13 Mink Street

Chapter 153 Back to

In fact, Karen knew the two people standing at the door of the bedroom, but he still "praise" the God of Order.

One is because of the excitement, if you don’t go through this process, you always feel that you are not comfortable enough;

The second is because I know that Lemar doesn't like the Cult of Order, and the other party helped me make a "mask", and I really have nothing to give back to them for the time being, so why not share a piece of "black material".

In this way, the distance between each other can be shortened.

Anyway, this "black material" is not harmful to Karen. The grandfather of the family often said this, and he always denied the "revelation" of the God of Order. .

However, Karen ignores the deterrent effect that their "daily greetings" to God have on others.

Lemar's eyes widened. Well, Karen thought his blue eyeballs looked very valuable.

Serena seemed a lot more innocent, it was the kind of pure excitement, what her brother had covered her mouth before and was not allowed to say, but this one in front of her scolded it openly, it was really...

It can only be said that the practice of deliberately washing your hair and putting on a white shirt in front of the girl to pretend to flick your bangs in an attempt to attract attention is really low-level;

Because when a girl takes a fancy to you, she will feel very masculine even if you swear in there.

Karen walked up to Lemar, put his hands on his chest, and thanked him with a half-bow.

After Lemar was stunned for a moment, he immediately responded with a family gesture;

"I owe you a favor, and if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you."

"Mr. Karen, you are being polite. I did all this to repay your kindness for saving my sister."

"No, I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have done this when I was in the store earlier, but I really don't want to let down the face my friend entrusted to me. In fact, in my heart, when I saved Serena, I really did I didn't think so much.

A little sister sitting next to me eating potato chips is a normal adult who would choose to protect her. "

"But, I've grown up."

Serena doesn't want to be treated like a little sister any more than a boy doesn't want to be considered a "brother" by a girl he likes.

"You are very cute." Karen smiled at Serena, then looked at Lemar, "You have a very cute sister."

"Well, I think when I made this body for her, the elbow screw was turned backwards, and now it keeps turning outward."

"Uh..." Karen.

"Just a ring, how can it compare to your life-saving grace to my sister; hehe, my sister is not good at making pottery, but her baking skills are very good. Mr. Karen can leave her address and phone number. In a few days, let her send some to you to taste."

"Yes, yes!" Serena immediately agreed.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to tasting it." Karen could only nod his head first.

Unexpectedly, Lemar directly took out a design drawing and a pen from his pocket.

Karen took the pen and paper with a smile and left her address and phone number.

After handing it to Lemar, Lemar handed it over to his sister directly in front of Karen.

Serena immediately folded it carefully and put it in her pocket.

Karen felt that this "brother" seemed to have changed his attitude a lot, but he probably guessed why. After all, there was already a Pu'er at home who had done a demonstration.

"By the way, Mr. Lemar, do you know where you can buy blood spirit powder?"

"Blood spirit powder? I have some here, do you need it? Wait a minute, I'll get it for you."

"I'm going too." Serena said.

"Don't go!!!"

Lemar felt that his tone was a bit harsh, and immediately smiled at his sister: "The warehouse is too dirty, go and make another cup of tea for Mr. Karen, he just woke up, he must be thirsty."

How can I let her go, what if she wants to evacuate the warehouse at home and send it away!

"Okay, brother."

Karen followed Serena to the living room and sat down. Serena made a cup of tea and handed it over, as well as a piece of meat floss bread.

With the tea, Karen finished the bread. He was really hungry.

"Brother Karen, I'll go get you some more."

Serena happily took out another large plate, and Karen ate another one, asking at the same time:

"I want to take some back home, can I?"

"Of course, I'll help you pack."

Alfred was waiting outside the car, probably not eating.

At this time, Lemar came over with a "small flour bag" and handed it to Karen.

Karen got up and took it with both hands.

"Today, thank you so much, Mr. Lemar."

"You're welcome, I'm glad to be friends with you too."

"Yes, you are a good friend."

"In addition, the supply of blood spirit powder on the market in York City has been abundant in the past few years. If you buy it on the black market, the price can be lower."

"Is the blood spirit powder also a material you need for your work?"

"Well, it's needed sometimes."

"Then I suggest that Mr. Lemar can store more goods these few days."

"Why, do you need a large amount?"

"No, I think the supply may drop soon, or even be in short supply."

"Okay, I see. I will go to the black market to order at night. If you still need it, I can order some for you."

"Okay, rings don't count, but this, and the goods you buy for me next, please count some coupons, and I will give you back when I have some coupons in my hand. This is the way friends get along."

"No problem at all."

"Then I'll take my leave first, and I'll visit you another day."

"Welcome anytime."

Karen walked out of the pottery hall with a bag of bread and a bag of blood spirit powder. Alfred was apparently sleeping in the car, but he woke up immediately after hearing Karen's footsteps!

He quickly got out of the car, walked around, and helped Karen lift the things to open the door.


"all the best."

Karen sat in the passenger seat, "You eat the bread first."

