13 Mink Street

Chapter 272

After Neo and Tuffman left, Mr. Eisen came over with a shovel on his back. He put the shovel down first, and took out a note with three lines.

Article 1: Arrange the formation here.

Mr. Eisen put away the note and began to arrange the formation here.

After the array arrangement was completed, Mr. Eisen opened the note again;

Rule 2: Dig a hole and bury yourself in it.

Mr. Eisen picked up a shovel, dug a hole nearby, and buried himself in it. He deliberately kept the first circle with grass, and after he jumped into the hole, the piece of lawn was covered by him. overhead.

He took out the note again;

Article 3: After hearing such keywords or synonyms as "This is the important place of the Palace of Missing, outsiders are not allowed to enter or offend...", detonate the formation.

Mr. Eisen muttered these words in his heart, then squatted down, completely hiding his figure in the grass.

Step by step has been arranged, and he just needs to follow it. He likes this way of task assignment very much.


He was really in the pit, motionless, but he was still repeating those key words in his mouth.


"I've had enough, I've had enough, I've had enough, that group of bloody order bastards, bastards!!!"

"Yeah, I feel aggrieved after losing this battle. In the final analysis, they won the victory through a sneak attack. If you dare to put up a fight between the two sides, I may not lose in reincarnation!"

"At least, it's impossible for him to win Order so easily. Looking at Order's group these days, I feel like they are like monkeys with a tail behind them. The tail is going to go up to the sky, and there is a foul smell."

"Haha, yes, I can swear, even my uncle's unwashed boots don't smell as strong as the ones they send out now."

"Okay, stop arguing. Now that you're out to play, just relax and put your troubles to the back of your mind. In the future, reincarnation will need us to support the scene."

"Yes, Captain Pat."

"The captain said so."

Nearly twenty people, everyone walked into the red compartment, each compartment was separated by a curtain, and there was a simple sofa bed inside.

After Pat walked in, he walked out quickly, took out a purple receipt, showed it to the door attendant, and went up to the third floor.

Purple tickets are not very expensive for him, but it was impossible for him to buy purple tickets for twenty of his subordinates to go to the third floor, so the price would be too high, so he can only accompany them to the second floor , and then go up to the third floor alone.

When the work is done later, you have to hurry up so that they can't find out, otherwise the team will be difficult to lead.

After arriving on the third floor and entering a separate room, Pat walked to the position of the javelin launcher, facing down, and selected a mermaid in the most central area.

Afterwards, he sat back on the side of the bed, stretched out his hand and pulled the collar of his divine robe twice.

Although he had acted calmly in front of his subordinates before, in fact, the depression and anger in his heart were no less than those of his subordinates.

The group of people under him only faced the ridicule and banter of those on the side of order at the entrance of the conference hall, and he had to bear their anger when he came into contact with himself on the peak.

The Divine Cult obviously lost so badly under the leadership of those people above, and now they have to come here to seek peace, even if they want to gain some face through negotiations, but the Order threatened to continue the war on the first day of the meeting , directly scared to the ground, and agreed to almost all the terms.

How could they still have the face to lose their temper, damn it!

Pat's mouth was dry for a while, he picked up the water on the bedside table, hesitated for a moment, then opened the drawer of the bedside table, there was a box of red pills inside, which were medicines for improving the mood and ability of the guests.

He picked up one,

Pick up another one,

Pick up another one,

Take three pills in total, put them in your mouth, and drink them with water.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and several waiters stood at the door carrying the bathtub. In the bathtub, there was a gentle and charming mermaid.

Pat was very satisfied, his eyes were slightly red.

The bathtub was brought in and the waiters left.

The mermaid took out a bottle of potion and asked the guest what he meant with his eyes.

Pat shook his head and said, "No need for now."

Immediately, Pat took out a thousand reincarnation coupons from his wallet and threw them into the bathtub. The coupons were waterproof and would not be damaged by soaking, and he casually threw the wallet on the bedside table.

Due to the failure of the Reincarnation Sect War, the reincarnation coupons have almost lost half of their value, and it is foreseeable that after the results of this negotiation are announced, the reincarnation coupons will further decline.

