13 Mink Street

Chapter 766 The Cautious General Neo

Neo stood on the city wall, holding a binoculars to observe the situation below, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he finally realized the joy of Karen putting layers of turtle shells on himself before each fight.

The bewildered and helpless expression on the enemy's face is simply the best tobacco leaf in the world. You don't need to smoke it, and you will be excited when you smoke it.

Neo sent an order to Richard beside him: "Bowmen."

As the aide-de-camp, Richard immediately conveyed the order, holding a luminous flag and waving the semaphore, but he also took into account the role of his voice:

"Attention, the crossbowmen are in place!"

All the crossbowmen went up to the city wall, put their bows and arrows on their crossbows, and stood sideways beside the battlements.

These bows and crossbows are magical equipment, and they are not cheap in the academic building and on the black market. Even now, they are only used by the corps. After the war, these equipment must be handed back and cannot be kept privately.

Even if your original weapon is a crossbow or magic musket, you are not allowed to carry it unless you have approved special cases. You still have to use a uniform standard. One is to facilitate logistics supplies and maintenance, and the other is to facilitate the use of your weapons by comrades in arms.

Neo: "Summoner 3 plan."

Richard: "The Summoner is in place, implement the No. 3 tactical plan!"

On the round platform in the city, Ashley ordered to the people around: "Do it!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Ashley is the captain of the summoner team in the militia. She got this position, which means that Karen deliberately supported her to compensate her. After all, there are quite a few colleagues of her parents in her team.

However, there is no problem of not being able to convince the public. After all, she also belonged to Karen's former direct line team. After Karen sat down to the position of district chief step by step, they all quickly promoted themselves and became the hottest young generation. Character, this is the status bestowed by life.

With the activation of the summoner team, phantoms of flying monsters were summoned.

"My dearest friend Sandy..."

When Sandy was first summoned, it was agile, proud, and free, and would involuntarily show its own beauty and dignity.

However, as the number of summons increased, Sandy's expression was even a little numb when she appeared on the stage, and there was a vicissitudes of life in her eyes, as if she could see the end at a glance from the beginning.

Just like a young girl always has beautiful fantasies about love, the old sister of the dim sum shop starts to conceive of reasons for refusing to bargain with you from the first moment you enter the door.

But what should be done, still has to be done, this is life.

Under the leadership of Sandy, a group of phantoms of flying monsters flew out of the camp wall and came outside, then swooped down and began to circle at low altitude.

The night warriors below immediately started to counterattack, all kinds of spells and equipment exploded in the air, and the phantoms of the monsters were beaten and screamed for a while.

This group of flying monster phantoms doesn't have much fighting ability. In short, it's just a Cinderella with a group of "Cinderellas" who are not as good-looking as Cinderella.

Many phantoms of monsters were seriously injured and disillusioned, leaving only all kinds of feathers fluttering down from the sky.

Sandy stretched and pulled up from a low altitude. It was lucky today, and it was not blown to pieces. I felt a little regretful, because it meant that it would probably have to dive down to be bombed for another round.

Neo: "Position the crossbowman."

Richard: "Crossbowman debugging and positioning!"

Neo: "Three shots."

Richard: "Quick triple burst ready!"

Neo: "Shoot!"

Richard: "Launch!"

Every piece of monster feather that falls on the night warrior has a positioning function. If Kevin used to use the wide-area keen detection ability to delineate an approximate landing area for the artillery, then what he uses now is point-to-point. Snipe.

This is also the reason why Karen dared to single out outstanding young people from various religions one by one in the desert, but chose to avoid the rebels without hesitation.

Personal power, unless you are really strong to a terrifying degree, will still pale in the face of an established church military organization.

The crossbowman quickly fires three times in a row, and the arrows will automatically lock on to the target given by the feathers. The opponent may have time to dodge or block with some protective artifacts in the first shot, but it will be very difficult for the subsequent two shots.

Moreover, each arrow has its own attribute effect, which is not so easy to deal with.

Among the night warriors below, some people turned into fireballs, some people's bodies rotted into pus, and some people were electrocuted into coke, and their deaths became more and more tragic.

The city wall in front of them was so high that they couldn't climb it at all. In order to facilitate infiltration, they didn't have heavy armor on their bodies, their defense ability was not strong, and they didn't carry war equipment...

In short, this is a large group of assassins who were trapped under the Urn City and were shot from a high place.

Seeing this, the team leader could only give an order to retreat, and the remaining night warriors began to retreat.

The artillery team launched a new round of shelling again, but this time the killing effect was very limited, and it was more of a fireworks show to celebrate the victory of the city defense battle.

Murray stood on the podium and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Bart was holding a large shield, looking forward to the order to chase out of the city, but he was destined to be disappointed, because no such order was conveyed from above, but only asked to count and replenish consumables, and at the same time cooperate with the priest to restore energy.

Neo looked at Count Recar beside him, and asked, "Do you want to pursue?"

Count Recar shook his head, and replied: "With such a huge loss, they can still disperse and retreat in an orderly manner. This is a retreat, not a rout, or stop chasing them."

