13 Mink Street

Chapter 529 Immortal is inappropriate

In Karen's narration all along, the characteristic of his "Inmeles Family Belief System" is - learning.

A neutral word can even be said to be partial.

This is like in the mythological narrative of Symmetra, the God of Order crazily slaughtered gods at the end of the last era. Although it has made detailed records, it will not be so stupid as to define its own god. For example, "cruel", "bloodthirsty", "cruel" and so on;

Instead, they kept claiming that this god violated order and was judged as an evil god, and then the god of order went to suppress him.

It doesn't matter whether other people believe it or not, or how the myths of other religions are recorded. Anyway, I can't say bad things about my family.

The same is true for Karen. Although an incident that happened to him can no longer be understood by simple "learning", he still doesn't know how to say the word "plunder".

Neo continued: "You told me that before you left Ruilan and came to Wayne, your grandfather held a blood sacrifice ceremony for you, extracting all the cultivation qualifications of the descendants of the family blood and concentrating them on you.

What is the difference between the essence of this method and that of the Fisher family and the Naton family?

I can even make a conspiracy theory. Is the relationship between your grandfather and you similar to the relationship between Mrs. Fisher and Philomena?

I admit that your grandpa is a genius, and I don't hide my respect or even admiration for him, but is there such a possibility... Your grandpa knows that he has gone the wrong way, and there is no way to turn back, so put The hope is on you.

It's up to you, Karen Inmeles, to take this path instead of him, and then he can deal with you the same way Mrs. Fisher treated Philomena.

Do you think it is possible? "


"You are still stubborn here, your voice just now has tremolo."

"Hehe." Karen smiled, "I did it to cooperate with you, because I guessed what you were going to say."

"Anything is possible, isn't it?"

"totally different.

My grandfather is tired of the chaos and darkness of the church circle, and because of my parents, he hopes that his family can stay away from the church circle and live a stable life of normal people. His current deep sleep is actually guarding this kind of stability. .

My uncle, my aunt, including my cousins, none of them took the path of faith, not from the beginning.

In fact, I would not have embarked on this path if it were not for my persistence. I did not complete the purification until I came to Venn.

Therefore, the situation like that of Fisher and Naton's family does not exist in my family. "

"But how do you explain it?" Neo shrugged, "The method is the same?"

"Do you know the Alter family? They were blessed by the Eternal God, but this blessing has become a nightmare for the Alter family for a long time. They were raised as pigs and became witnesses at high society weddings. .

Blessings and curses, sometimes very close together.

One side is a blessing, a little modification is a curse.

It looks the same way, but it's actually two sides of the mirror. "

"So, do you mean that your grandfather's attack on Fisher and Naton's family was practicing? Taking a chief bishop's family as a training object?"

"I don't rule out the possibility."

"Tsk tsk." Neo laughed, "Why do you trust your grandpa so much?"

"Because there is no need for this, even if grandpa wants to wait for me to grow up and devour me, he can tell me directly how many years of freedom he will give me, and when the time is up, he will devour me.

I would answer: oh yes.

He knew I would say yes, so there was no need to lie to me.

I am different from Philomena. My life is picked up. I cherish this life very much. Under any other circumstances, I will not give it up. Whoever wants my life, I will fight He fought to the death.

But if Grandpa wants it, I think I will agree. "

"The relationship between you and your grandfather is really good."

"Strictly speaking, he and I are not grandparents in the traditional sense. We should be strangers. He said that because I called him grandpa when I woke up, he would not kill me, but treat me as a The grandson came to protect me.

Now that he regards me as his own grandson, I will also treat him as a grandfather.

What's more, between me and him, there is a kind of spiritual inheritance fit, which can't be described in words, but it may surpass the fetters of blood relationship, just like the one named Leian came out of the door If you are a believer of light, he directly gave you his spirit of light, are you related to him by blood? You haven't even met before, you don't know each other at all.

So, if grandpa wants to complete his godhood and try to hit his goal, just tell me, I will help, and I will help at all costs. "

Karen paused, picked up the napkin on the table while wiping the remaining blood stains on his jaw and continued:

"If you don't even want to die, do you still need to cheat?"

Upon hearing this, Neo pointed to himself first, then to Karen, and asked:

"What about the relationship between me and you, would you risk your life for me?"

Karen shook his head and said, "No."


"But if you need it, I can fight for you once."


Neo picked up the cigarette on the table, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it: "It's very interesting, like witnessing some kind of history."

"In the future, we may be part of history."

"That's why I have always suggested that you be the image ambassador of our headquarters. It really sounds like you don't want money."

Karen closed his eyes and rested for a while, while Neo sat beside him and continued to smoke. After waiting for about an hour, Mr. Darius came back.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long."

"No, no, we just sit here and digest our dinner." Neo stood up and greeted Mr. Darius warmly, and took his bag containing cigarettes and other gifts.

Darius asked, "What are we now?"

Neo patted him on the shoulder: "Go back to the headquarters, but I have to wrong you, stay in the detention center first."

"Of course, everything should follow the process."