Because the Cult of Reincarnation needs to pay war reparations to the Cult of Order, of course it is impossible for the Cult of Order to allow the Cult of Reincarnation to pay with reincarnation coupons, they must receive order coupons. In order to raise this money, the Cult of Reincarnation must sell their own assets , materials, etc. On the other hand, reincarnation coupons will inevitably be issued in order to plunder the wealth of the religion and believers in the areas where the religion has influence.

Because of this, Pat didn't feel bad about spending the thousand reincarnation coupons.

The mermaid blinked. It only knew that coupons were worth a lot, but it didn't know the current prices of various coupons.

Pat bent down and stroked the mermaid with both hands, and the mermaid stretched her body as much as possible to serve the guests.

At this moment, a thin rope appeared in Pat's hand, directly strangling the mouth of the mermaid. The mermaid was a little confused for a moment, and then subconsciously thought that this was the special hobby of the guest in front of him.

But soon, she found out that she was wrong.



Pat directly tore off two fish scales from the mermaid's tail, and blood immediately flowed from the mermaid's legs.


The mermaid wanted to cry out in pain, but her mouth was strangled, so she couldn't make a loud noise. Even if the waiter standing outside heard it, she would probably think it was a normal noise during service.


Seeing the merman's body contorted in pain and tears dripping down, Pat's depression was relieved a little.



He continued to tear off the scales, and the mermaid kept pleading to Pat in pain, hoping that he would let him go, but Pat was so excited, how could he stop.

These days, he has accumulated a lot of negative pressure in his heart, and he just needs to release it!



Pieces of fish scales were forcibly torn off by Pat, the bathtub was already stained red with blood, and the smile on Pat's face became more and more ferocious.

He didn't worry about what the owner of this theater would do to him. Even if the Sect of Reincarnation lost to the Sect of Order, Reincarnation was still an orthodox Sect, and it was not something that a theater on Little Dark Moon Island could provoke.

The big deal is to just pay a symbolic amount of coupons, anyway, it is getting less and less valuable!

Pat continued to ravage the mermaid, and the more the mermaid was in pain, the more excited he was, and the laughter became more distorted.

"Does it hurt! It hurts! It hurts you to death, hahaha!"

The ugly side of human nature can be said to be fully revealed at this time.

Just when Pat got carried away and put all his heart into it, the door of the room was opened a gap, a hand reached in, and grabbed the wallet on the bedside table.

Just as this hand was about to steal the wallet away, Pat suddenly sensed and looked towards the door, then let out a low growl, rushed over and pulled the door open, at the door stood a man wearing a snake-head mask.

Pat grinned and said, "How dare you steal my things, ha ha."

Neo began to tremble, his left hand was still holding the wallet, while his right hand pulled out a small broken dagger, gesticulating in front of Pater, his whole body trembling.

"A lowly thing like a dog, you are courting death."

A cloud of gray mist appeared in Pat's palm, but at this moment, the thief in front of him suddenly waved his dagger and took a step forward as if mad. The gray mist in Pat's palm was about to imprison him. But he happened to be one step ahead and cut his wrist with a dagger.


Blood flowed from Pat's wrist.


Neo cried out, like a thief hysterical after being caught.

"Go to hell!"

Pat uttered an angry roar, his eyebrows flickered, and a ghost appeared behind him, and at the same time, a barrier appeared in front of him.

When the thief saw the ghost, he was completely stunned. He threw the dagger at Pat, turned around and ran away without looking back, yelling "Wah-wah-wah" in the local dialect while running.

The dagger thrown "in a panic" naturally missed the throw and hit the wall.

But the dagger bounced off the wall and pierced Pat's thigh.

"..." Pat.

Even priests who take the combat route, if they don't specialize in physical fitness, their bodies are actually a little better than normal people. Most of the priests' melee abilities are obtained by blessing their bodies with magic.

That said, with good timing, it's not impossible to kill several Inquisitors with an ordinary pistol.