Neo agrees.

Defending here has also killed a large number of enemies. The losses on my own side are almost negligible, and I have already made a lot of money. At this moment, there is no need to increase leverage.

If he really ordered to chase him out, he might be killed back by the other party.

After all, the militia is a militia. It is not difficult to attack the enemy by relying on the pre-built fortifications and the cooperation of various teams to attack the enemy. Going out into the field is the most test of the quality of the army.

If Neo was commanding the Knights, he must have opened the door to fight out now, no... If it was the Knights, they might not be here to defend the city at all.

Although he has broken away from the Cult of Order, Neo still has the same established cognition as the majority of believers in Order, that is, the Knights of Order, the most powerful existence of combat power.

I believe that those orthodox theological religions also think so, otherwise they would not pick the soft persimmons like the outlying militia tonight, but should pinch the attacking knights.

Recar said: "We can defend here because we have pre-built fortifications and early warnings here. I am worried that other militia groups will find it difficult to hold on."

"Don't worry, they must have collapsed by now. The group we shot and killed just now under the city wall are night walkers from the Night God Cult. They are known as the top assassins in the world. Think about it, let them infiltrate us In the camp, what will be the result.

What other militia groups are facing may not be the power of the Night God, but each orthodox God has its own power at the bottom of the box, and it will not go anywhere easily.

I think that the entire perimeter defense line organized by the militia should basically collapse.

Richard, summon Senroll next door and ask him how the situation is.

Then spread the crows to the outside world, gather as many militia members as you can, and then we will not move, waiting for the frontline knights to come back for help. "

In the morning, disbanded militiamen began to appear around the camp, and there were still quite a few of them.

Under normal battlefield conditions, these routs would basically be reduced to lambs waiting to be slaughtered, but the enemy was afraid of the return of the knights, so they did not continue to covet to continue killing after breaking through the militia camp, and decisively chose to recover, which gave these routs chance of surviving.

Neo ordered them to be taken in, given them tents, food, and medicine outside the city walls, and at the same time sent priests out of the city to help with treatment, but did not allow a broken soldier to enter the city, even if they had complete documents.

Before seeing the banner of the Knights, Neo must ensure the absolute safety and stability of his camp.

This made Murry and the others wonder how such a cautious Captain Neo managed to go to the rooftops again and again before.

The method used to judge the status quo of the entire peripheral militia is very simple, that is to see whether the communication link has been restored. As a military unit dispatched abroad, maintaining contact is the best verification of whether its organizational system is preserved.

As a result, the original "group chat" has become a private chat with "next door neighbors".

Every time a newsletter inquiry is posted here in Yorktown, only the "next door neighbor" checks in.

Moreover, the "next-door neighbors" really never miss the opportunity to check in, and you can even see from this positive state that they all express their schadenfreude.

At noon, a force of the Knights confirmed that it had arrived nearby, which meant that the two militia groups in this area regained their thighs, and Neo ordered the gathered rout soldiers to enter the camp.

Murray stood at the gate of the camp, asking each of them how they were doing, and apologizing to them for not letting them in earlier.

And the head of the "next door neighbor" was even more impatient. He rode a falcon himself and flew over from the air to visit.

Sen Luoer is a fat man with a round body, suitable to play the villain in the Wien court movie.

In the past few days, he withstood the pressure, imitated and plagiarized to the extreme, and finally got a bumper harvest in the early hours of this morning.

Neo didn't need to greet him, Murry was the nominal head of the regiment, so Murray met with him in his military tent.

As soon as Sen Luoer came up, he expressed his deep admiration for Mayor Karen. If it wasn't because Karen was so young, Murray felt that the other party might really say "I grew up listening to the deeds of Mayor Karen." .

Later, Senroll said that he had a good relationship with Seuss, who was Karen's former boss; he also moved out Minister Andy Law, saying that he had also received his teachings;

In short, the opening greetings between the two lasted for a long time, and it was basically based on Sen Luoer expressing his intimacy.

Next, Sen Luoer revealed his real purpose of rushing over this time, which is... the joint command.

In name, the militias all accept orders from the Knights, but in actual operation, they actually have a lot of autonomy.

As for who is in command... Needless to say, Senroll is actively wanting to hand over the command of his own army to Murry.

This is really, even the process of plagiarism is omitted, I directly choose to join!

On the surface, everyone is equal, but in actual operation, I am your subordinate unit, and you can just give me orders directly.

The other party's attitude was so low that Murray didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only temporarily evade it with the words of the scene.

Sen Luoer also expressed his understanding and approval of this, and hinted that his district chief will definitely contact Karen District Chief in the future, and it is those two who really make up their minds.

After Senroll left, Murray brought Ventura to report the situation to Neo.

At this time, Neo was soaking in the bathtub, with red wine on his right hand and a cigarette in his left hand. If Neo hadn’t been very conservative in his love life because of Miss Elisa, otherwise he would be paired with a new hook-up by his side. Priestess, then it is really a standard configuration for some kind of greedy and corrupt military leader.

