100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 636 Mixed-race under the flash (48)


—Richard was right.

He had never cared about this kind of joke before, and obviously knew it was a joke.

But if such a joke was known to her... Shao Li's usual calm and indifferent heartbeat became slightly nervous. He pursed his lips silently.

From that day on, he began to experience more and more emotions.

Angry, jealous, happy, joyful, and overwhelmed when kissing and being molested.

Everything is novel.

He has always been indifferent and should have been disgusted by these sudden emotions, but every time he saw a girl, he always had nothing but anticipation left, and he couldn't remember the disgust at all.

Like to kiss her, like to stick to her.

Like to do a lot of things.

Including those... R-rated things.

From a dazed reaction at first, to understanding what he can do later... Shao Li had never thought about it before, and he would also experience an inexplicable longing.

To fans, to teammates, and to the little zero after that, the teenager has a vague understanding.

This is "emotion".


"A Shao." The girl waved to him excitedly.

The young man was wearing a long black coat, his slender figure became more beautiful, his thin lips curved slightly, he walked over slowly and held her hand.

"There is also your humanoid card here," Yu Chu pointed to the delicate humanoid card at the entrance of a store.

Shao Li looked up.

In the white snow, the delicate beauty of the half-breed still does not fade in the ice and snow.

Shao Li looked at it silently.

After quitting the circle, he took the girl home once, and then traveled around.

In the past few years of living abroad, the original star life has gradually faded out of memory, and it feels very strange to see this stand suddenly in a foreign country.

"I don't know if miu is doing well or not." Yu Chu reached out and touched the card and smiled at him.

"If you want, we can go to see them." The teenager put her hand into his coat pocket, and looked at Li card with delicate eyebrows.

"Okay. I used to fan them..."

Halfway through the words, Yu Chu looked at the calm expression of the young man, and changed his words very wisely:

"Of course, I only follow you now."

Having said that, a tiptoe is included as a gift.

The young man lowered his eyes slightly, and only then did a slight smile on his lips, and said slowly, "Well. Let's see them in two days."

"Okay, there's little zero... Of course, I don't think he's as cute as you, but since he's back in China, let's drop by to see him." Yu Chu said with a smile.

The boy glanced at her.

Although he knew that this was to coax him, the purpose was to look at Zero, but the boy couldn't get angry, he just stretched out his arms to hug her, leaned over habitually, put his fair chin on the girl's shoulder, and said obediently, "Okay."

Yu Chu rubbed his shallow chestnut.


But how good it is during the day, it's completely inapplicable at night, Yu Chu was so tossed that he couldn't raise his hand, panted slightly, and whispered to him, "A Shao."

"Huh?" The boy responded in a low voice, slightly lowered his head and kissed her top, his fingers wrapped around her waist, and heard the girl mutter in a low voice, "Can you be a little more restrained... every day..."

The boy laughed softly, his lips pressed against her earlobe, and he said slowly, "So what?"


Yu Chu didn't answer, his fingers were slightly clasped by the opponent, and the young man's gorgeous and low tone whispered:

"Sometimes, I think it's all a dream."

"What?" Yu Chu was stunned, "Why?"

The boy bowed his head slightly, his thin lips moved to the side of his ear, he hugged her tightly, and said in a low voice:

"Because... so lucky. Met you."

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