13 Mink Street

Chapter 573 Rathma!

"Here we go, babies, come on, let's move everything down."

Mason stopped the hearse, and Mina, Lunt, and Chris who were sitting in the hearse all got up, and carried boxes of bread, milk, and various jams from the rear compartment.

"Oh, you guys are awesome, it looks like you guys are grown adults, I'm so proud and proud of you!"

The little girls and boys who got the affirmation of the elders began to carry more hard;

Mason, who gave spiritual encouragement, retreated to the side, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and began to be lazy.

"Mr. Mason, are you being lazy again?"

After hearing the sound, Mason was startled, and turned to look behind him. There was originally a flower garden at the entrance of the church, but now it was transformed into a vegetable garden by the new pastor.

"Pastor Rathma, you really almost scared me into the coffin just now."

"I think you should have chosen your favorite coffin long ago, so you won't be caught off guard."

"I don't choose a coffin. I choose a vase. I have no interest in lying in a coffin after death."

Rathma smiled and said, "So, is this the sorrow of an adult man? Even when facing death, he still thinks about how to leave as much money as possible for his family."

"That's not true. I just don't think it's worth it. Well, vases are also expensive, right? They're not necessarily cheaper than coffins."

"Oh, is it?"

"Mainly, I am worried that if I walk ahead of my wife, my wife will definitely be sad, and more likely to be angry. When the time comes to make my coffin, there will be some personal grievances in it.

I even felt that she would turn me into a clown on purpose, and then let me lie in a coffin to accept the condolences of relatives and friends, and then count how many people couldn't hold back their laughter. "

"Mary is a good lady, she wouldn't do that."

"Of course, I'm just joking. Can I not know about my own wife?"

"In short, thank you, Mr. Mason, because of your help, tomorrow's charity event can be successfully prepared."

"Don't be so polite, my priest, you have recommended many clients to our company."

"I didn't actually do anything. The last pastor of this church was your father, and the client here was originally your family."

"You also said that it was the last one."

Rathma smiled and asked, "Is your father okay?"

"It's fine, except not being able to wake up, but when I push my dad out for a walk every evening, he's at peace."

"You took good care of him. I think there are not many old people in this world who can get such meticulous care from their children, let alone a sleepy old man."

"That's because our father took good care of us when our siblings were young."

"To be honest, I envy him."

"Pastor Rathma, maybe you can find a wife too."

"Wife?" Rathma shook his head, "I'm already so old, it's not suitable."

"What about when you were young?" Mason asked while blowing smoke rings to the side.

"I spent most of my life in a daze, and I didn't get God's guidance until I was old, so I feel that I am satisfied with having God to serve for the rest of my life."

"You are lying."


"I can feel my father's feelings in you, so I don't think you have been muddled for most of your life."

"Oh, that's right!" Rathma suddenly became emotional.

"Um..." Mason was a little surprised. His arms were grabbed by the pastor, and after a while of shaking, the cigarette he had just taken two puffs fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Rathma withdrew his hand and calmed down his emotions, "I heard from the believers here that the former pastor Diss is a very respectable person, so he can learn from his son. If I feel similar, it makes me a little excited.”

"My lord, you don't have to do this."

"Or, Mr. Mason, you can continue the topic just now, where are I similar to your father?"

"This is an indescribable feeling. Sometimes when I drive past the church and see you, I feel in a trance, as if my father is still here as a pastor."

"So that's the case, I understand."

"Pastor Rathma, please give us the key to the warehouse. We are going to move the food into the warehouse." Mina stepped forward and said.

"Okay, my Miss Mina." Rathma handed the key to Mina.

Mina took her brothers and sisters and began to carry on.

"Do you have no relatives?" Mason asked curiously.

"No, there was a student before, but he was in Santorn."

"Santonil is the place that often appears in movies. I only know that the beach and sunshine there are beautiful, which is completely different from the sand and rain here."

"Well, yes, it's beautiful there."

"Is he a priest there too?"

"I don't know. I haven't contacted him since I came here. I think he should be having a bad time now."

"Uh..." Mason was stunned for a moment, and then he could only answer a scene, "Maybe he is doing well now with his own efforts."

"Would you like a glass of wine? I made it myself."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course, please."

"Forget it, don't bother me." Mason waved his hand and refused.

If you really want to invite me, why did you say it after talking for so long? This proves that people are just being polite.

"I really want to buy you a drink. Besides, I have a newly arrived canned herring. Who do you think I prepared it for?"

