13 Mink Street

Chapter 505 Bring to justice!

"Mom, I bought something for you."

Kaixi opened the car door, and handed a bottle of wine and a bag of black gravel to her mother-in-law, Mrs. Tang Li.

Today's Mrs. Tang Li did not wear the traditional Wien women's clothing at home in the past, but a dark red robe wrapped her whole body, even her face was hidden under the hat.

Mrs. Tang Li stretched out her hand and took the wine bottle from her daughter-in-law.

The shape of the wine bottle is very special, with a small base and a large top. The wine is red, but when it is shaken, there will be strands of green floating out from the inner edge of the wine bottle. After precipitation, the color is still red.

"Show me the receipt."

"Here, mother." Kai Xi obediently handed over the shopping receipts she just bought at the coupon store to her mother-in-law.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, not only did the price not increase, but it was even cheaper than I thought."

"Compared to other coupons, order coupons have appreciated a lot recently," Kaixi explained.

"So that's how it is."

Mrs. Tang Li uncorked the wine bottle and spread her hands. Kaixi poured the bag of gravels into Mrs. Tang Li's hands, and Mrs. Tang Li put all the stones into the bottle instead.

The gravel quickly filled the base, and with a slight shaking, there was a "sizzling" sound from the base, and dense bubbles began to float up. Soon, the originally red wine turned blue, like A flame burned in the bottle, and a strong, pungent, dizzying smell filled the air.

Mrs. Tang Li put the bottle into her mouth, took a sip, then closed her eyes, with a look of reminiscence and enjoyment on her face.

After a long time, she looked at her daughter-in-law and asked, "Have you ever tried drinking like this?"

Kai Xi shook her head: "No."

"Actually, when I was young, I didn't drink often, because there were not many coupons left in my wallet at that time, so I often got together with a few friends, either pooling money to buy a copy, or someone took it. The mission rewards are called for him to invite.

It is often a bottle of wine, and everyone drinks it separately and takes turns. Everyone can get a lot, but at that time, every sip is very much looking forward to and feels very delicious.

In the future, when the conditions are good, coupons are enough. I also tried to buy and drink it myself, but when I drank it, I found that it didn’t taste like before. I once suspected that it was mixed with wine or stones in the coupon shop. Fake.

But I didn't think about going to other coupon stores to buy it, because I knew very well in my heart that the wine and stones hadn't changed, but the group of friends who drank together no longer existed around me. "

"Mom, can I have a taste?"

"Hehe." Mrs. Tang Li took another sip, then shook her head, "There is no rule for me and you to drink together."

"Yes, mother."

"Where's your man?"

"He... disappeared again."

"I think his condition has improved a lot."

"Yes, I think so too."

"But after his condition improved, he fell in love with running away from home from time to time, and the time of running away from home became longer and more frequent. Do you think this is a good thing?"

"I think it's okay, at least it's much better than before."

"As long as you are satisfied." Mrs. Tang Li stretched out her hand and rubbed her neck helplessly, "The men in the Guman family are all weirder than the other, and it's all my fault."

"How can it be your fault, mother."

"It's just my fault. It's my fault for choosing your father, and it's also your fault for your father's choosing me. In fact, I have been trying my best to manage my family's life well over the years, but I found that the harder I work, the more I can't do it. good;

Alas, it can't be called bad, but it can always give you a disability when you are about to be happy.

It's like tying a piece of meat to a bamboo pole, just hooking you like this, making you limping involuntarily and continuing to move forward.

Several times I was so angry that I wanted to throw everything away, thinking that my original choice was wrong, but when I smelled the smell of that piece of meat, I swallowed uncontrollably again.

This is the life I chose, and it's really not as good as I thought it would be, but...not so bad that I want to give it up. "


"I talk a little bit today, don't mind."

"How come, mother."

After taking another sip, Mrs. Tang Li put the cork back, left the bottle on the car seat, and got out of the car by herself.

"This wine has tasted a little better today."


Kaixi reached out to support her mother-in-law, but she was gently pushed away by the latter.