Pat roared again, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger, not caring about stopping the bleeding from the wound on his body, and directly chased the thief down from the third floor.

Many of Pat's subordinates on the second floor heard the roar upstairs, poked their heads out of their cubicles, and saw a man wearing a snake-head mask running down in a hurry, and then saw his captain roaring and chasing him down. bleeding.

"Stop him, stop him!"

The two subordinates immediately went to intercept the thief, but the thief leaned sideways on the railing and slid down at an extremely fast speed.

The fastest chasing member of the Reincarnation Sect also learned to slide down like this, but when he was about to land, the thief who was running away suddenly turned around, grabbed his leg, and dragged him down.

The team member immediately realized that the opponent was exerting terrible power on him. At this time, he instinctively wanted to apply a layer of magical protection to himself, but at this moment, a tyrannical force rushed into his body, disrupting the situation. The gathering of spiritual power in his body interrupted the technique.

Just like that, the team member fell through the air defenseless and landed face down on the marble steps.


The extraordinary force of the impact caused his head to break a piece of the steps, and his whole face immediately seemed to open a Wayne's sauce shop, and all kinds of sauces overflowed.

The Samsara members who were chasing after him immediately helped up the fallen companion. After seeing the miserable appearance of their companion, they could only mourn in silence for this companion's bad luck.

And this member who has fallen into a coma, exhaled more air than inhaled, even if he wanted to remind his companions of the abnormality he had previously perceived, he couldn't do it. He had already passed out.

"Catch him, kill him, kill him!"

The thief stopped at the entrance of the theater. Seeing that the people behind were chasing after him, he rushed down the steps of the theater in a panic and ran into the alley. .

But every time they planned to cast a spell, the thieves were always lucky enough to make a turn and enter the side alley. Every time they planned to surround them in advance, the thieves would use their familiarity with the terrain to open up a new path.

In this way, they chased the thief for a whole street, and when they finally caught up with him, Pat threw the ghost baby behind him directly, and when he wanted to capture the thief alive, the thief suddenly jumped on the On the carriage that happened to be driving over.

"Damn it, keep chasing!"


Tuffman was driving the carriage. Neo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, exhaled, opened the wallet, took out half of the coupons inside, and stuffed them into Tuffman's chest pocket.

After stuffing it in, he patted his chest.

"This is half of you."

"Oh, thank you."

Tuffman continued to drive the carriage.

"Are you still chasing?" Neo asked.

"They are chasing, they have the blessing of spells, and they are very fast."

"Flee in the direction of the Bernard Hotel first, the side entrance of the Bernard Hotel."

"There are a lot of them there," Tuffman reminded.

"It's just to get them to call more people."

Tuffman asked while controlling the carriage to turn the direction: "Do you want to lead people from the Reincarnation Sect to the Palace of Remembrance?"

"You guessed it right, the guards on Darkmoon Island dared to draw their swords against the light, you see if they dared to draw their swords against the orthodox gods."

"If they know what will happen if we rush in, I think they will dare."

"not necessarily."

"We can't rush in, and reincarnated people are not fools."

"Just concentrate on driving."

"Oh, good."

A white light appeared in Tuffman's palm, and spread along the reins to the unicorn pulling the carriage. The unicorn's spirit immediately became excited, and it began to run even more desperately. catch up.

After arriving at the side door of the Bernard Hotel, the carriage turned again, because a group of gray light groups flew faster than the carriage, which was equivalent to the messenger crows commonly used in the Cult of Kosmos.

At the side door, many reincarnated people had already run out. When they saw the carriage and heard the shouts from the people behind them, they immediately used magic to intercept the carriage.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we're going to catch up." Neo shouted.

"It's already the fastest..."

Tuffman and Neo lowered their heads immediately, and a wave of energy swept across, cutting half of the back seat of the carriage directly. The angle of the two lowered their heads happened to avoid the blow.

But losing half of the unicorn carrying the weight of the carriage, the speed has been strengthened instead.

Several groups of gray air currents chased them up from both sides, which was a body shape technique similar to the Black Mist Stealth of the Cult of Order.

