13 Mink Street

Chapter 585: The Lost Land of the Gods!

Karen got confirmation from Kevin that the God of Order, like himself, suffers backlash from the rules of order, and this backlash will continue to increase with the improvement of the realm of strength.

Now I already need to use the phantom of the [Scythe of War] to cut my soul to resist the hunger addiction. It is hard to imagine how terrible the hunger addiction he faces after reaching the level of the God of Order.

A normal person's thinking knows that when there is a problem with his body, he needs to deal with it, not to mention this kind of hunger addiction that can control your will and oppress you into a "captive" to obey its command. Karen does not believe in order God will give up all resistance to this.

God has dignity.

Then, the God of Order's method is to strip the hunger addiction from his body and form Ankara.

She is indeed the daughter of the God of Order, a part of the God of Order, and she herself represents a part of the origin of Order.

As for the fact that the stripped hunger addiction can also be "flesh and blood", it is not surprising. Everything related to God cannot be measured by common sense. Lun is drinking ice water.

There is also a story record in the mythology of the Reincarnation Religion:

The God of Reincarnation bestowed 9 pious female believers with one of their own hairs. They put this hair in a water bowl and shared it to drink. As a result, all 9 women became pregnant and gave birth to 9 healthy children.

These nine children later became believers in reincarnation, and with their surnames, they developed into a family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Therefore, even life, in the cognition of God, has different understandings.

But, has the God of Order succeeded?

Karen thinks no, he must have failed, because during the last "peeking at the secret", Karen remembered such a conversation:

"Let me see whose name my baby is writing.


You wrote about me. "

This is a cycle. Strictly speaking, the God of Order may have actually reduced the impact of hunger addiction on himself for a period of time through this method.

But this is not peeling off in the full sense...or in other words, after the excision, it seemed to be gone at the time, but after a while, it recurred.

When Ankara wrote his father's name, it actually marked that "hunger addiction" returned to him through his daughter.

There is another important basis here, that is, Ranedar became a god at the end of the last era, and the period when he became the white glove of the God of Order happened to be the time when the God of Order dominated the God Realm.

Ankara, on the other hand, was thrown into the mouth of the beast in the middle of the last era, that is to say, if the God of Order has completed the cutting of self-hungry addiction through the treatment of Ankara...

Then it is impossible for Ranedare to be terrified by sensing the "hunger" from the God of Order when he is prostrate in front of the God of Order.

He failed.

This is the paradise he created for his daughter, and it is also his own lost paradise.

For a moment, a sense of loneliness enveloped Karen's heart.

If he had a choice, he would rather believe that the God of Order was captured by hunger addiction, and he, who insisted on fighting hunger addiction and never compromised, could go out another way; but the fact is that God of Order tried various methods to achieve He put up an extremely fierce resistance, but he failed.

So, can you succeed?

In the end, how long will I have to stay in a stalemate with this damn hunger addiction.

The black ink began to quickly cover everything here, and Karen no longer resisted, and his consciousness was completely pushed out.



Opening her eyes, Karen realized that she had been standing in the vegetable garden the whole time.

"Oh, my God, Karen, you finally woke up, you really scared the cat to death just now!"

Karen's eyes searched for the purple hairpin again, only to find that the hairpin started to move. It flapped its wings and flew up. It turned out to be a purple butterfly.

A strong sense of dizziness hit, and with a "plop", Karen knelt down on the ground, with his hands propped on the ground, blood began to flow out from the eye sockets, nose, ears, and mouth, and soon a pool formed on the ground, but Immediately absorbed by the soil here.

Pu'er was not nervous anymore, because it knew that Karen had recovered, but he still looked at Karen with concern.

After bleeding for a period of time, it stopped naturally without any hemostatic treatment.

Karen took a deep breath and carefully checked his body. Except for a little mental distress, there was no other damage consumption.

Because he was injured for too long a while ago, and even sat in a wheelchair for a long time, Karen is now very worried that he will be seriously injured again if he is not careful.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Karen spread out his palms and condensed a puddle of water to simply wash his face. Just as he was about to tell Pu'er what he "saw" just now, he heard footsteps from behind.

This is a basic courtesy, and the visitor deliberately made a noise to let himself know in advance.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the visitor has stood for a long time to see that he has recovered before making some movement to tell himself.

"What's wrong?" Marvalho came over and asked Karen with concern when he saw Karen lying on the ground, "What's wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to see if I could take some seeds back and transplant them." Karen stretched out his hand and gently shook a vine in front of him.

"Although I don't know how to plant and cultivate, I know that if the plants and animals here are moved outside, there is a high probability that they will not be able to support them."

"Even if the plants are degraded, the fruits are not so delicious, but they are still much better than ordinary types." Karen stood up and clapped his hands. At high-end banquets, you only pick expensive ones and eat happily."

"It seems that I have lost a lot of happiness."

"Indeed. By the way, why are you here?"

"The fish is caught, so let me see how you are doing here."

"I almost forgot, I just think it feels really good to wander here."

"Then I'll go back and make some preparations. I'm looking forward to your cooking skills."