"Okay, master, I'll eat while driving."

Alfred started the car and didn't ask where he was going, because when he was carrying his things, he saw blood spirit powder in the bag, so the next stop the young master was going to must be the Pavaro Family Funeral Society.

It was dusk when the car entered the Blue Bridge community.

Karen felt that the sky in the Blue Bridge community was extraordinarily clear today.

Alfred parked the car across the road from the Pavaro family funeral home: "Master, we're here."

Karen nodded, a purple light flashed on his body, and in an instant, Mr. "Pavaro" appeared in front of Alfred.

"Oh... my God!"

"You can try to check with the succubus eye."

"Yes, sir, please forgive my offense."

Alfred's eyes turned red, and after looking up and down, he exclaimed: "There is no flaw at all, it really looks like Mr. Pavaro has been resurrected."

"Mr. Lemar of the Pottery Museum is from the Voss family."

"The Voss family? The descendants of the family who once built puppets for the god of the abyss to frighten hell?"


"No wonder it's so miraculous, it's unbelievable. Oh, my God, sir, I didn't realize until your voice became exactly like Mr. Pavaro's!"

"Yes, I ignored it myself. Well, I'll go down first."

"Master, shall I accompany you?"

"Let me go in by myself first. Since I have inherited Mr. Pavaro's identity, there are some things that I have to face."

"Will you tell Mr. Pavaro's wife, Mrs. Lake?"

Karen hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's best not to say anything about this identity, let's see it first."

"Yes, the young master has thought deeply about it."

Karen walked into the funeral club with the blood spirit powder. The funeral club has no business today, and the door is very deserted.

Inside, Pique and Dingcomb were sitting there, Pique looked sad, and Dingcomb was flipping through a book at hand.

Through previous contacts, Karen knew that Pique was really honest and a trustworthy person. Dingcombe had a flexible mind and thoughtfulness, but he could not be considered a bad person.

When Karen walked in, Pique and Dincombe raised their heads to look at the person coming;

Then, Peake's chair flipped back and fell directly to the ground; the book in Dincombe's hand also fell to the ground with a "snap".


"Boss, are you back?"

The relationship between the two of them and Pavaro is that of a boss and a buddy, but it is also a bit like a master and an apprentice.

"Well, I'm back, my case has been investigated, and I was released without charge."

Obviously, the funeral service did not receive the news that "Pavaro escaped from prison and was killed";

"Really, that's great."

"That's really great, boss!"

The two were very excited, and then they put their hands on their chests and said in unison:

"Praise order!"

At this time, Mrs. Lake seemed to have heard the movement outside, and came out from the inside. When she saw "Karen", her eyes turned red quickly, and she rushed over immediately, grabbing Karen's collar and slapping her!

Hiss... this is really fighting.

Moreover, after the beating, she was still pinching!

Karen just stood there and let her vent;

This is what I should bear after replacing Mr. Pavaro's identity.

"You bastard, you bastard, you damn it, you damn it!"

The two guys immediately came up to hold the proprietress:

"Madam, the Whip of Order has found out the situation, and the boss has been released without charge."

"The boss is back, ma'am, it's a good thing, a good thing."

Mrs. Lake, who was pulled away, raised her leg and kicked Karen, hitting Karen's thigh.


This is also a lot of effort, a real effort.

Even though she was pulled away, Mrs. Lake still didn't decide to stop. Instead, she broke free from the pull of the two guys, wanting to come up and continue beating her returning home man.

It turned out that Mr. Pavaro had been living such a life at home.

Karen lifted the bag.

Dingcomm immediately came over to take the bag, opened it, and said pleasantly, "Ma'am, the boss brought back the blood spirit powder!"


Finally, Mrs. Lake no longer cared about beating her husband, snatched the bag from Dingcomb's hand and checked it, a smile appeared on her face immediately.

"Because they misunderstood me, they gave me this as compensation," Karen explained.

But Mrs. Lake didn't intend to listen to Karen's explanation at all. She didn't care where the blood spirit powder came from. She only knew that her two daughters were suffering!

"Peak, go boil the water; Dincomb, wash the tub!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Understood, ma'am."

Mrs. Lake went to the room of her two daughters, took the lock hanging on it, and opened the door.

Karen hesitated for a moment, then walked in.

The rotten smell in the room was stronger than the last time I came, because the blood spirit powder had been stopped at that time, and Mr. Pavaro was arrested and then killed. These days, it is natural for the family to rely on two servants of God It is impossible to obtain the supply of blood spirit powder.

The degree of rot on the two girls' bodies was worse than last time, and almost half of the skin on their bodies was festered.

There should be a boiler at home, so the water is boiled very fast. Dingcomm quickly wiped the tub, put the water in and adjusted the water temperature, and the two of them backed out with smiles on their faces, because every time they went home During the period after the two ladies took a bath, the atmosphere at home was obviously much more relaxed.

The boss's brows stopped frowning, and Mrs. Lake stopped swearing at others.

But they closed the door.