"You are wearing the priest's robe, go ahead, and I will follow you. It has been many years, and I haven't entered the teaching building of the God of Order, oh no, I almost forgot, this is new, the original one It has collapsed."

"Yes, mother."

Kaixi walked in front, and Mrs. Tang Li followed behind.

"Originally, this matter was not a big deal. Isn't it normal for young people to fight? It's the fault..."

Kai Xi answered: "Yes, mother, the fault lies in the other party's unusual identity."

"Oh, where are you thinking? I mean, the blame is that the person was seriously injured but not killed. Wouldn't it be better to just destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces?"

Kathy: "..."

"Our Richard has also been in the Whip of Order team for so long, has been to many places, and encountered many dangers, but he is still so immature.

He knew the Vicolet, didn't he? "

"Yes, I know."

"Then it should be killed, and then ask friends in the team to help deal with the aftermath. There must be someone in his team who is good at this kind of thing, so what to do with him, isn't it waiting to be bitten back?"

"Richard probably didn't think so much at the time."

"Not promising."

"But mother, there are some things, if you really do absolutely nothing, there is absolutely no room for turning back."

"Liberty? Then you have to look at who you are offending. In my opinion, the Nadun family is a group of mental patients. Their whole family has brain problems from top to bottom.

I even wondered how Dolfo could get the position of bishop. He is simply a violent and stupid wild boar. "

"Father goes to negotiate, and there should be results."

"I asked your father to mobilize his department overnight, contact his students, inform his current and past colleagues, unite these relationships, and let them speak out together, so that we can use more means to deal with the aftermath today.

Do you know how he replied to me?

He actually said that those people control the magic circle hubs in several core areas of the region. Once a problem occurs, the damage and impact on the region will be great, and the loss to the religion will be great. How can they do this? ?

Do you know how I felt when I heard this sentence?


I really wanted to choke his neck and soak his face directly into the toilet! "

"Mother, father is thinking about the overall situation. It's understandable that he doesn't want to do this. After all, father's department and the projects he participates in are very important to the divine religion."

"You heard Richard's account of this incident last night, do you think Richard will lie?"


"Then do you think your son did something wrong? He saved those dim sum shop ladies and their lives. Do you think he did something wrong?"


"Yes, so if it's Richard who made the mistake, it's okay for the old guy to keep the overall situation in mind. It doesn't make sense, so don't lose your temper, I agree.

But the thing is, our grandson did nothing wrong, and now the mad dog of the Natons is sure to catch Richard and bite him.

Why should people who have done nothing wrong have to take care of the overall situation and be wronged?

The great god of order you believe in,

Look through the myths of this church, and then look at the myths of other churches. Is there any record that the God of Order was wronged for the sake of the overall situation?

Do you know why the wild dogs of the Dun family are so rampant? It's because they are used to being wronged and tolerated by people like the old stuff who care about the overall situation. "


"Kaixi, Richard is your son. You left home for so many years because of Eisen, and you basically didn't take care of your son. I don't blame you for this, and I have no position to blame you.

But if you remember being Richard's mother, then stop speaking up for that old bastard in front of me. "

Mrs. Tang Li put her hand on Kaixi's shoulder,

"If the old man settles things down, it's fine for us to be wronged a bit. This matter will be over if we turn a blind eye to it; Your son, hurt...

As for those dogs in the Naton family, I can kill as many as I can. Even if I can’t stay in York City anymore, even if I’m wanted by the Cult of Kosmos, I don’t care. If the men in the family can’t support it, don’t blame us The woman is going to lose her temper! "

Kathy nodded emphatically.

Then, she took Mrs. Tang Li to the third floor. There were fewer people here, and there were also tea seats for talking and resting, but the tea fee here was a bit high, mainly because people who were free would occupy the seats.

As soon as the two women sat down, Kaixi noticed a change in the hall on the first floor.

"Mother, look, it's Richard..."

Mrs. Tang Li stood up and looked down.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Dolfo standing on the second floor surrounded by a crowd.

There was a sharp gleam in the old lady's eyes, but it was quickly covered again. It was impossible for her to remind her potential prey that he had been targeted.