After Marvalho left, Karen asked while picking the fruits and vegetables needed:

"When did he come?"

"I don't know. The environment here is special, and his identity is also special. My perception of him will definitely not be accurate. But this person feels good, as if he wants to make friends with you."

"He's lonely."

"Oh, I see, little Karen, I found that you are very good at making friends with autistic people like Philomena. What is this called, autistic friend?"

"Everyone has a need for recognition, and so does Rathma."

"Oh, okay, believe me, after sixty years, there will be a group of old people who will recall their youth and compare you to light."

"Sixty years, sounds very far away."

"Believe me, it only took a short while, like a nap."

"Yes, you're just a teenage girl who took three naps."

"Although I know you are teasing me, I am still happy to hear it."

When Karen came back with the fruits and vegetables he had chosen, Liszt had already set up a pot, lit a fire, and made all the preparations. This old man really has "faith" when it comes to eating.

They caught two fish, one was like a hairtail, but it was much longer and wider than the hairtail, and there was still a little thunder attribute on the fish scales, you know, this was still processed.

The other fish looked like silver carp and bighead carp. It was quite big. It should not be dead after treatment. Its mouth was closed and some parts of its body still showed fragmentary invisibility effects.

Karen likes to cook, but this is really the first time for such ingredients. It's not like I didn't use coupons to buy special ingredients like lizard meat before, but they were all processed pieces of meat.

However, fish are fish after all, just follow the normal process.

The first fish, Karen, was quickly processed and cut off. Liszt, who was watching from the side, asked, "Is it going to be fried?"

Karen shook his head. Deep-fried octopus is a relatively popular practice, even in this world. The fishbone is very crispy after deep-fried. It can be eaten not only as a meal but also as a snack for children.

It's just that frying doesn't account for much of Karen's eating habits. He still made a large plate of braised "octopus" according to his own habits.

After taking a sip, Liszt immediately said, "It needs to be served with rice."

"Is there?"


Liszt pulled out a lot of buckets of millet from under the princess dining car. After scooping out the rice, he simply washed it and put it in a pan, then put it on the charcoal fire and started cooking. After it was almost cooked, he put a piece of rice in it. Stir in the butter and continue to cook.

Karen noticed this scene, but didn't say anything. This way of eating is a bit like lard bibimbap, but lard bibimbap is usually mixed with lard, soy sauce and chopped green onion after the rice is cooked.

The head of the big "silver carp and bighead carp" was chopped off by Karen and cooked a pot of fish head soup. Although there was no tofu as a match, the white radish in the vegetable garden could also have a good effect.

The fish body was sliced ​​out of the fish fillet by Karen, and then a pot of pickled fish was made. There are all kinds of peppers here, but there is no sauerkraut. There are other things like kimchi, but the taste does not meet Karen’s needs, so Karen used picked red sour berries. Although it was a pity that she couldn't eat sauerkraut, the acidity was no different from real old sauerkraut.

It doesn't need to be too complicated for three people to eat. In this case, the cooking skills are secondary. What everyone pays more attention to is the food itself.

Karen refused the buttered rice that Liszt gave her and concentrated on drinking the soup.

Pu'er has a plate for each person, and Karen will pick up food for it. Like Liszt, it eats happily.

In a picnic-like atmosphere, chatting is of course indispensable. Marvalho wanted to chat, but he coughed lightly and changed his posture a few times, but he still couldn't get started.

Karen took the initiative to ask Marvalho: "I'm curious, what are you usually responsible for?"

Marvalho replied: "Strictly speaking, I don't have a specific job. I usually go where I am needed."

Karen responded: "Then you are a brick of order, and you can move it wherever you need it."

Liszt said with a smile: "Master Marvalho does not belong to any department, and it is impossible for him to be in charge of any department, because his status is too special, just like our..."

Having said that, Liszt shut up.

Karen didn't ask "Who is like us?", but changed the subject: "Then can you ask for leave at ordinary times?"

"That's not a problem. My main task now is to grow, and I'm responsible for some small things. It's more convenient to ask for leave."

"Then you can come to York City to find me if you have time, and I will cook for you again."

"Is it okay next week?"

"Next week may be a bit rushed. You know, there are still a series of things to deal with when I go back. This time, after all, something happened to our chief bishop's house."

"The first of next month?"

"There should be a new round of action in my department next month. After all, everyone has been at ease for so long, and it's time to do something again."

"I get it, you're just being polite to me."

Karen nodded: "Yes, I didn't expect you to take it so seriously."

"Hahaha." Marvalho laughed, "I used to have a family, but after my grandfather died, my family disappeared."

Liszt filled a bowl of fish soup for himself, and then added some more to Pu'er. One person and one cat looked at each other and smiled, seeing "the same kind" among each other.

Marvalho breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "You know, when I went to my grandfather's funeral and all my family members bowed down to me, I was really tormented."

"This has already been prepared psychologically, isn't it?" Karen was not surprised by this, even Texisen had to call his grandson "Master" in front of outsiders.

