cry, as if responding to Xiao Kangna's move in a humble way.

After returning to the military tent, Little Connor walked to the bed. Karen seemed to be asleep, but she didn't seem to be asleep at all. She silently lay down at the end of the bed and closed her eyes.

In the military tent, only the sound of two people breathing evenly remained.

In the early morning, Xiao Kangna suddenly opened her eyes, jumped up from the bed, straightened her right leg, and stomped on the ground non-stop.

The golden-armored tortoise let out a wail. Fortunately, Little Kangna's leg cramps were over. If she continued to stomp, it might cause internal injuries to the golden-armored dragon tortoise.

Karen also woke up, and the sleep after the nightmare was very peaceful.

"Cramp again?"

Little Kangna nodded: "I'm growing up."

"When this battle is over and the logistics catch up, you won't have cramps anymore."

Because of the immediate start, Xiao Kangna's improved version of the pill has not been continued.

After washing, Karen walked out of the military tent. The coolness of the morning in the desert hadn't receded, but the heat that accompanied the rising sun was already gathering strength.

"Woo woo woo..."

According to the plan, the sound of the horn has already sounded, and the marching speed is further accelerated at this time. This is the last sprint, and it is necessary to arrive at the battlefield position in a specific time period.

Suddenly, Karen realized that the horn seemed to be blowing for too long.

He hesitated for a moment, and began to cover his ears with his hands, only to find that the sound of the horn had not changed.

This means that the sound of the horn in the legion has long since ended, and what is still going on is his own auditory hallucination.

Damn it!

On the back of the Ankylosaurus tortoise in front, Neo, who got up in the morning, was squatting outside the tent while washing and looking here. He also raised his toothbrush and greeted Karen.

Karen sighed helplessly, and the sound of the horn in his ears stopped after he walked into the tent.

The bad news is: if this state continues to be severe, then I may not be able to distinguish what is real and what is imaginary when observing the battlefield, which will seriously affect my battle command.

The good news is that he seems to have really started to prepare for receiving the "divine revelation", and he can just be a mascot without commanding.

It's a good thing that the person involved last night was Neo. If it were someone else, he would have to suspect that the other party deliberately put a curse on him in order to seek the command of the army.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, and Murray stood outside the military tent and asked, "League Commander, are you holding an officer-level pre-war meeting now?"

Karen nodded and said, "Let's call it."

Murray: "Follow the will of God."

Karen raised his eyelids and looked at Xiao Kangna beside him. Seeing that Xiao Kangna didn't react at all, he asked:

"After I said 'Let's call it' just now, what did Murray respond to me?"

Little Kangna replied: "'Yes, Legion Commander', what's the matter?"

"No, nothing."

"Well, are you alright?"

Little Kangna walked up to Karen, raised her head, and watched Karen's expression:

"Are you really unwell, Karen?"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry."

"Really, order?"

"Huh? Well, it's okay."

Karen stepped out of the military tent, deliberately pretending to be relaxed, and stroked the back of his head with his hand.

Diagonally opposite the golden armored dragon tortoise is the command room, and many officers have already arrived.

This meeting cannot be delayed for too long, because everyone is very busy now, and the legion leader must quickly reiterate the task assignment and attention points, so as to give the last dose of vaccination for the encounter that may occur at any time in the future.

But Karen still took out the cigarettes of the Thunder God Sect, lit one, and took a deep puff. From past experience, his soul problems can be temporarily relieved by it.

This time, Karen smoked very quickly and did not waste it. When he finished smoking and dropped the cigarette butt, he prayed in his heart that he hoped it would be effective, at least to allow himself to survive this battle.

When this battle is over, it's okay to let myself lie in bed for a week.

"Thousand charms."

"Follow the will of God."

Karen: "..."

Black wings appeared, and Karen flew up to the front of the command room.

When Karen walked into the command room, a group of officers who had been waiting there saluted Karen collectively according to the usual procedures, but what fell into Karen's ears was like a mountain roar and a tsunami:




Karen pretended that everything was normal and nodded in response while walking to his seat and sitting down. Now, even if he knows that he believes in order, even if he knows that he has a hunger addiction...

Karen still began to wonder if he had some kind of mental paranoia.

This guy is crazy. He actually always thinks that he is the God of Order, and that anything he hears from others is a prayer to God.

Seeing that Karen didn't mean to speak, Murray began to preside over the meeting according to the usual practice.

During this period, Neo deliberately turned his head to look at Karen several times, as if he sensed that something was wrong with Karen, but he didn't realize that it was because his mouth was open.

In Karen's ears, at the beginning, what he heard was the precautions that Murray had arranged to face the coalition forces of the Sect of the Earth and the Sect of Life, and then...

Murray: "I think everyone is no longer unfamiliar with the war habits of the Earth God Sect and the Life God Sect. Let me remind you a few points at the end:

The tree of life has an extremely powerful ability to regenerate life, and those gods whose bodies have been damaged can be repaired in time when they return to the rear, so that they can continue to enter the battlefield; therefore, the key to this battle is on the periphery of the main battlefield. It is necessary to find the location of the God of Life and clean it up in time, even if there is no way to kill him, he needs to be expelled from the battlefield..."

Karen: "..."

Suddenly, this pre-war military meeting, because of my auditory hallucinations, suddenly became countless times more high-end.

At the end of the meeting, Murray looked at Karen, and officers at all levels also looked at Karen. Karen nodded to them and waved:

"Go get ready."

Everyone withdrew from the command tent one after another, only Neo remained here.

Neo walked under Karen and asked with concern:

"Order, the key to this battle, depends on you."

Karen pointed to his ear and said to Neo: "I have auditory hallucinations now. After the war starts, you will be fully responsible for the command."

When Neo heard this, he showed an expression that was not what I expected, and said with a smile:

"I believe you can do it. Order, this battle, is the prelude to our counterattack. The rotten eternity will eventually be eliminated by us."

Karen: "What I'm listening to now is very confusing. You can speak less, and you can write or gesture."

Neo: "I will pay attention. Even if those assassin gods can infiltrate, they can't threaten me. Have you forgotten that as long as it is shrouded in light, they can't hide. In addition, you are wrong , You said that our camp cannot bear the price of losing me, but in fact, we do not want to lose any comrades in arms..."

Although he knew what Neo was talking about now, but he kept moving his mouth after telling him not to speak, Karen couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Neo, and said:

"You retarded."

Neo was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Karen would suddenly scold him. He finally realized the seriousness of Karen's current problem, and immediately asked with more concern:

"the same as you!"

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