13 Mink Street

Chapter 266 Best Friend!

In the conference hall, half the area was laughing.

It was an extremely funny thing, and the cardinal took the lead in laughing, and the chief bishops of the major districts also laughed, and the priests of order in the spectators naturally followed suit without any psychological pressure.

Karen was laughing, Leon was laughing, and Memphis, who was sitting next to Karen, saw that Karen was smiling, and pulled the corners of his mouth a few times to force a smile.

At this time, the waiter pushing the snack cart happened to pass by. Leon reached out and took a bag of fried sunflower seeds from the cart and put them on the coffee table. Karen reached out and grabbed a handful, and Memphis also grabbed a handful.

The three continued to enjoy the negotiation, nibbling sunflower seeds.

Finally, the laughter gradually stopped. Halfway through, the Reincarnation Sect did not make any protest.

Negotiations are originally a model of asking prices and paying back money on the ground. Everyone shows their needs, and then cut each other before the bottom line.

In this regard, the negotiating method of the divine religion is no different from that of the aunt who sells cotton wool trousers in the market.

Seeing that the other side had finished laughing, the handsome male spokesperson of the Reincarnation Sect continued, "I think this is the basis of mutual trust between the two sides, and it is also a basic respect for peace."

At this time, Leon's grandfather, Bishop Walforon, stood up and said, "Is it finished?"

"This is our first negotiating requirement. We believe that only by meeting this requirement first can the subsequent negotiation process proceed smoothly."


Bishop Walforon looked at Cardinal Crede, who nodded slightly.

Karen, who was sitting in the back, said in his heart: It seems that Bishop Walforon is the spokesman for the order side.

It's an interesting feeling that the nominally first person in the Yorktown region can only serve as a spokesperson to participate in this level of negotiation conference.

Bishop Walforon cleared his throat;

At this time, all the negotiators of the Cult of Kosmos in the central area began to tidy up their divine robes, and the clerks next to each of them stepped forward and began to tidy up the materials placed on the negotiating table.

This scene made the people on the reincarnation side unable to continue to be calm, and expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces.

The envoys of other major churches who had just entered the venue not long ago also looked here with some curiosity.

Bishop Walforon said, "Now I declare that the negotiations are terminated and the war continues."

After these words were spoken, the entire venue fell silent.

No one expected that the attitude of the Cult of Kosmos would be so rigid and direct.

At this time, the priests of order in the spectator seats also began to arrange their divine robes, and stood up one after another, preparing to leave the venue collectively.

The situation is rapidly heading towards collapse.

Romil, the gatekeeper of the Reincarnation Sect, said at this time: "Your side should be clear that this is a negotiation."

The implication is that since it is a negotiation, you can talk about anything. Let's sit down and talk slowly.

Wo Fulun said: "Your side should know who is the defeated side."

Cardinal Crede stood up at this moment. His voice was not loud, but when he spoke, he was able to ensure that every syllable clearly fell into the ears of everyone present:

"A few days ago, the black crows sent to me by those knight leaders who didn't make it to the battlefield were enough to dye my house black.

This is all right, the frontline knights can switch defenses and rest, and the next batch of knights will be responsible for starting the next round of battle. "

The handsome spokesperson of the Reincarnation Sect immediately said: "You are provoking, provoking war, and trampling on peace. Isn't order afraid of causing resistance from the entire church circle?"

Bishop Walforon said: "We have sufficient evidence to prove who was the one who tried to break through the cage space and took the lead in attacking our knights."


Bishop Walforon looked around and said, "The party that takes the lead in provocation has no right to raise the banner of peace."

Immediately, all the bishops and adults behind the negotiating table stepped back one after another, waiting for the cardinal to leave first. The order of exiting is naturally the order of entering.

Everyone present knew that this was probably the ultimate pressure from the Cult of Kosmos.

There is nothing wrong with the reincarnation religion's negotiation method. They also know that they have lost the battle, and they also know that they will give up their benefits and pay tribute, but they hope to minimize losses as much as possible to protect their face.

As for the Cult of Order, they are not interested in playing this game. As the winners, they have a higher degree of freedom. What they want are only interests, interests, and more interests.

But what makes the Church of Reincarnation helpless is that they can't bet on whether the Cult of Order's move is one of the means of negotiation. Even if they tell you clearly that I am using this method to manipulate you, you still don't Dare to let the other party just leave like this.