"Yes, but even with the foreshadowing, when I saw myself being forced out, I was really sad. I could have a dream before, but now the dream has been punctured."

"Used to it."

"Yes, just get used to it."

"Mr. Liszt." Karen looked at Liszt, "Are you married?"

Liszt shook his head and said, "No, I'm not married, and I have no children."

"Is it not allowed for work reasons?"

"It's not because of this. Although the temple is isolated from the outside world, it is not unreasonable. The elders of the temple can get married if they want to, so why can't we.

It's just that I delayed it when I was young, and when I really started to think about it in middle age, I found that I really couldn't find a woman who could cook better than me.

When I thought of just picking one at random, the dishes she cooks are not as good as mine, and I have to be responsible for cooking for her every day, so I feel that getting married is very boring.

Captain Karen, how about you, are you married? "

"I have a fiancée."

"Oh, can she cook?"

"not good at."

"Then you are so pitiful." Liszt expressed deep sympathy.

"The dishes may not be exquisite enough, but when she prepares them by herself and brings them to me, it is a different feeling. Delicious food always needs the help of mood."

"Captain Cullen made a lot of sense. Maybe I'm old. Well, it's also possible that I'm still young and naive."

Marvalho asked, "Karen, are you planning to continue working in the Whip of Order?"

"Yes, I like my current position."

"I think when you go back, you should be promoted."

"thank you for your blessing."

"It's not a blessing. After all, you have made meritorious service, haven't you?"

"Yes, hehe, I almost forgot." Karen reached out and poked his forehead lightly, "No, I should have forgotten."

Liszt joked: "Captain Cullen, even if you remember it, don't say it out. I don't want to run away to be with old White. Oh, my dear old friend White, when I think of him going on a long journey, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, I am very blocked, no, I have to drink a few more bowls of fish soup."

Several pure white unicorns approached, actively wanting to get close to Pu'er.

"Meow!" (It's so annoying!)

Pu'er, who was interrupted from enjoying the food, was very grumpy.

Liszt laughed: "Unicorns have a crush on innocent women."

Pu'er rolled her eyes at Liszt, she is still a pure woman after living for two hundred years, she doesn't think this is a kind of compliment to herself.

A group of winged elves flew over. They picked up the fish bones on the ground and began to carry them away.

Liszt introduced: "They are responsible for keeping the place clean, so it's okay, don't have any psychological burden, spit out the bones and food residues, they are very happy to clean up."

This is not a lie. For these elves, some things are rituals passed down from their ancestors, but they have never had the opportunity to practice them. Perhaps in their eyes, this is their "miracle".

This is like many sacrificial ceremonies in reality, which will appear ignorant. It may be that their gods have disappeared or there have been deviations in the ritual inheritance, but in their ancestors, it can have an effect, but in future generations, only A ritual flow remains.



Karen suddenly realized a problem, that is, the original task of the ancestors of this group of elves was to dispose of food residues, so in the past, who could eat here?

This is a paradise that belongs to Ankara, and they should also deal with Ankara's food scraps, but what did Ankara eat when they were young?

Karen stood up and said, "Eat first, I want to go for a walk."

"I'll go with you." Marvalho stood up.

Pu'er and Liszt have no intention of leaving.

After the two walked a certain distance, Marvalho found that Karen was following an elf carrying fish bones, and said, "Are you curious where they send the food scraps?"

"Yeah." Karen nodded.

Continue to follow, and it didn't take long to reach the depths of a dense forest, which is far away from the traditional range of the castle.

Karen began to hesitate whether to continue to follow, God knows how big this place is.

But soon, Karen found a returning elf, which was about to go back to the place where it had dinner together to pick up new fish bones, which meant that the food waste disposal site was in front.

Karen and Marvalho continued to walk forward. As they walked, they both noticed something strange, and a black mist appeared in front of them.

"Enchantment?" Karen asked puzzled.

Marvalho shook his head and said, "It's more like a kind of miasma."

"Go in and have a look?" Karen suggested.

Marvalho hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

The two passed through the invisible miasma, and the cold wind swept over them. In front of the two was a cliff.

The two elves flew over, threw the fish bones in their hands down the cliff, and then happily returned.

Karen walked forward for a distance, almost touching the edge of the cliff, and then looked down.

The cliff was very deep, bottomless, but in the dark cliff, he saw a dark figure sitting there quietly.

Karen condensed a fireball in his right hand and threw it forward. The fireball exploded in mid-air and scattered into fireworks, illuminating the canyon.

Leaning against the side of the canyon, there sat a group of bones as huge as mountains.

Karen suddenly wanted to laugh, and the established thinking cognition and the picture with a strong sense of subversion began to collide, which made him feel incredible.

These huge and stalwart bones were once the gods on high;

But now, they were quietly collected in a little girl's snack trash can.

Karen finally understood why the Cult of Order sealed up this area and why they renamed it in the mythology.

Because what the Cult of Order wanted to seal up was not Ankara's childhood memory place at all;

Here, in fact, is another place of divine burial.

Lost Paradise - the land where the gods are lost!

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