13 Mink Street

Chapter 312: Benefactor

Bart chose a restaurant and asked for a box. Karen called Alfred because he went to the front desk of the hotel halfway, so he was the last one to walk in. However, the seat facing the window of the box was vacated by three people. left it to him.

This clique has just emerged, so it's still pure, a pure hierarchy.

Because these three people were all put up by Karen.

The more lively and confident Ashley said first: "We are qualified from a large region, and when the next round of final selection is made, no one can say whether the selection method will be the same as this time.

And this selection test is actually using teamwork. Although it is not the final decisive factor, it will indeed give some help during the test process.

I think this is why we will take the initiative to sit here and gather for this meal. When the next round of selection is made, my idea is that we should take care of each other under the premise of not harming our own interests.

In addition, if you know that you may not be able to make it, you can do something that harms others and does not benefit yourself. "

What Ashley said was a very simple thing, that is, to hold a group.

Bart said, "I agree."

Ventura put a stone on the table and said, "I agree too."

Then, all three eyes fell on Karen.

Karen's attitude is what they are most looking forward to, and it is also the key to the success of this "group".

One is because although they have not fought against each other, everyone agrees that Karen is the strongest;

The second is that Karen walked up to such a height with a tow bottle, and didn't stop until the tow bottle couldn't support it, which showed that this person was reliable.

A person who is willing to help his friends will naturally have more people willing to be his friends.

Karen nodded and responded, "Of course."

Everyone laughed.

Ashley said, "Karen, who is that person you are carrying, good friend?"

"Well, good friend, but in the end he withdrew. He is not very willing to use this method to get the ranking, and he doesn't want to squeeze other people's places."

This matter still needs to be explained.

"The fifth woman, Philomena, who do you know?" Ashley asked.

Bart shook his head and said, "Not from the Knights."

Ventura said, "I don't know many people."

Karen shook her head too.

Ashley said: "I'll have someone investigate her background after I go back, but I don't think we need to have too high expectations for her, she doesn't seem easy to get along with."

In fact, another important reason why Richard chose to quit was that when Philomena showed such a new look, Richard didn't want Karen to go to war with such a mysterious and powerful opponent for himself.

He wanted to quit, but he didn't want to disappoint Karen's help and contribution to him. It can only be said that Philomena's appearance gave him the best conditions for quitting.

"She's strong," Karen commented.

On the mountain, she was the only one who could speak fluently to herself.

"So, she doesn't bother to hug each other." Ashley smiled, "After all, we are still a little guilty."

Bart shook his head and said, "I simply want to invite Karen to drink tea."

Ventura laughed: "Me too."

"Oh, I know you all have pride, but I just like to be practical. By the way, it seems that we haven't formally introduced ourselves yet, so I'll do it first.

Ashley Peaton. I'm an intern trainer in the A-level department of the Divine Beast Control System. My parents are scholars in it. Sorry, in our department circle, the position of priest is generally not called, because our academic atmosphere is relatively strong. "

Bart said, "You bred our falcons?"

"That's something cultivated by C-level departments. We generally breed rare monsters that are about to become extinct. For departments with higher levels, the research topic is the resurrection of extinct beasts.

Let's put it this way, I am more cheerful and like to make friends. What about you, if anyone has a monster, you can come to me to take care of it for you, and maybe you can improve your bloodline.

Of course, ordinary pets are also fine. I can help them improve their physical fitness and a little bit of intelligence. "

Karen couldn't help but think of her own two.

Ashley works in a special department. According to the Cult of Kosmos practice, departments above A level in any system are almost in a semi-isolated state. They have their own circle and ecology, and they rarely contact the outside world. It is difficult for outsiders to Contact, let alone human affection.

"For monsters, do you need to eat something special?"

"There are special supplements for monsters, do you need them, Karen?"


Under the premise that interests are involved, Karen will often give up decentness and choose to be pragmatic.

"Give me your address, and I'll have someone send it to you."

"Okay, I'll pay for the voucher."

"You don't need to collect coupons. It's boring to collect coupons. I'm not bad at that."


Karen remembered that Mr. Lemar said before that the captain gave him a lot of coupons and lost the favor.

"You're welcome. In fact, the best way is, you send your monster over here, and I'll check it out myself. Well, let my father or mother check it out and see what conditions can be developed."

"Don't be so troublesome."

"Okay, okay, how about you two?"

Bart responded: "There are special breeding departments and veterinarians in the Knights."

"That's our subordinate unit." Ashley said.

"I know." Bart shrugged.

Ventura said while playing with the stone, "I don't have any pets in my house."