Tuffman immediately turned the direction of the carriage again and turned into the side path.

"The unicorns are overdrawn," Tufman yelled.

"Then jump out of the car!"

The two jumped out of the carriage immediately, and the unicorn lost all strength, and rolled over into the grass with half of the carriage.

Neo and Tuffman began to run with their legs. To be honest, they lost the carriage as a means of transportation, and they were able to escape more calmly. Although they could not use obvious magic techniques to arouse the suspicion of the pursuers, their Both experience and consciousness are there, and it is surrounded by dense vegetation, which is more convenient to block the line of sight.

After the two ran separately for a certain distance, they ran together again in an incomparable tacit understanding.

The Palace of Missing was just ahead, and the guards over there also sensed the wave of spells in this direction and moved over quickly.

"I can't make it through!" Tuffman said.


Neo jumped into the flowerbed in front of him, and then the light and shadow on his body began to distort, and he even used the light spell to hide himself.

It stands to reason that the hiding effect will be very poor at this time, because the dark moon guards in front have already noticed the movement here, and then you only need to use detection-type spells or spell scrolls with a larger coverage to easily hide the hidden ones. People find out, but the problem now is that there are still a group of reincarnated people following behind.

Tuffman hesitated for a moment, and jumped into the flowerbed with Neo. The power of light formed crystals around him, hiding his figure.

"Oh my God, why are you hiding with me!" Neo scolded, "If you do this, both of us will be exposed immediately!"

Neo's previous jump plus hiding was the last gap before the guards turned their attention and rushed here.

The jump behind Tuffman was almost completed when the guards all turned their eyes here, which was equivalent to telling the guards that there was someone hiding here.

"This is the densest flower garden," Tuffman explained.

Just want you to expose.

"Hehe." Neo laughed.

After hearing the laughter, Tuffman suddenly realized one thing, he shouldn't have jumped here.

Sure enough, a group of Dark Moon Guards were stunned for a moment, and then tacitly did not surround the flower garden, because they saw their general jumping in.

Although the general was wearing civilian clothes and a mask, they had only seen the general's appearance not long ago. Although they didn't know why the general did this, they had no right to intervene.

The Dark Moon Guards stopped a group of reincarnated people who were chasing here.

During this period of time, many members of the Sacred Reincarnation delegation have accumulated a lot of anger in their hearts. Apart from the most primitive and clear hatred and anger of those who chased Neo from the theater all the way here at first, those who joined later, then After hearing the movement, he came in and wanted to vent his anger on someone.

Tuffman looked at Neo who was squatting in front of him. Has he discovered his true identity?

"It's about to start a fight. After the fight, we will take the opportunity to go inside and open the coffin to get the contracted conch."

"I can't fight."

The head of the Dark Moon Guard came forward and shouted: "This is the important place of my Dark Moon Island, please do not offend me, please..."

To be honest, the head of the Dark Moon Guard responded very decently. He could already see the magical aura emanating from the group of people running over. Those two orthodox people at the Bernard Hotel.

The chief guard didn't want any conflict to break out, but wanted to ease the situation immediately and figure out the situation.

But that's all he said;

In the nearby grass, a man who had been squatting here without moving for a long time slowly raised his head:

"Key words!"

Over there, the priests of reincarnation who had been chasing all the way here just stopped, many of them were still panting a little, and many of them didn't even know who they were chasing.

I heard someone shouting from the other side: "This is the important place of my Dark Moon Island, please don't offend me..."


Under their feet, an explosion suddenly occurred!

This is an explosion array personally arranged by the god of order, the judge, and it was successfully detonated at the most suitable stage.

In an instant, the bodies of several priests of the Reincarnation Sect were directly blown to pieces, and more people were injured and flew out.

The situation became completely chaotic. Under such circumstances, the people on the Samsara side almost subconsciously resorted to spells, throwing at the Dark Moon Guards, and the Dark Moon Guards had to start fighting back.

Neo turned to look at Tafman,


Snapped his fingers:

"Tsk, it's done!"

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