Once there is no room for relaxation between the two sides, the Cult of Order is likely to go to war again for the sake of their own face.

The Sect of Reincarnation's disastrous defeat in the "First Day War" not only lost many holy places, but also a lot of vital forces. The remaining forces can only strengthen the defense of the Reincarnation Valley as much as possible, and are unable to carry out a strategic counterattack at all.

The most important thing is that Crede is in the Cult of Order and is responsible for foreign wars.

The meaning of asking him to be the head of the negotiating team is obvious. If we can't talk, we can continue to fight directly.

The gatekeeper Romil stood up and bowed to Crede:

"I want to hear the demands of order."


Crede sighed, as if he was very disappointed in Samsara's subduing.

It seemed that he would rather continue the war than face the repeated knocks from the heads of the knight orders.

Kreid said, "There will be no next time."

The gatekeeper Romil nodded: "There will be no next time."

Crede sat back, the bishops also sat back, and all the priests of order in the spectators sat down again.

Bishop Walforon took out a list and said:

"The round response meets the following 18 requirements of our side..."

Walforon began to recite the order's request, and Karen listened carefully.

Except for some details and honors, the requirements are mainly divided into five points.

First, the Religion of Order will permanently retain a holy place of Reincarnation Religion, and the location of this holy place happens to be in the sea area where Dark Moon Island is located.

Second, the Sect of Reincarnation will compensate the Sect of Order with 200 million order coupons as war indemnity, the first 100 million will be settled within ten days after the treaty takes effect, and the rest will be settled in batches within three years.

3. Every three years, the Sect of Reincarnation will send hundreds of young priests to the Sect of Order for further studies to deepen the exchanges and mutual trust between the two religions. The selection of candidates is unilaterally decided by the Sect of Order, and the Sect of Reincarnation must not interfere or block them.

Fourth, on the opening day of the gate of reincarnation once every ten years, the Cult of Order will have twelve qualifications to enter the gate of reincarnation for trial.

Fifth, the two sides revised their respective myths and narratives. The God of Reincarnation once fought a battle of Gods under the leadership of the God of Order.

The main points are these five points, and the rest are diplomatic and face-saving requirements, not substantive implementation clauses.

These five points, the holy land in this sea area mentioned in the first point, was not attacked by the Cult of Order in the "First Day War". It can be seen from here that before the war started, the Cult of Order had already wanted Well, the content of the negotiations after the end of the war.

Since it can be obtained through post-war negotiations, there is no need to attack in advance.

With that holy land, the Cult of Order can spread its influence to this sea area, and at the same time cut off the threat of its own ally, Dark Moon Island, and better force Dark Moon Island to continue to follow the footsteps of Order wholeheartedly.

As for the other holy places that have been captured, they will naturally withdraw their troops and return them to the Reincarnation Sect, because the resources and accumulations in the captured holy places have already been plundered, but because the journey is too far away, it is impossible for them to use the teleportation circle to transport them all. goods, so a large amount of loot will still be transported by sea to the branches of the Cult of Kosmos.

Take everything that should be taken, destroy what should be destroyed, continue to occupy the land, and have no other important value, but continue to guard against suicide attacks by reincarnation believers in the local area. At present, this situation has occurred many times.

The second point is the war reparations, the amount is not too outrageous, and it can be fully supported by the background of the Reincarnation Sect.

The third point is to send young people to study in the Cult of Order for further study. This is a copy of what the Cult of Order has always done to the Pamires Cult. But because the candidates are selected by the Cult of Order, you can choose those young and outstanding people and those with prominent family backgrounds. Do you dare to hide them all?

The fourth point is that the gate of reincarnation will be opened every ten years, and contemporary young talents can enter it for trials, with a quota of 30 people each time. In the past, it was not that the Reincarnation Sect had never taken the places here to give favors to other Sects.

The Valley of Reincarnation is equivalent to the Temple of Order of the Religion of the Reincarnation. It cannot be said that everyone who enters the Gate of Reincarnation can enter the Valley of Reincarnation and become an elder in the future, but every elder in the Valley of Reincarnation will enter the Gate of Reincarnation when they are young. Tried.

The modification of the fifth mythological narrative is a legal change. Karen once again realized that the power and development of the god religion are important to the god itself, because if your believers are up to the challenge, then the god can lie down and become a god. Big brother to other gods, even father.

