100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 108 Western nobles and princesses in distress (19)


Oops, it's so cool.

She stopped, waiting for the other party to ask why, so that she could compliment him and flatter him. But she waited for a long time, but the man didn't ask.

Yu Chu was silent.

No - not happy?

As Ludwig, having a marriage contract with a princess of a small country does not seem to be a happy thing... Seriously, this kind of unequal marriage contract may still be an insult.

However, Yu Chu didn't mention this directly, presumably, it wasn't an offense.

She was a little helpless.

This year, I don't dare to flirt with people casually.

The girl lowered her head, as if realizing that she had said something wrong, and remained silent.

Ludwig's blue pupils were calm, his eyelashes moved, and then he lowered his eyes, as if he hadn't heard what she just said, and said calmly:

"Let Carl arrange your whereabouts."


Yu Chu was stunned.

It must be the knight who just left.

She stood up, replied respectfully, bowed to Ludwig, and left the room.

After politely explaining the situation to the knight sitting outside the door, Yu Chu lowered his head and played the role of a gentle and polite princess, pretending not to be able to see the other party's stunned look, and occasionally glancing at him in embarrassment.

The knight was slightly worried.

For this princess from a small eastern country, he really didn't know how to arrange it.

Whether her statement is true or not, there is no clear evidence yet. You can't leave her in a prisoner of war camp like before, but you can't treat her directly as a guest.

She originally came from a small country, and now she may still be guilty. After thinking about it, Knight Xi felt that the most appropriate way was to continue to be locked in the cell. However, it's a bit more advanced.

Yu Chu didn't think there was anything wrong with this arrangement, and obediently followed the knight back to the prisoner of war camp. Between the cells for men and women, there are separate cells for special prisoners.

Relatively speaking, the people here have a higher status, their food is not so rough, they don't have to endure the pain of being crowded, and they don't have the hidden worry of being humiliated by "rats".

Yu Chu walked into the cell, watched the knight shut the cell door and locked it, and strode away.

She rubbed her temples.

In this mission, revenge against Yin Sha and Luo Lang is not a big problem, but the important thing is Lord God. How to get his approval has no clue at all.

Even if you want to do what you like, you have to know what the other person likes. But Ludwig's expressionless face was as cold as snowy winter.

She sat down on the straw, yawned lazily, and decided to sleep first.


On the other side, the icy Archduke Ludwig seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked the knight seated expressionlessly, "How did you arrange her?"

Knight Xi did not expect that the Grand Duke would personally ask a woman, so it took a few seconds to understand who the "she" was referring to. He replied:

"I temporarily locked Princess Aichu in a cell alone, waiting for Your Majesty to deal with it."

This is the most appropriate arrangement.

Is Ai Chu the emperor's fiancee?

Even if the Grand Duke is not bound by the empire, there is no reason to decide for the emperor in this matter. The emperor's concubine, let the emperor tangle himself.

After the knight answered, he looked up at the archduke, and met a pair of blue and cold eyes.

He was stunned, "...Sir?"

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