As Richard knelt down, that area instantly attracted the audience's attention.

Vicolet was carried out and "stand" in front of Richard.

Richard, who was kneeling on the ground, began to narrate his mistakes loudly and began to apologize.

This movement attracted the attention of more and more people. Not only was the lobby on the first floor overcrowded, but the railings on the second and third floors were also full of people. Many people who were originally working took the elevator or took the stairs down to watch the excitement.

At the moment, this is the focus area of ​​the entire Academic Affairs Building.

Kaixi saw her son knelt there to make amends, covered his face with his hands, and began to sob.

"Why are you crying?" Mrs. Tang Li reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't be like that old thing."

Mrs. Tang Li's eyes caught Delong standing there alone in the corner of the hall on the first floor. The old man closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and kept clenching and loosening his hands.

Between husband and wife, the most taboo thing is to compare. After the comparison, the psychology will become unbalanced. After the imbalance, the emotions will be revealed, and the conflicts will be aroused after the emotions appear.

But it is a human instinct to seek happiness from comparison.

At this time, Mrs. Tang Li couldn't help but think of that person, because that person made his own choice for his grandson half a year ago.

If this is his grandson,

Would he allow his grandson to kneel here and apologize in front of so many people?

old stuff,

Richard is not my surname, his surname is not Art, his surname is Guman!

Now, it's your Guman family's face that's lost!

Madam Tang Li's eyes were already dark red, and her heart was already filled with anger.

At this moment, she suddenly saw someone walking towards the central area. As soon as that figure appeared, she immediately felt extremely familiar and friendly.


When Karen supported Richard, when he saw Richard laughing and talking to Karen, when he saw the two people beside Karen pushing away the entourage around Vicole, when he saw Vicole being handcuffed, When I saw Karen holding an investigation order and announcing to the audience that Vicoley was suspected of serious violations of discipline and would be taken back to the Whip of Order headquarters in the region for investigation,

Mrs. Tang Li's eyes widened, and Kai Xi stopped crying, and stared blankly at all this;

Mr. Delong opened his eyes with a look of disbelief.

From the "buzzing" sound of whispering to each other earlier, the whole audience fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Since the building was opened, it seems that it has never been so quiet.

Everyone is clearly aware that the current kneeling and apologizing is a well-designed process, otherwise you will not be able to explain the seamlessly connected investigation warrant, which is actually an arrest warrant.

No one will mock the kneeling young man anymore, because all the forbearance and concessions of the winning side will be branded with a halo;

People will only remember that the adjudicator who had just knelt down to apologize was arrested.

Kaixi asked in a daze, "Is this all... discussed?"

Mrs. Tang Li showed a smile on her face,

Said with emotion:

"Our grandson has grown up."


"Those who block it are considered apostates!"

When Karen yelled this, instead of hurriedly "escaping" with his arrestee and immediately moving back to the headquarters building, he chose to do nothing and continue to stand where he was.

Because no matter how distorted the middle and lower-level system of the Whip of Order is now and how dependent it is on the various regional management offices, none of the regional management offices dares to stand up and shout out that the Whip of Order is a whip raised at home. A dog, although it is indeed similar to a domestic dog now.

It is undeniable that the Whip of Order system is an absolutely transcendent existence of the Cult of Order since its establishment. When Lord Tiranus, one of the four major followers of the God of Order, created the Cult of Order, he completely incorporated " "The whip of order" is regarded as an important part of the interpretation of the doctrine of order;

The existence of the whip of order can establish the rigor of the rules of order, not only externally, but also internally, it cannot be separated and missing.

Therefore, confronting the Whip of Order on the bright side is tantamount to opposing and blaspheming the doctrine.

Originally, Neo's plan was simpler than this. A fake official letter made Vicole come to the Academic Affairs Building this morning. Karen waited in the hall with someone and arrested Vicole in front of everyone.

Choosing to do it in the Academic Affairs Building is for the audience, not for the limelight, but because without the audience... things may not go well.