In other words, if your believers do not live up to their expectations, then no matter how powerful you are at that time, you may have to kneel down and call your brother or father to your defeated opponents in the future.

18 requirements have been put forward.

Next, the Sect of Reincarnation sent another spokesperson to quietly consider and revise each item according to the outline of requirements provided by the Sect of Kosmos.

All in all, the negotiations went very smoothly.

Before the meeting was temporarily closed in the evening, the draft outline was basically determined.

The first point is to cut out a holy place, and the Reincarnation Sect recognizes it, but the Reincarnation believers who request to move out of the local area, the Sect of Order cannot stop it.

The second point of compensation is that the Samsara God Sect is willing to pay 50 million more in exchange for the third point that the number of personnel selected every three years will be reduced from 100 to 50.

The fourth point is that the gate of reincarnation opens every ten years to open the trial quota, and the discussions between the two sides are extremely intense.

The meaning of the Reincarnation God Sect is that the 12 places that the Order God Sect wants are too many.

The Cult of Order insisted that the number "12" was their lucky number.

The preliminary intention finally reached is that the next opening day of the gate of reincarnation will be 12 places, and after that, it will be reduced by one year by year, and finally the minimum number will be 6 places.

Article 5, The Reincarnation God Sect agrees to add this mythological narrative, but requires that the God of Reincarnation and the God of Order are close comrades-in-arms.


The two main gods who had almost no intersection in history finally became close comrades-in-arms through the unremitting efforts of their descendants of believers.

Strictly speaking, all the requirements put forward by the Religion of Order are strict, but not excessive, and basically fall within the acceptable category of Reincarnation Religion.

It can also be seen from this that the Cult of Order really wants to gain benefits through post-war negotiations, and they don't want to continue fighting.

Starting from the cost of diplomacy and war, if the fight continues, the Cult of Kosmos will definitely continue to lose money.

But the problem is that the Reincarnation Religion itself does not have the capital to continue the war, and it is impossible for it to exchange its own demise for the loss of the Religion of Order.

Although the demise of Samsara can arouse the whole church circle to feel the same hatred against the Cult of Order, but this is based on the demise of Samsara, but Samsara is unwilling to allow himself to undertake this "historical mission".

Karen learned a lot from watching this day, but also felt deeply.

A street, a town, a city, the interior of a country, and people may use law and morality to judge and restrain their behavior;

But when it comes to the relationship between the church and the church, if you continue to use the template of getting along with each other to apply it, and force "justice", "peace" and "morality", then it is really either stupid or bad .

Because there is no absolute power among the church circles to carry out supreme restraint and judgment.

Only one's own strength is the real foundation.

Walking out of the meeting hall, Karen and Memphis entered the procession, and Walforon took Leon and Laurel into the carriage, and the procession began to return to the courtyard.

After entering the yard, everyone disbanded, and today's work was considered over.

Bishop Walforon is not an adult with many things to do. He gives great freedom to the people below. He usually stays in the room and reads.

Karen followed the captain back to the room. The captain lay on the bed, took off his mask, and let out a long sigh, as if he was exhausted.

Seeing this scene, Karen suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Don't look at me like this, it makes me feel like a prisoner who was captured by you."

"Captain, today you..."

"How did the meeting go today? From the look on Bishop Walforen's face, it should be going well."

"It went well, but you changed the subject too obviously."

"Oh, is that so?" Neo smiled, "It's not as natural as you change the subject, and I don't often reject other women."

"Captain, please tell me where you went during the day and what happened."

"Don't be so serious, I went to a seafood restaurant during the day, but I didn't order seafood."

"Then what?"

"Then I went shopping, took a walk, walked into the basement of a coffee shop, and happened to find a group of bright remnants having a meeting."

"what's next?"

"Hey, you know, the bright remnant sitting next to me is wearing a mask, but I think he looks a lot like you."

"Like me?"

"Yes, at first I really wondered if your kid sneaked out of the meeting hall and followed me here."

"How can it be."

"Yes, I taught you your tracking technique, how could you follow me without being discovered by me?"

"Captain, that's not the point."

"Okay, okay, the point is that the purpose of this group of Bright Remnants Gathering is to recruit volunteers. I believe they must have a fixed force, but this time they need to recruit some more.

They originally planned to sneak attack on the Guze water pool, where a giant turtle named Dorons captured by Philias a hundred years ago was sleeping in it. In fact, it is a kind of sea beast, a very ferocious sea beast that can use spells.