"Then... well, thank you for your hospitality."

Mason followed Rathma into the back of the church. There was an additional building attached to the church. It was the pastor's personal living area. It used to be a utility room, because the previous pastor's house was next to it, so he didn't need to live here.

Rasma poured two glasses of wine first, then took out a can of herring and used the ring on his finger as a "wrench" to open it.

Immediately, an incomparably "fragrant" smell permeated the air.

Mason took a deep breath, with an intoxicated look on his face.

Next, the children outside were still carrying things, and the two adults inside were already drinking canned herring.

After two glasses of wine, Mason's mood visibly lifted.

"Actually, when I push my father for a walk every day, although my father doesn't even open his eyes, I always know very well that my father has always missed my nephew."

"Mary often prays for him here, I know some, his name is Karen, and he is in Vinn now."

"Well, yes, Karen in my family is a good boy, a very smart and responsible child. I can't describe the specific feeling. For a while, I even wondered why our family can cultivate such a child. child."

Rasma put a piece of fish into his mouth with a fork and chewed, thinking: Is it strange that your family can raise such a child?

"It would have been fine if he hadn't gone to Wien. I still don't know what happened to him and the lady from the noble family. Are they together or not? Every time he asks these questions, he always Prevaricate.

Of course, he rarely calls his family, but I don't blame him, because every time I talk on the phone, I can feel that this child is very homesick, very, very homesick.

Alas, this child should have suffered in Wayne. "

As Mason spoke, he picked up his wine glass and saluted the pastor sitting in front of him.

Rasma also picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and glanced at the pile of waste paper in the corner. There were many newspapers there, including "Order Weekly".

Well, he did suffer, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make the headlines so often.

Sometimes, Rathma himself finds it very interesting. He helps guard the Inmeles family here, and helps the family isolate the eyes of the outside world.

But on the other side of the strait, the young people who went out from this family became more and more high-profile and more dazzling. He even only changed his surname, he didn't even bother to change his first name!

However, after thinking about it, Rathma didn't think it was strange again. Diss had been a judge here for many years and had been silent for many years. After sleeping, it turned this place into a vacuum area within the scope of the religion.

Except for himself... the group of people in the religion couldn't possibly know that this guy who made the temple tremble, his grandson, is now almost mixed into the middle level of the Whip of Order.

"I understand Karen, because I was young too." Mason got a little excited, "Young people, you should go outside for a while. Only after you have been outside, will you know how warm home is."

"I agree with your words. Come, Mr. Mason, for this sentence, let's have another drink."

"Okay, come on!"

At this time, Mina walked in with her younger siblings.

"Father, everything has been moved."

"Okay, you guys are amazing!" Mason blushed a little, reached out and took out some money from his pocket and handed it to them, "This is pocket money for your good performance."

Mina took the money and distributed it to her younger siblings.

Pastor Rathma also took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Mina: "This is the porter's fee."

"Thank you, Pastor Rathma."

Mina took the money with a smile, and said to Mason, "Father, shall we go home first?"

"Okay, don't tell your mothers that I've been drinking."

"Of course, but father, please don't come back drunk."

Mina walked out with her younger siblings, and when they passed the donation box in the church, Mina, Lent, and Chris put all the pocket money and wages they had just got into the box.

"Mr. Mason is afraid of his wife?"

"Well, she could have had a better life." Mason sighed. "I owe her my whole life, really."

"But in her prayers, Mary said she was living the best life she could."

Mason licked his lips, nodded with a smile, and raised his glass again:

"Come on, have another drink, pastor, I really suggest you to open a winery, I am willing to invest, really, the wine you make is really delicious."

"Hehe." Rathma picked up the bottle and was about to continue pouring, but the next moment, his movements stopped.

What stopped at the same time was Mason's movement of raising his wine glass. The whole person seemed to be frozen, including the swaying wine in his glass.

Rathma put down the bottle and stood up.

When he stood up completely, he was no longer in the church, but appeared outside the door of the single-family house at No. 13 on this street.

Mina was taking her younger siblings home, but they didn't seem to see the pastor standing at the door at all, and continued to laugh and push open the courtyard door and walked in.

Rasma raised his head and looked towards the third floor.

"I said, what happened, you have been sleeping peacefully for more than half a year, what happened today?

Why, I slept for too long, I feel tired, want to get up and take a walk? "

Rathma spoke in a relaxed tone on purpose, but he was actually very nervous in his heart.