Initiating a challenge from low to high, the strong party standing on the high ground can use more resources to achieve multiple advantages. Only in the face of "exposure" can the means available to the strong party be limited. At least at this moment, It makes them unable to operate even if they have the resources.

This kind of feeling reminded Karen of the live broadcast investigation of drunk driving in the previous life. In front of the live broadcast camera, if the drunk driver wanted to make a phone call to seek accommodation, the traffic police would strictly prohibit you from calling and tell you that it was useless to call anyone. .

Although due to an accident, Richard beat Vicolet onto the stretcher, but Neo's compensation, Richard's cooperation, and Karen's on-the-spot operations finally brought the development of things back on track.

Even because of Richard's kneeling, he got more attention than expected, that is, a better restraint effect.

Earlier in the office, if Karen took out the investigation order, then Vicole, there is a high probability that he would not be able to take it away.

The chief bishop of Wolveren will even directly use his relationship to find the headquarters of the Whip of Order in the region and demand that the investigation order be revoked. Dolfo and other bishops will also seek channels from higher authorities to suppress this matter in advance.

Because of this incident, a discerning person can see that the power seizure operation carried out by the Whip of Order in this region is not just a Vicolet, but it is the clarion call for the power seizure charge.

But who is the "mental patient Dolfo" and the character of Vicole, the grandfather and grandson, is really easy to grasp. When Karen proposed that Richard kneel in public to make amends, the grandfather and grandson felt that this It's a good step, and I really walked down it.

As long as the grandpa and grandson are a little more courteous, a little more reserved, and a little more careful about eating...Richard can't kneel even if he wants to.

If it were Karen, if he or his grandson was beaten like this by a member of the Whip of Order, how would he have the face to accept the apology in public, especially if he was still lying on a stretcher? This is not purely regarded as a joke what?

But the grandpa and grandson really didn't have this kind of awareness and awareness.


"My lord, it's not good, it's not good!"

The attendant pushed open the door of the office, and the chief bishop of Walfren, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes:

"There's another row down here?"

"No, it was Karen who took out the investigation order from the Discipline Inspection Committee, handcuffed Vicolet, and said that he would take him away to assist in the investigation."


Walforon immediately stood up and reached out to grab his identity card. Through this identity card, he himself could ignore all the defense and restriction circles in this building.

The next moment, Walforon's figure appeared on the third floor, beside his grandson Leon.

He saw Karen below, who was holding an investigation warrant.

"Master Chief Bishop..."

In the office area, Leon always calls himself a grandfather.

Wolfron sighed, reached out and touched his grandson's head:

"Leon, you are really inferior to him."

"Grandpa..." Leon began to switch roles according to his grandfather's reaction, and couldn't help but remind him, "Grandpa, will Bishop Dolfo grab people? Do you need to remind him?"

"He is a mad dog that everyone hates, but he is not an idiot. If he dares to stop him now, he will bring his Nadun family and stand directly on the opposite side of the whip of order.

Blockers are considered apostates;

This is not a slogan, at least at the moment, in the eyes of so many people, the mad dog will also become cautious. "

"Then Vicole will definitely be brought back by Karen?" Leon paused, then continued, "Actually, Karen came here for Vicole in the first place, and he told me."

"But you didn't tell me."

"I thought he was trying to mediate..."

"Forget it, you young people's affairs are left to you young people to deal with, and you don't have to report to me, if you want to play with them."

"Grandpa means..."

"I mean, isn't it obvious? What I have to do, I have to do. This is determined by my position, but it has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, Grandpa, I understand."

Wo Fulun smiled: "I was also deceived by this kid. He tricked us old guys. How old is he, and he is so skillful in playing these tricks."

"However, even if they took Vicolet away today, after today, Bishop Dolfo's side, and Grandpa's side, you can still..."

"He dared to arrest people with a clear purpose, which means that he is fully prepared and confident. It should not be about fighting, but something more serious. I am also curious. The Guman family is good at formations, not Fighting, how did Richard, a young man, beat up an adjudicator like this, what did those mad dogs of the Naton family do.

I even suspect... the disciplinary office that has just resumed operation, their goal is not just a Vicole. "


"Okay, next, there are dramas to watch."