Karen and Neo took Darius back to the Whip of Order headquarters. Before being investigated, Darius was placed in the detention center, facing his elder brother Trisson.

"I'm wronged." Neo said again before closing the door, "Arrange the investigation immediately, we will try to finish the process as soon as possible, and then you can rest well."

"Ok, no problem."

With a bang, Neo closed the door.

"Dalis, you came in too?" On the opposite side, Trissen called to his younger brother, "Did your father ask you to bring something in, hey, Darius, answer me quickly!"

But Darius ignored his brother, but looked at the back of Neo and Karen, his eyes narrowed.


"Did I be too cold just now?" Neo asked Karen.


"But it's hard for me to be enthusiastic. It seems that you are right. The most abnormal person in the Dun family is actually our Mr. Cuckold."


"I'm going to tell Bernie what happened tonight, and let Fanny and the others help arrange the investigation process for Darius. I won't tell you about the suicide note, and I can't explain it."

"Well, wait until Bishop Dorfo releases it himself tomorrow."

"Yes, wait for him to announce it himself, but we can push it a little bit, such as making an appointment for a joint department meeting to discuss this matter, what do you think?"

"I think it's a good idea."

"You will come too at that time."

At this time, Philomena and Richard, who came back from supper, came from a distance.

Neo gave Karen a wink, and went upstairs to find Bernie first.

"Captain, we brought back supper, do you need it?" Richard held up the things in his hands enthusiastically.

"No, I just ate it, share it with others."

"Oh well."

"Philomena, come to my office."

"Yes, Captain."

Karen walked into her office and sat down behind her desk.

Philomena closed the door, walked to Karen and sat down, then pointed to the teacup on the table, and asked, "Do you need tea for the captain?"

"Oh, no need."

"Ice water?"

"No need, is everything going well?" Karen began to find a topic.

"Successful." Philomena hesitated, and continued: "But I met my grandma, and she entered the city."


"Around eight o'clock in the evening."

Karen nodded, recalled the time, and got it right. So, Mrs. Fisher, are you going to see Darius?

What does it mean that two people who were cursed by their grandfather met tonight?

"Captain, I have a hunch."

"Huh? What?"

"I think it's coming, my grandma might be reeling in the net, I'm the fish."

"Don't worry, I will help you."

Philomena blinked. Karen had said similar things to herself before, but this time, she seemed to speak with more confidence.

After all, after confirming that it was his grandfather who cast the curse, Karen was indeed more confident.

Of course, in terms of dealing with curses, Mrs. Fisher is a contemporary of her grandfather, so she will definitely not be so easy to deal with.

"Well, don't go home during this time, try to stay at the headquarters, and make up for the communication devices on your body as much as possible, forget it, I will let Richard take charge..."

"Captain, I believe in my own ability, I can send you a message for help in time or even in advance."

"We have to be the most meticulous, okay?"

"Yes, I understand."

"I let Richard stay with you these days."

Philomena frowned.

"Don't get me wrong, Richard has a special ability that you don't know and he doesn't know, and can convey danger perception."

Memphis will return to the team tomorrow, and the ability of the Alter family can allow Memphis to perceive Richard's situation. In fact, Karen also has Alter's blood in theory, but it is not so obvious.

"Alright captain, I obey the arrangement."

"After the things in your family are over, you should take a good look at and choose your own life."

"I will."

Karen made a "please" gesture.

Philomena stood up. She was actually very puzzled that Karen asked her to come in just to talk about this matter? But it's not in her character to ask too many questions.

After Philomena left, Karen went into the next room, took a shower, changed her clothes, and lay on the bed.

In my mind, the picture shown in the silver mask is still constantly reappearing.

When will I be as strong as my grandfather when he was young?

But after thinking about it, such an excellent and powerful grandfather has been living so depressed in his middle and old age.

Strength can solve most problems, but strength cannot solve all problems.

Karen closed her eyes,

Said to himself:

"Bishop Dolfo, you should go early, I want to be an adjudicator."


The investigation against Mr. Darlis started overnight. Of course, this has nothing to do with Karen.

As Neo said, a good leader is good at leading a good team. In short, when Karen woke up, washed up and had breakfast, Alfred and Vic reported to Karen with the investigation report .

Moreover, before reporting to Karen, they had already leapfrogged and reported to Neo.

In other departments, this kind of behavior is to take credit by leapfrogging one's superiors and put eye drops on one's direct leader, but it is not a problem at all in the Disciplinary Inspection Office.

Because Alfred wanted his young master to sleep longer, he woke up Neo who was also sleeping in advance, and reported to him first.

Karen drank the last sip of milk in the glass, and the report just happened to be completed, as if Alfred was pinching the language organized by Karen in the rhythm of breakfast.

First of all, the chain of evidence against Trieson's criminal behavior has been consolidated, and secondly, Mr. Dallis, as a tainted witness, has also completed his testimony and submission of evidence.

The next thing to do is to go to the joint department meeting to discuss what kind of big hat should be given to Bishop Dorfo.

Karen stood up, picked up the materials, and walked out of his office. When he went out, he happened to see three people sitting on the bench.