After listening to the report, Neo was not at all excited that he would be able to command the two regiments. Instead, he scolded directly:

"What, brown sugar wants to join us?"

Neo took a deep breath on the cigarette, flicked the cigarette butt, and cursed again:

"Then how are we going to rob the tomb? How the hell did we come here to fight?"

Murray reminded: "Next, we will be very visible, and the combat mission will be heavier."

Because there are only two militia regiments that retain their organizational system, and the others have been disbanded. Their reconstruction still needs to be supplemented with personnel and equipment, that is, time. both.

What's more, if you have excellent grades and become the top student in the class, it will be more difficult to hide in the back row of class and sneak around to eat snacks.

Neo said a little annoyed: "I know this truth, but you need to understand that your district chief is now waiting for our income at home. He is now a hungry child, waiting for food."

At this time, Richard walked in and reported: "The military discipline officer of the Knights is here, and he wants to help us count the results of the battle. Also, Murray, the leader of the Knights, Daan, wants to see you. You have to go to the Knights now. The group camp is still a little far away."

"I see, you help me prepare first, Richard."

"Okay, I'll go deal with the military discipline officer and see if I can report more battle results, and those vaporized enemies will also be counted."

After Richard left, Murray looked at Neo and asked, "How should I answer, Captain Da'an must have asked me why I was able to take precautions in advance."

Ventura standing next to him said directly:

"It's not easy, it's all about the brilliant leadership of our great district chief."


The high priest is not in the Office Temple today, although the work of the Office Temple is still running as usual.

Here is a mountain made of black crystals in an open space. At this time, there is thick and smelly blood all over it. The priests of order are carrying away the corpses of bugs.

In the cave, a female worm like a huge worm was dragged out, trembling at the high priest on the chariot ahead.

It has wisdom, and it knows who is the real leader of this group of people who are horribly descending. Its trembling is more like a kind of flattery.

However, the high priest who came to inspect the open space today was not too interested in responding to the flattery of a monster. He had just received news from the front line of the desert.

But he was not angry. Judging from the current report, the assembled desert rebels were defeated by the Knights. At the same time, the orderly militia was swept away by the "mercenaries" sent by the orthodox gods.

The desert rebels are not human beings. Neither the order nor the major orthodox religions that support the rebels regard the rebels as human beings. They are just consumables used in the friction and confrontation of the orthodox religion.

So, this time, Order lost face and suffered.

However, the high priest is happy, and the major orthodox religions have finally officially come to an end, so the next step will be interesting.

The last thing Order wants to see is not the current loss, but the long-term waste.

Facts have proved that the group of orthodox theology can't wait even more.

The great priest thought to himself: Are you worried about the return of the God of Order, ha ha.

A golden cube was placed in front of the high priest by Mobiteng, and with its rotation, the internal communication formation was activated, and the offices of the persons in charge of multiple systems established communication directly without confirmation.

This is the authority from the superior. In front of him, even if you are the real boss of a system, even if you are in your office, you still have no privacy at all.

The high priest sat on the chariot seat and spoke a few words to everyone.

"...I'll go back to the office temple right away. Since the other side has escalated the war on their own initiative, it's time for us to discuss a plan for the next stage."

As the captain of the high priest's guard, Morbitten was able to see the battle report sent earlier. He saw the name of his grandson Murray Benda hanging on it. His grandson has made meritorious service.

At the same time, during the communication meeting just now, Morbitten clearly captured Karen who was standing in the corner with the whipman's secretary and bowed his head in the small grid of the whipman's communication screen.

He had a feud with Karen. When he wanted to teach Murray a lesson on Fire Island, Karen helped Murray out on the grounds that he was Murray's boss.

But how long has passed? In my eyes, there are two young people who are out of tune... One has become the district chief, and the other is now leading the army on the front line.

Among the third generation of Ben Da's family, the one with the highest position and the best status is actually the grandson he didn't like the most before.

After the communication was over, the high priest was ready to return to the area of ​​the teleportation circle.

While the chariot was driving, the high priest looked at Morbitten beside him, and said with a smile, "Muri Benda, he is your grandson, right?"

It is not surprising that Morbitten has a keen memory for the high priest, and the surname "Benda" is also very prominent.

"Yes, great priest."

"Morbitten, you have raised a good grandson."

It is very difficult to tame a group of sons into the team, but if they are tamed well, the convenience they can enjoy at a certain point in the future is also very great.

"No, High Priest, the relationship between me and this child of my family has not been very good. He also left the family very early to develop on his own, so I dare not take credit for it. It is his long-standing boss who has influenced him and Helps a lot."

"His boss is..."

"Mayor of Cullen, Yorktown."

"Ah, yes, Foden discovered a very good young man with first-rate ability to handle affairs. It turns out that your grandson is working with him."

Morbitten swallowed, and said:

"This subordinate just saw him in the whipman's office."


The high priest nodded and said casually:

"Then let Foden bring me to see you."

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