They wanted to wake up Dorons to avenge the Dark Moon Clan's betrayal of the light, and then use the power of Dorons to re-establish missionaries on the outer islands.

Recently, because of hosting this meeting, the defense force at Guze Water Pool was the lowest in the past century, which gave them an opportunity. "

"Then what?"

"Then I told them that you are a bunch of idiots. To wake up the sleeping Dorons is not to go to Guze Pool, but to get a contracted conch, and then blow it within 30 kilometers, and Dorons will be killed. Summoning awoke.

I also told them that the contracted conch was Bernard's funeral. "

"Contract conch?"


"Is this something that exists and is really useful, or did you make it up?"

"It's already there, how could it be made up."

"Then how do you know that the contracted conch is in Bernard's hands, or is it his funeral object?"

"So, Karen, your observation skills need to be strengthened. Which hotel are we staying in?"

"Hotel Bernardo."

"That's right, don't you look at the sculptures everywhere in the hotel? There is a large sculpture commemorating Bernard at the entrance of the hotel. Isn't there a conch around his waist?"

"Is there...?"

"Then take a look at this." The captain got up from the bed, reached out and knocked on the oil painting hanging on the wall of the room. It showed a person wearing dark moon island noble clothes with a full moon mark on the collar. "Look at his waist." superior."

Karen looked over carefully and found that there was really a conch shell tied around his waist.

"This..." Karen really didn't expect that the answer was always by his side, even right in front of his eyes.

"Basically, there is a conch on the waist of every portrait and statue. Bernard likes it so much. What do you think his descendants will do with it after his death? If it is other treasures, they may not be willing to seal it up, but this conch Blowing it will only summon sea beasts that hate the Dark Moon Clan, so it is safest to seal it in the ancestral tomb and let the dead ancestors continue to keep it."

"Captain, what then?"

"Then, I personally made a plan for them to attack Bernard's Mausoleum!"

"Captain, you promised me that you will only go to the meeting and not give them any advice."

"Yes, I promised you, I was wrong."

The captain suddenly admitted his mistake and reflected on it uncharacteristically.

This made Karen a little confused.

The captain said again: "So I decided to find a way to report this news to Dark Moon immediately, so that they can be prepared and defeat this conspiracy from the remnants of the light in advance. What do you think?"


"That's the decision!"

The captain stood up and walked to the door. This scene was very similar to Cardinal Crede during the day.

"team leader."

"Well, what else do you need? Or, you go and secretly tell His Royal Highness Ophelia that someone is going to dig her family's ancestral grave?"

"Captain, I think it's understandable for Guangming Remnant to take revenge on this matter."


The captain didn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

He pointed at Karen, wiped his tears and said, "Look, I knew you couldn't pretend anymore."

The captain walked back to the bed, sat down, and continued:

"You told me that Miss Pall and you are in a symbiotic relationship, well, I don't intend to ask in detail how this symbiotic relationship that transcends ages was established, because I will never understand your grandpa's distress and torment. Like the choice of the Temple of Order, it is what has happened anyway.

But I can be sure of one thing,

When the beautiful love story on Darkmoon Island was introduced to Allen Manor, it was passed to the ears of that Miss Pall, that is, your symbiont.

When you come this time, she must ask you to do something.

That is:

Raised Bernard's tomb. "

The captain guessed right.

Neo looked suddenly lonely, and said:

"Do you know how I met Bernard?"

"Captain, don't make such jokes casually."

Who is your "I" tone?

Neo continued: "It was Jenferni who made the connection and let Bernard and I get to know each other."

"team leader……"

"Jenferni once traveled with Miss Pall, and she was always followed by a Bernard who remained infatuated with Miss Pall even though she was rejected countless times. Jenny also met Bernard at that time, and became friends with him. Similar to an expedition partner relationship.

Later, Bernard returned to Darkmoon Island and became the patriarch. Miss Pall disappeared, and Jenny started to search for Miss Pall's whereabouts by herself. During this process, she met me and fell in love with me.

It was through her that Bernard got to know me, and together they described to me the beautiful prospect of bright and dark moons shining brightly on this island in the future, ha ha. "

"Captain, if you do this again, I will stab you with a sword?"

"My Jenny has said to me countless times,

she said,

Miss Pall is her best friend in this life. "

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