Because he is the guardian here, this street in this city can be compared to those restricted areas to a certain extent.

And he, Rasma, is the guardian of this restricted area. He knows very well what it will mean to the Cult of Kosmos once the old man lying inside opens his eyes.

"Hey, let me say, what's wrong with you, you can tell me if you have anything... No, don't, don't, don't talk, just keep falling asleep, let me guess, let me guess!"

Rasma stepped into the courtyard door, one foot landed inside, but the other foot stayed outside. If you want to guess, you must get closer.

But even now, he didn't dare to put both feet in the yard, he was afraid of causing misunderstanding.

"No, how do you let me guess?"

"Well, you should at least give me some hints?"

"Normal people turn over by themselves when they sleep at night, right?"

The old man lying on the bed in the room slowly raised a finger.

Rathma: "..."

After a long time, Rathma raised his head and spread his hands downward, as if he was restraining some crazy surging emotions in his heart.


He cursed loudly: "Di Si, you can't be so humiliating, you move your finger, and I have to obey your orders to do things!"

He is the dignified former high priest of the Sect of Order!

Rathma withdrew one foot he had stepped in, and he turned around after both feet returned to the door, and looked in the direction pointed by his finger.

"I'm just curious to see what's going on."

Rathma twisted her neck slightly and closed her eyes.

at the same time,

In the depths of the night, a huge eye appeared, and it was slowly opening. With this movement, a wider and wider area around it was falling into its field of vision.


"Can you still sense it now?" Master Auggie asked as he continued to gallop fast.

"It can be sensed, but, my lord, I suggest that you can slow down a little now."

"Are you worried that the assassin will kill your cat so we can't locate it?"


"Don't worry, although I don't know why that assassin wanted to capture your cat on purpose, but just give me another three minutes, even if he kills your cat by then, he won't be able to escape my pursuit, At that distance, I can mark him with my own breath."

"I can't put my cat in danger."

"Compared with your cat or an assassin, which one is more important?"


"Hey." Lord Augie smiled instead of anger, "I like your choice, because you value pets so much, very good!"

After all, she, Mrs. Aoji, is just a pet of the whipman, and of course her ass is sitting on Pu'er.

"However, if you slow down, your cat may still be in danger in the end, and we may not be able to catch the assassin."

"Master Auggie, if you believe me, please slow down a little."

"What if I say no?"

"I will guide you in the wrong direction, which has the equivalent effect of slowing down."

"Why did you worry about this until now?"


Karen glanced down at the road below, and then at the valley in front of him, which was not so tall but could only be regarded as a small embellishment.

After passing that valley, it is the boundary of Luojia City.

The direction of the assassin's escape was heading straight to Luo Jia City.

Karen really didn't think about calling grandpa to save Pu'er. On the one hand, he knew very well what it would mean for the sleeping grandpa to wake up; on the other hand, he knew that there was another person who lived in Ming gram street.

Lord Rasma, you don't want to see the assassin who slaughtered the family of the chief bishop of our church escape right under your nose!


"Hey, the dragon's speed has slowed down. It must not be because it has no strength. I don't believe that the dragon's physical fitness will be so weak. Why is that? Is it because it can no longer clearly capture your position?"

After realizing that the dragon behind him was far away from him, Valotti couldn't help but slightly put down the sand cone that was facing Pu'er. He didn't want to kill Pu'er unless it was a last resort, because he wanted to get rid of Pu'er. Get the secret of the God of Light.

Pu'er ignored the sand cone in front of him, instead poked his head out and lowered his head to look down. After seeing the familiar city features not far away, he opened his mouth and said:

"Valotti, right? You just said your name, right?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Do you know why this is a vacuum area within the sphere of influence of the Cult of Order?"

"you know?"

"Of course. When you design your own escape route, you should think more about it. Suddenly there is an area in a forest without other small animals. There may only be one reason;

That is, there are real beasts in this area! "

As he spoke, the Pu'er cat stretched its whiskers, imitating a tiger's cat growl:


"Hehehe." Valotti laughed, "You know, I'm starting to think you're a little cute now."

Pu'er turned his head and blinked.

"Heh, even cuter."

"Hey hey meow." Pu'er couldn't help but raised his paw and pointed at the night sky while laughing and cursing, "Idiot, look up."

Vallotti heard,

Looked up,

He saw a huge eye on the sky above his head, looking at him.

Pu'er happily waved his fleshy claws twice,

shouted to the top:

"Hey, little Rathma, have you had dinner yet?"

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