"Then I'm done with the introduction." Ashley sat down, "Next."

Bart stood up and said, "Bart Cousins, a candidate for the Eagle Knight of the Third Knight Order, my parents are both mid-level officers."

Ashley asked, "What about your grandpa?"

Bart frowned.

Ashley said very familiarly: "Under normal circumstances, the premise of equal status between parents is that they have a good family background and can obtain equal marriage resources. Your grandfather must have a higher position."

"My grandfather once served as the deputy head of the Third Knight Order, but that was a long time ago. My grandfather was transferred to the First Knight Order when I was very young."

Hearing this, Karen stood up, Ashley also stood up, and even Ventura, who was playing with stones, also stood up.

Everyone knows what kind of existence the First Knights Order is, and being transferred to the First Knights Order is the power to become the First Knights Order after one's own death.

Bart looked at Ashley and said, "So I don't want to make it so serious, everyone sit down."

"Hats off to your grandpa," Ashley said.

Bart continued: "The Knights and other departments of the church belong to a completely different system. We only accept orders from the High Priest and the Temple of Order. However, what I can do is, if you and your relatives and friends want to enter I can arrange for the knights, but the requirements for joining the knights are very strict, and you need to pass the assessment yourself."

After speaking, Bart sat down.

Ventura said: "Ventura Blue Manny. I live with my grandparents. My grandparents are servants of God. They used to be clerks in the Academic Affairs Building, but they are all retired now."

Ashley said, "Where are your parents?"

Karen felt a little helpless, this girl is really a typical lack of heart.

People started to introduce it from grandparents, which explained a reason, and she still insisted on asking.

"My parents died ten years ago because..."

Ventura hesitated for a moment, still touching the stone, and continued: "Because of pollution."

"Are you polluted too?" Ashley asked.


"Amazing." Ashley nodded, "I admire you."

Ventura smiled and said, "Actually, just get used to it."

Karen knew how heavy Ventura's words were because Dora Doreen lived in her family and had witnessed their lives.

Finally, it was Karen's turn.

Karen stood up and said:

"Karen, orphan.

I run a funeral agency. If your relatives and friends are in need, you can contact me. "

The three present were silent for a moment.

Karen sat down, picked up the teapot, and refilled herself a cup of tea.

Ashley asked, "So, you spelled it out purely by yourself?"

Karen replied: "There are many opportunities and people who have helped me, but my background is as simple as that."

Bart clapped his hands and said, "Then, shall we order?"

The dishes were served quickly, and the four of them were hungry and ate a lot.

After dinner, the four bid farewell.

Bart and Ashley have to find their friends in the circle, they came together, and they will definitely go back together.

Alfred had already parked the car at the door of the store, saw Karen coming out, and opened the door voluntarily.

Karen looked at Ventura and asked, "How did you go back?"

"I'll take a taxi back."

"Get in the car, I'll take you home."

"OK, thanks."

The boy didn't hesitate, got into the car, and reported his address to Alfred.

Karen, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, asked, "By the way, you haven't joined the job yet, have you?"

"No, I'm still studying in a missionary school, and the headmaster recommended me to participate in this selection."

Karen remembered that little John was also studying in a church school, and now he is a boarding school, attending primary school.

"What do you want to do when you get out?" Karen asked. "I mean assignments."

Ventura replied: "The Whip of Order."

This is the same as many teenagers who want to be policemen when they grow up. Leaving aside the independent circle of the Knights, the Whip of Order does satisfy the fantasy of most young people about work. Richard used his family connections because of this fantasy. Arranged to come in.

"Then strive to get the final 12 places, and then you can directly become the captain after graduation."

"I'm too young to be the captain." Ventura was sober, "And you, are you going to be the captain?"

"What do you think?"

"I think it's safe for you to enter the 12-man list, because you are much better than us."

"This, I can't tell."

"If you become the captain, can I come to you as a team member?" Ventura asked.

"If you don't feel wronged, of course I welcome it."

"Okay, I want to follow you."

Karen smiled at the window, this young man is still very innocent, how should I put it, he belongs to the age that is the easiest to deceive.

He was probably convinced by himself during the test, so at this time, he, who was temporarily irrational, had the urge to worship his elder brother.

But let's talk about it later.

If he really wants to form a team in the future and he is willing to come over, then he will definitely accept it.

Because he is no longer called talented, but has fulfilled his current talent, which is directly combat power.

In addition, his strength should not be the soul. Judging by the petrified state of his soul, no accident, his strength should be melee combat. In reality, such a person is often very useful.

In other words, this kind of soul assessment is actually his weakness.