Philomena and Richard are regular customers. They don't have any work assignments on weekdays, and they sit there most of the time. In Karen's eyes, they are like two door gods attached to the door of his office.

The extra one is Leon.

"Captain, I have completed the transfer procedures, and now I will officially report to you!"

The son-in-law who used to be aloof is now his younger brother.

Seeing this scene, Karen couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, maybe this is the meaning of struggle?

Karen didn't hide his emotions either. He reached out and patted Leon's shoulder, and asked, "Unexpected?"

"When we first met, I really didn't expect it." Leon was very frank.

The security team members who came out to steal food together during the meeting were now their immediate bosses.

"From now on, you will be on your own. Go to a meeting with me first, and then..." Karen looked at Richard, "Richard, you will be responsible for bringing new players into the team."

"Yes, Captain."

Richard and Leon are also old acquaintances. After all, Richard used to be considered as a member of the boy brother circle, but he didn't play with Leon very much before, and after Richard developed the snack shop project, it was even more impossible to play together.

"Come on, go to a meeting with me first, is your grandpa here?" Karen asked.

"Here we come, Captain. There is also Bishop Bern, and the Minister of Law Enforcement Mochi, oh, and the directors of the three direct offices of the Law Enforcement Department."

"Okay, I know."

Karen took Leon straight to the conference room, and Leon went up one step ahead of time and helped Karen open the door.

At the conference table inside, District Mayor Harry and Chief Bishop Walforon sat side by side, Bernie and Neo sat on one side; Bishop Berne, Minister Mochi, and his three directors sat on the other side.

Karen walked up to Neo and sat down, Leon sat down behind Karen, picked up a pen and paper and began to take minutes of the meeting.

In fact, when Leon came in, the people from the big area all set their eyes on Leon.

This matter was kept secret before, that is to say, now everyone knows that the grandson of the boss of the family actually "surrendered to the enemy"?

Wo Fulun put down his teacup and said with a smile: "Everyone may have some cognitive contradictions in working methods, but I believe that in the general direction, everyone is still willing to work together to do things well and contribute to the divine religion. of."

This is obviously a little explanation for the reason why his grandson appeared opposite, and it is also an opening statement for the first joint law enforcement department meeting.

District Chief Harry nodded and said: "Of course, we are all believers in the God of Order. This point, past, present and future, will not change."

Bernie said: "I suggest that we start to enter the topic of today's meeting now."

Minister Mochi responded: "Let's get started then."

Bernie looks at Neo, who yawns and glances at Karen.

Karen stood up, glanced at it first, everyone had the investigation report on hand, and immediately said: "The materials distributed in front of you are a series of investigations on the serious dereliction of duty of the Naton family;

There is also the allegation against Bishop Dorfo of Darius as a tainted witness.

We believe that if the Naton family is not dealt with seriously now, the reform of the religion, the reform of the Whip of Order, including the image of the regional management office and the basic consensus of the unity of the church will suffer a very serious blow. "

The implication is that the matter has become such a big mess, if the Nadun family doesn't solve it, everyone's reputation and face will be difficult.

Today's meeting has reached a political consensus and tacit agreement in advance, so everything can be carried out much more easily than the trial that day.

Next, is the placement of charges.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the meeting room, and Leon got up and walked over to check the situation without ordering, then his face changed slightly, he turned back with an official letter, and reported:

"Bishop Dolfo has just released his suicide note to the whole Church."

Minister Mochi asked, "Is it confirmed?"

Leon nodded and said, "It's confirmed."

Then, there was silence for several minutes in the entire conference room.

The first to break the silence was Chief Bishop Walforen. He said with a smile, "It's true. It's an unexpected development."

Immediately, Walforon looked at Harry and asked, "What do you think of the whip bearer?"

Harry responded:

"Since the suicide note has been released, let's cooperate with him. We can't respond to a dignified bishop's suicide note. This is not in line with the purpose of unity within the church.

Bernie, pass my order that all departments in the headquarters prepare the money and flower baskets and send them to the Naton family. "

"Yes, whip bearer."

Wo Fulun looked around and said: "Although I don't know what's going on in his mind, it really saves us trouble, and even made our meeting worthless to continue.

But this can be regarded as a good sign for the first meeting of the joint law enforcement agencies, and it indicates that everything will go smoothly in the future.

As for Dolfo, let us do what our whip-bearers mean.

Now that he sent out his suicide note, we'll help arrange the funeral, Bourne. "


"You work hard, personally prepare and organize the funeral of Bishop Dorfo, it must be grand and grand; Bishop Dorfo is a good-looking person who likes to be lively, we must satisfy his preferences, let him go satisfactorily and peacefully .”

"Yes, chief, please rest assured, I will arrange everything."

Minister Mochi twisted his neck and said with a lively smile:

"I still haven't figured out what Bishop Dolfo's purpose is for publishing this suicide note."

Neo also cheered up the atmosphere: "Actually, don't worry about it. After all, the atmosphere has been enhanced here. Maybe even he himself will feel that immortality is not appropriate."


I'm not in good physical condition today, so I'll just update it, don't panic, I'll make it up tomorrow.

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