"Father, this..."

The Deputy Minister of Law Enforcement stood next to Bishop Dolfo. He didn't know what to say, because he knew very well that it was impossible to obstruct and arrest people at this time.

It is almost an unspoken rule to form local factions within the local regions. That is why it is so difficult to restore the middle and lower systems of the Whip of Order, because it is tantamount to directly competing for power with the local regions.

But after all, the Sect of Order is not like the Sect of Reincarnation, where family power completely dominates the mainstream. It is the best proof that many consecutive high priests are not born in the family. In addition, the Holy See has always controlled the Knights, so although in detail, The Holy See has to face the tug-of-war with the local government, but in terms of absolute strength, the Holy See has the absolute power to crush the regions below.

Therefore, this game of struggle and balance can only be played behind the scenes, which is a tacit understanding between the two sides.

But if any local faction or force dares to stand up, tear its face directly, stand on the opposite side of the teachings and classics, and take the initiative to provide a handle for a frontal breakthrough, then the people in the Holy See will have to wake up from their dreams.

Dolfo's chest was heaving and his face was showing blue veins, but he didn't dare to make a sound, let alone jump down and kick the guy who dared to shackle his grandson away.

He knew that as long as he dared to do this today, the whipkeeper would directly send a special investigation team to the York City area tomorrow to carry out a full-scale liquidation and revenge against his family.

In political struggles, individuals who are out of line and on the weak side will inevitably be abandoned by their own group... not to mention that he, Dorfo, is also very aware of how unpopular he is in the circle of bishops in this region.

Dolfo closed his eyes: "Let them take Vicole away today, but in a few days, I will let them send my grandson back in person respectfully."


Karen waited for a long time, and felt that it was almost done, and then signaled Vic and Murray to lift Vicole's stretcher.

Vicole was still calling "Grandpa" and "Grandpa", but it was obvious that his mad dog grandpa didn't dare to take care of his pup today.

Richard walked ahead to open the way. He was injured all over, and now imitated Karen with a reserved smile.

But the joy in my heart kept rolling upwards.

In the story, I have read many heroes who endured humiliation when they were young and finally won the counterattack. Richard feels that he is the protagonist in the story now;

Oh no, the protagonist should be Karen standing behind him, but he is at least the first supporting role!

The crowd parted and made way.

For many years, although the Whip of Order has been active, it has always received tasks from the Regional Management Office or was directly dispatched by the Regional Management Office. This is the first time that most people have witnessed the Whip of Order conducting an investigation centered on themselves. arrest.

There were also some members of the Whip of Order in the crowd, and there were quite a few teams who came to accept the mission. When they saw this scene, their expressions were quite excited.

The collective sense of belonging needs to be glued with pride, but in other words, everyone hopes that they have a strong unit to rely on.

Karen believes that after this official appearance and the following things are handled smoothly, it will be much easier to mobilize the cooperation of the Whip of Order team in the region in the future.

Even those who don't want to come don't dare to refuse in person, but will come to explain tremblingly with gifts.

Walking out of the Academic Affairs Building, Karen felt a sense of trance in the midday sun.

He couldn't help but stopped.

Then, Murray and Vic, who were carrying the stretcher, also stopped, and Richard also stopped when he saw this.

Karen stood for a while without saying anything or making any gestures. He continued to walk down the steps, and everyone followed his steps.

Vicolai was arranged to enter the VIP car. It is foreseeable that the distance between this car and the headquarters building will be very safe... No one in the regional management office dares to intercept it, and even the Naton family may send someone to protect those who are afraid. Being framed by the enemy.

Karen got into the car, and Vicole was still yelling something vaguely.


Vic wasn't used to him at all, so he slapped Vicole directly.

"Shut up, you!"

Richard sat down next to Karen, his body was still writhing in excitement, he accidentally touched the wound, and took a few deep breaths.

Karen looked at him and asked:

"I'm curious, did Neo add to your injuries?"

Richard immediately shook his head and said:

"The director asked me to keep it a secret from you."

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