So, in the past, every time two girls took a bath, was my "father" also present?

Mrs. Lake was helping her two daughters take off their clothes. Their clothes were stuck to the pus on their bodies, and it would hurt a little when they took it off, but the two girls didn't even utter a word.

They should have been used to this level of pain, or they are about to take a bath to get relief, and they can bear everything now.

Karen walked over, and Mrs. Lake naturally handed Karen the clothes she took off. Karen took it and put it in a small bucket next to her.

In the normal life between father and daughter, there must be proper avoidance of suspicion, but looking at the large rot on the two girls in front of them with their clothes off, there is no time to think about these bullshits.

Seeing their father coming back, the two girls instinctively turned around, wanting to get closer to their father;

Karen also took the initiative to lean over, but when the two sides got closer, he saw the two girls began to avoid him, and he didn't even dare to look into his eyes.

After helping the two daughters take off their clothes, Mrs. Lake walked to the bathtub. Karen watched her pour half a bag of blood spirit powder into it, and then directly stirred it with her hands.

Although Karen didn't ask Lemar how much the market price of this bag of blood spirit powder is, it shouldn't be very cheap. Now I have to use half a bag, no wonder Mr. Pavaro can't afford it.

However, Karen doesn't have to worry about this issue. If his salary and other channels cannot generate enough coupon income to bear the burden, he will directly call the Allen family and ask Borg to send blood spirit powder or buy blood every month. The coupons for the spirit powder come here.

It is estimated that within two days, the news of the destruction of the Rafael family will come. By then, the Allen family will not only get rid of the serious trouble, but should also take this opportunity to take back some workshops, among which there may be those that originally belonged to the Raphael family. Blood Spirit Powder Workshop.

Karen can exclude the influence of Allen Manor in his own life, but he will not extend these to Mr. Pavaro's two daughters. He is not so pedantic.

Furthermore, because of Mr. Pavaro's investigation, the affairs of the Raphael family were exposed and destroyed. After the Allen family gained a lot of benefits, they should have distributed the profits to their daughters.

"Okay, come here," Mrs. Lake said.

Karen bent down and picked up a girl. She was very light and really didn't weigh much;

At the same time, Karen could feel the girl in her arms trembling, she was... afraid.

After Karen put one girl in the tub, she turned and hugged the second girl, who was also shaking.

However, after the two girls were put into the bathtub, they immediately showed "relieved" expressions on their faces.

Bubbles began to roll out of the bathtub, and some black water floated out, which meant that the pollutants in their bodies were being eliminated.

However, the blood spirit powder is definitely a temporary solution, not the root cause. After a period of time, the pollution will re-accumulate and accumulate.

Perhaps, if there is an opportunity in the future, Pu'er and Kevin can help the two of them see their condition. One of them has become auspicious, and the other is more auspicious than auspicious. Maybe there are other ways.


Mrs. Lake breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the relaxed expressions on the faces of the two daughters, she also smiled.

"You guys have a good time soaking."



Then, she looked at her husband and saw that Karen had soiled his clothes because he was holding his daughter. She said, "Come here, I'll find you clean clothes."

Karen followed Mrs. Lake out and walked into the master bedroom.

"This time, you worked hard too." Mrs. Lake said while looking for clothes.

"It's okay, I believe in order."

"Order, order, order, you know order! If the God of Order can really see, he shouldn't let our daughter suffer like this!"

Karen was at a loss for words for a moment, after all, he couldn't scold God with Mrs. Lake.

A coat was thrown on the bed by Mrs. Lake, and she asked again:

"Are you hungry?"


Karen nodded. Bread can only satisfy hunger, but not hunger.

"The coat was changed, and the dirty clothes were thrown on the floor. I will wash them later."

Mrs. Lake came out of the bedroom, and Karen changed her coat.

After a while, Mrs. Lake brought in food and put it directly on the desk in the bedroom, a large glass of milk, bread, bacon, and some sauces.

Karen sat down behind the desk and began to eat.

Mrs. Lake kept scolding herself, um, to be precise, she was scolding Mr. Pavaro, which probably meant that she was really blind before marrying herself. Bank Vice President.

Karen just ate in silence and didn't talk back;

He believes that Mr. Pavaro should be like this at home.

After Karen finished eating, Mrs. Lake seemed to have had enough scolding, or was tired of scolding. Finally, she walked over and pinched Karen's shoulder hard.

Karen, who was drinking milk, was so painful that he almost spit out the milk in his mouth, but he held it back.

As if she had completed a set of process rituals, Mrs. Lake let out a long sigh of relief, as if she was finally relieved;

"I'm going to see the girls."

After saying these words, Mrs. Lake walked out of the bedroom, and closed the bedroom door with a "bang".

After closing the door, Mrs. Lake did not go straight to the daughters' room, but leaned against the bedroom door, slowly slipping down and sitting on the ground as if she had been drained of energy in an instant;

She clutched her collar tightly with both hands,

bite your lip,

Made no sound,

But already burst into tears.

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