Ventura's home was in an apartment. Alfred parked the car at the door of the apartment. The two old people sitting on the bench by the side of the road stood up immediately, and the grandmother walked over with the help of the grandfather.


Ventura got out of the car and ran towards them.

"Master, it seems that you have a good relationship with them. In fact, the subordinates feel that this relationship is the most secure."

"I asked someone for some tonics. After the things are delivered, you can take them to Pu'er and Kevin to study them. If you can eat them, let them eat them."

"Pu'er shouldn't have much effect, but Kevin's effect shouldn't be small." Alfred reminded.

At this time, Ventura's grandparents came over. The old man looked very old. He bent down and said to Karen, "My lord, we have prepared some snacks and tea at home. Come and use some?"

The old man has been a servant of God all his life and works in the Academic Affairs Building. He is actually the lowest-level church employee, so he has developed a habit. When he sees most of the Christians of Kosmos, he will call "Your Excellency".

Even though, his grandson is good enough now, but his grandson has not yet graduated and has no position.

Karen wanted to refuse, but at this moment, Ventura came over and said, "Please do me a favor."

The grandma added later: "This is the first friend that our family Ventura brought home."

Karen hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded: "Then, excuse me."

There is no way, take one step and look at three steps. Since you want to take someone's grandson as your subordinate in the future, you have to build a good relationship with their parents and seniors now.

Karen and Alfred got out of the car and followed them upstairs.

After entering the house, I found that the house was very clean and tidy, and the snacks made by the grandmother were already prepared on the dining table.

Along the way, the grandfather kept talking about his grandson, and Karen could tell that because of the "pollution", Ventura's personality was a bit withdrawn, or deeply shy, and he didn't usually have many friends. Fortunately, he Good enough to be appreciated by the principal.

The headmaster of a church school actually has a lot of power, because he has a channel for fresh blood in the church.

The two old people very much hope that their grandsons will live a normal life in the future, as decent and respected as the "adults" in the god religion they yearn for.

Karen took a piece of chicken cake and took a bite. It was soft and delicious, and the taste was very good.

While eating, Karen also looked at the environment in the house, and then found a painting hanging on the wall of the living room, but the painting was covered with a black cloth.

Is it the portrait of Ventura's parents?

Seeing Karen's gaze, the old man immediately said, "This is the portrait of our benefactor."


"Yes, without him, there would be no Ventura. At that time, both Ventura's father and mother were polluted. It was already hopeless, and the church hospital couldn't save them. That benefactor came to the door , Said that he has a way to try, we agreed, and there is nothing to disagree with, because at that time we knew that even if the benefactor’s treatment method did not succeed, the situation would not be worse.”

"In the end, did it succeed?"

"Well, it succeeded. The benefactor controlled the pollution of Ventura's parents and gave them the last three years of life without being tortured."

Three years later, the person is still gone.

But Karen knew that this was already the best ending, not only prolonging the lifespan by three years, but also lifespan with dignity and quality.

"At that time, Ventura's mother was already pregnant with him. At that time, she might not be able to support the child at all, but because of the benefactor, they not only gave birth to Ventura, but also saw Ventura with their own eyes. Ra walked and heard his son speak with his own ears. When they finally left, they were very peaceful.

Even Ventura, who suffered from us, was also polluted. This was the thing his mother felt most guilty about her son before she died. She felt that she was sorry for her son and made him suffer from birth. "

"Grandpa, you said that again, I love my mother, I love my father, I love you too, and I love my current life." Ventura said.

"Yes, yes, because of the benefactor's arrangement, although Ventura has been polluted since birth, he can try to control the pollution on his body. Although he has suffered a lot for this, it will not spread due to pollution. And he died young, he is still very healthy now, isn't he?"

"Yes, he will be very promising in the future."

"I hope you will support him more in the future."

"I will, by the way, who is that benefactor?"

"We don't know his name. We only know that he is a person I taught. The benefactor's family members should also be infected. He is actually looking for and testing treatment methods to save his family. On this point, the benefactor told us It is very clear, but we are still very grateful to him. It is hard for me to imagine what our family would be like now without the appearance of the benefactor.

It's a pity that I didn't have time to leave a photo for my benefactor at that time, so I had to ask an artist to draw a portrait according to our description.

Ventura, go talk to your benefactor, he will be very happy that you have passed the regional selection. "

"Okay, Grandpa."

Ventura walked to the wall and gently removed the black cloth, revealing the portrait inside.

In the portrait is an old man with silver-white hair but a stalwart figure, holding a potion bottle in his left hand and an empty sword hilt in his right, and wearing a silver mask on his face.

Karen froze.

It's Diss!


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